源码搜索 |
简 介:
E-GADS! is a php/MySQL based administrative database system designed to assist volunteer ground search and rescue teams in managing membership, training and search report information.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/e-gads/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
RPG Character generator (Reve de Dragon)
简 介:
Postnuke module allowing visotors to create role-playing character for 'Reve de Dragon' (french game).
Postnuke 模块可以让访问者为'Reve de Dragon'(一个法国游戏)创建角色扮演游戏。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/persogen/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
PhpDvr GUI (web)
简 介:
PhpDvr GUI is the Web interface for PhpDvr, a digital video recorder. This web based interface allows the user to have a live preview of the camera, watch already recorded video, configure the recorder and much more ! PhpDvr GUI is written with PHP.
PhpDvr GUI (web)是为 PhpDvr(一个数码摄像机)提供的一个Web界面。这个基于Web的界面可以让用户实时预览摄像机,查看已经录制的视频,配置摄像机,等等!PhpDvr GUI 是用PHP编写的。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpdvrguiweb/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
FuZZY - AUP Infraction Detection (AUPID)
简 介:
FuZZY is a network analyzer that is designed to act as an Acceptable Use Policy Infraction Detector (AUPID). It is a tool that will allow Network or System Administrators to monitor and manage their user's activies over the network.
FuZZY 是一个网络分析器,设计作为一个Acceptable Use Policy Infraction Detector (AUPID),可以让网络或系统管理员监视或管理他们的用户的网络活动。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/fuzzy/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Findmaan !!(tm)
简 介:
>> Findmaan!! THE NET FINDER! <<
Findmaan !!网络搜索者
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/findmaan/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Cabron - PHP Flash Connector (Remoting)
简 介:
PHP and ActionScript code for Remoting - it allows remote invocation of PHP methods from Flash movies. No PHP extensions needed. Multilanguage support, timed deserialization. PHP 4.0.5 or above required!
PHP 和 ActionScript编写远程代码--允许从FLASH电影中远程调用PHP方法。不需要PHP扩展名。多语言支持,时间限制功能。需要PHP4.0.5或更高的版本。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cabron/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
简 介:
pnCGI:IRC is a module for PostNuke that integrates the CGI:IRC (http://cgiirc.sourceforge.net/) webchat script into a PostNuke Module. Main reason for writing this software is the lack of a anywhere near decent webschat module.
pnCGI:IRC是一个PostNuke的模块,把CGI:IRC webchat脚本整合进一个PostNuke模块。写这个软件的主要的原因是缺少一个象样的优秀的Web聊天模块。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pncgiirc/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Tasktime - time tracking software
简 介:
Tasktime lets a single user track and report time spent on a project and tasks. The data is stored in an XML file and the report can be customized using XSLT. Invaluable for anyone who has to report time worked on multiple projects.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tasktime/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Remote Media Player
简 介:
This software is to use with a remote control connected to your PC. With Remote Media Player you can easily select what movie or music you like to play from the sofa (or from the bathtub).
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/remotemedia/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
ASP Watcher
简 介:
ASP Watcher is a high performance (smokin') MS Internet Information Server Monitoring package. It is small, scaleable, and works pretty good.
ASP Watcher是一个高性能的MS因特网信息服务监控包。它很小,具有可伸缩性,工作出色。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/aspwatcher/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |