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Programming Language :: Java [删除该过滤器]
1. WebPM - 在线项目管理 - WebPM 的英文全称是 (Project Management On Web),是由浩然软件工作室
(Softme Studio)发起的自由软件平台。其主要目标是为中文自由软件的开发者、
使用者和推广者提供基于互联网的开放式管理平台环境。 | - Development Status: 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment: Web Environment [Filter]
- Intended Audience: Developers [Filter] , End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) [Filter]
- Operating System: OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language: Java (Now Filtering)
- Topic: Dynamic Content [Filter] , Software Development [Filter]
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2001-07-25 18:14 |
2. Rexip - Rexip平台的构建,是为着达致以下叁个目标:一. 加强企业分析员,程式员或各参与有关人员於大型电子商贸项目间的沟通;二. 提供内建功能以切合重覆设计的需要,从而加快发展过程;叁.加强软件工程纪律性,以确保电子商贸系统的稳定性、可循环性及伸延性. | - Development Status: 4 - Beta [Filter]
- Intended Audience: Developers [Filter] , End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- Programming Language: Java (Now Filtering)
- Topic: Office/Business [Filter]
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2001-08-07 15:43 |
4. webwindows - webwindows system
| - Development Status: 1 - Planning [Filter]
- Intended Audience: End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License: BSD License [Filter]
- Operating System: OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language: Java (Now Filtering)
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2001-11-03 16:46 |
5. for 997 class | - Development Status: 1 - Planning [Filter] , 3 - Alpha [Filter] , 4 - Beta [Filter]
- Environment: No Input/Output (Daemon) [Filter] , Web Environment [Filter] , Win32 (MS Windows) [Filter]
- Intended Audience: Developers [Filter] , End Users/Desktop [Filter] , System Administrators [Filter]
- License: BSD License [Filter] , GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter] , GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) [Filter]
- Operating System: Windows 95/98/2000 [Filter] , FreeBSD [Filter] , Linux [Filter]
- Programming Language: ASP [Filter] , Java (Now Filtering) , PL/SQL [Filter]
- Topic: BBS [Filter] , Browsers [Filter] , Site Management [Filter]
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2001-12-06 11:10 |
6. b/s finance - b/s finance是General ERP的一部分,开发目的是建立一个完善的b/s 结构的财务管理系统。当然我个人水平有限,希望大家多多支持,提出宝贵意见。也希望有单位能使用他,请用email和我联系。[email protected] or [email protected]
General ERP目前在 http://cosoft.o | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2001-12-27 13:43 |
7. General ERP - General ERP (包括 b/s finance)是作为一个ERP开发原型和开发支持平台来设计的。利用GERP可以迅速构造一个ERP系统。这主要体现在以下方面:
2、利用GERP提供的二次开发工具和基于GERP的其他工具,企业可以轻松 | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2001-12-28 12:01 |
9. GameHigh - Network Game Framework - GameHigh - 网络游戏框架。尽可能地为各种类型在线游戏提供实现网络娱乐的平台。
中期目标:优化系统结构,实现Game Server端的Peer-To-Peer技术,开发2D RPG游戏引擎。
远期目标:实现GameHigh平台 | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-03-14 10:15 |
10. auto-DocMS for Software Projects - auto-DocMS for Software Projects
Intranet/Internet Supported
Powered by JavaServlet & JSP
Leader by Leon Xi | - Development Status: 1 - Planning [Filter]
- Environment: Web Environment [Filter]
- Intended Audience: Developers [Filter] , End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License: GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Operating System: Windows 95/98/2000 [Filter]
- Programming Language: Java (Now Filtering)
- Topic: Email [Filter]
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-06-28 11:09 |
11. J2EE Application Server - 国内仅有两个应用服务器产品(TongWeb和Apusic),面对Bea Weblogic,Ibm Websphere,SilverStream,JRun,JBoss...等众多国外产品的挤压,显得多么势单力薄.应用服务器的安全问题,复杂程度,商业和研究价值决不亚于操作系统.所以我想通过这个项目,引起更多人士的重视和参与.从而不会� | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-08-11 14:25 |
12. Internet DICT web service - It provides a base of DICT web service ( similar to DICT rfc2229) and create relative applications (server side,client side), they are all SOAP based. | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-08-28 11:19 |
13. Mobile Dictionary - Mobile dictionary provide the dictionary applications on mobile equipment (mobile phone,PDA) and relative technology based on sourceforge webdict project | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-08-28 11:21 |
14. WebScope - <B><font color=red>我们为什么成立WebScope小组?</font></B><br>
朋友,如果您有感于国内中间件产品的稀少,如果您能抽出那么一点点时间,真的,您就可以让国人多一份机会接触中间件,开发中间件不是我们的最终目的,我们应该教会我们的国人,在平凡的世界之外,Architect | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-09-16 15:22 |
15. redftp - Windows下的简单ftp客户端程序,会有几种语言的版本:C++,java,python。主要是面向有以上语言基础和协议基础的已经入门的开发者。 | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-10-22 21:16 |
16. iLog - Blog/Weblog system powered by Java technology. The software package include server-side and client-side.
Keywords: Blog, Blogger, WebLog, Java, J2EE, J2SE, J2ME | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-10-28 21:25 |
17. MyFirstProject - It is my first project to apply the knowledge I hava learned.
I wish most friends will attend to help me,and give me you
valuable advices.It is very kind of you to do this.
I will use C++ or Java to program. | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-10-31 13:39 |
18. pangolin - Pangolin is a Socks5 over HTTP Gateway written in Java. It supports both TCP and UDP. It can be used by user who is behind the firewall or proxy server aith port limitations or protocol limitations to access Internet resource freely | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-11-04 12:03 |
19. JavaRunner - 一个Load并且Run Java 的 GUI,能够设置环境变量,设置参数,管理Class Path,从Class Path当中找到main(),让用户选择某个类来执行。并且可以生成不同系统的script。 | - Development Status: 1 - Planning [Filter]
- Environment: Win32 (MS Windows) [Filter] , X11 Applications [Filter]
- Intended Audience: Developers [Filter] , End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License: GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Operating System: OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language: Java (Now Filtering)
- Topic: Software Development [Filter]
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-11-14 13:01 |