Fonts Hot ComboBox |
简 介:
The hot font combo box is derived from the standard combo box so it can be used easily in VC++ dialogs etc. without any subclassing or complex code. Simply create a new class in the ClassWizard called CHotFontCombo, derived from CComboBox. Then overwrite the files for that class (HotFontCombo.cpp and HotFontCombo.h) with the files from this article.
Fonts Hot ComboBox
The hot font combo box继承自标准的组合框,因此它可以在VC++对话框中很容易的使用而没有任何的子类或复杂的代码。在类向导中简单的创建一个继承自CComboBox的新类CHotFontCombo。然后用文章中的文件覆盖类中的文件(HotFontCombo.cpp和HotFontCombo.h)。
来源: http://www.codeguru.com/gdi/HotFontCombo.html |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Voice Chat Using Client/Server Architect |
简 介:
This software is based on the client/server architecture. Communication between the clients is established through the server. Initially, the server is started. Clients connect to the server host. The server sends the new client list to all the existing clients. The client can select a destination user from the user combo box. The software also provides save and play (the user can save the sound and play it later). The client also has a volume control feature.
来源: http://www.codeguru.com/ieprogram/VoiceChat.html |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Direct Input 7 Mouse Class |
简 介:
DirectInput is essential for responsive games, therefore to help ease the transition of DOS games programmers, you can use this class to read mouse input directly.
Direct Input 7 鼠标类
DirectInput对响应游戏是必要的,可以帮助减轻DOS 游戏程序设计者的过渡,你可以使用这个类直接读取鼠标输入。
来源: http://www.codeguru.com/directx/DxMouse.shtml |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Creating Band Object Using ATL HTML Cont |
简 介:
There have been quite a few articles about Band Object already. However, when I was building my own band object, it sometimes took days just to search for the solution to a minor problem in creating a band object.
使用ATL HTML Control ++创建Band 对象。
已经有了许多关于Band 的文章。然而,我正在建造自己的band 对象,它有朝一日会成为你的Band 对象的解决方案。
来源: http://www.codeguru.com/ieprogram/CGBand.html |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Font Selector Combobox |
简 介:
The CFontCombo class is a CComboBox-derived class that while being a simple class is very useful in that it enables you to display all the fonts on the system in a combo box for the user's selection.
来源: http://www.codeguru.com/gdi/FontCombo.shtml |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
A Simple File Downloading Method with Pr |
简 介:
Many people have wondered how to download a file from the Internet while having a progress bar to track the download progress. In this example, I will demonstrate how to achieve this task. The article also covers how to get file complete percentage, bytes received, bytes left, and download speed (kb/sec).
来源: http://www.codeguru.com/internet/dllfileprog.html |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Using Direct3D8: The basics. |
简 介:
Computer graphics has always been one of the most interesting things in computer programming. In the beginning no one can even imagine a game like the real world. But time was going by, computers' power was growing and now it is really hard to surprise anyone with 3D graphics.
计算机绘图总是计算机编程中最有趣的事物之一。 最初没有人甚至想像像真实世界一样的一个游戏。 但是随着时间的流逝,计算机的能力也在增长而且现在即使通过3D立体图形也很难使人感到吃惊。
来源: http://www.codeguru.com/directx/UDirect3D8.html |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Simple VC++ DHTML Hooking Technique |
简 介:
This example demonstrates how to access DHTML object model and how to intercept the DHTML element events, it also demonstrates how to use connectionpoint with MFC. The demo program first loads up a sample html page containing two button elements and a listbox element. Then it accesses a button element DHTML object and intercepts its Click, DoubleClick, MouseMove, MouseOver, MouseDown, MouseUp events. After the program intercepts an event, it records the event information to a ListBox element on sample html page. The example is showing that MSHTML is very useful for internet and web programming. I hope this example provides some help for any one who want to use MSHTML library. (You need to download ie5_lib or a later IE library to compile the demo project)
这个例子演示了如何访问DHTML 对象模型,以及截获DHTML 元素的事件,也演示了如何用MFC连接点。演示程序首先加载一个包含两个按钮和一个列表框元素的样例HTML页面。接着它访问一个按钮元素的的DHTML 对象,截获它的Click, DoubleClick, MouseMove, MouseOver, MouseDown, MouseUp 事件。在程序截获事件之后,它记录事件信息到样例html页面的一个ListBox 中。例子说明MSHTML 对于Internet和Web编程是非常有用的。我希望这个例子为使用MSHTML 库的人有所帮助。(你需要下载ie5_lib 或更高版本的IE库来编译演示程序)。
来源: http://www.codeguru.com/ieprogram/dhtmlhook.html |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Automatic Font Handling Class |
简 介:
CAutoFont does all of the LOGFONT and CreateFont work in the background, freeing the developer from them. Besides font manipulation functions, CAutoFont also has a function for converting its internal LOGFONT structure into a single string, which is useful if you want to store the font to the registry, for example, and a function to convert the string back. In my opinion, very useful.
CAutoFont在后台做了所有LOGFONT和CreateFont的工作,并释放来自他们的资源。除了字型处理功能, CAutoFont也有一个转换它的内部LOGFONT结构到一个单一字符串中,这在你想存储字型到注册表示相当有用,例如将字符串转换回来的功能。就我来说,它非常有用。
来源: http://www.codeguru.com/gdi/AutoFont.shtml |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Winsock API Wrapper Classes |
简 介:
Creating multithreaded TCP/IP server - one like WWW server -:) for NT becomes frequent task novadays. MFC supplies several socket classes, but, from my experience, they are just unusable for this purpose. They fail all the time, and several 1000s (!) times slower than raw Winsock interface.
创建多线程TCP/IP 服务器 - 类似于WWW服务器,因为目前NT的使用日益增多。MFC提供了几个socket 类,但从我的经验看,它们不适合于这个目的。它们总是失败,而且比Winsock 接口慢1000s !
来源: http://www.codeguru.com/internet/winsockapi_wrappers.shtml |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |