源码搜索 |
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Audio 主推 FLAC格式
Video 主推 Xvid 编码的AVI格式
流媒体 主推 rtsp格式 |
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此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
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述将显示在源码项目摘要和搜索结果等页面中. 这并不作为源码项目的全面广泛及正式的目的描述,故可以自由的采用简洁和容易记住的词汇. 最多 |
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此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
MIT License |
简 介:
Openshell project is to make everyman easily use pc.Who use openshell would not understand computor`s working principle.it`s like a desktop suchas Xfce,and it has special ability to organize information in you computer or exchange information on internet |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
简 介:
源码项目的公共描述将显示在源码项目摘要和搜索结果等页面中. 这并不作为源码项目的全面广泛及正式的目的描述,故可以自由的采用简洁和容易记住的词汇. 最多不超过255字符 |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
简 介:
dmusedmuse |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
PGOS : Embedded System Real Time Kernel
简 介:
PGOS是一套专门为嵌入式系统设计的实时内核,不同于流行的uc/OS,它提供了对时间片的支持以及标准的驱动程序模型,同时还可以由用户来选择调度算法。优化的内核结构保证可靠应用的无故障运行。开放性的设计使得PGOS可以被轻松的移植到各类平台之上。几乎所有的模块都是可裁减的。 |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
简 介:
用java构架的高效blog,采用spring+webwork+hibernate3+freemarker.开发。具有很好的移植性,作为个人blog的程序。 |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Larrix BLOG 网络日志发布系统
简 介:
Larrix BLOG 是整合了一个留言簿的个人网络日志发布系统(以下简称:本程序。),本程序由莱瑞工作室独立开发,属于非商业性质的免费程序,可以自由的下载和传播。
本程序采用 ASP + Access 技术开发,具有效率高、安装简便等优越特性。 |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
Other/Proprietary License |
Tasian Framework For J2EE
简 介:
Tasian is a framework for developers of J2EE to create web-based user interfaces that rival the capabilities of rich-client or desktop-based applications.
Tasian provides developers with an object-oriented, event-driven architecture for web-based application development. It removes the developer from having to think in terms of "page-centric" applications and enables him/her to develop under a component and application-centric paradigm as like developing a C/S application. Knowledge of HTML, HTTP, and javaScript is not required, all these have been implement inside the framework. Tasian will provides a IDE plugin based on eclipse to quicken the speed of development aslo in future.
Tasian is a light-weight framework and less resource needed in server as like pure JSP. It simulates the mechanism of .NET to store the state of comoponent, no session has been stored for application.
Tasian is a free product, you can use it to develop bussiness application and redistribute it, but you haven't the privilege of modifying its source code. To improve the productivity of application development, Tasian also provides an IDE based on eclipse, so you can breezily design the window's UI .
HomePage: www.tasian.net |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |