| 项目搜索 |
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Topic :: Software Development [删除该过滤器]
1. China Site Service - 为中国使用自由(开源)软件建立站点的个人或组织提供力所能力的帮助! | - Development Status: 4 - Beta [Filter] , 5 - Production/Stable [Filter]
- Environment: Console (Text Based) [Filter] , Web Environment [Filter]
- Intended Audience: Developers [Filter] , End Users/Desktop [Filter] , System Administrators [Filter]
- License: BSD License [Filter] , GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter] , GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) [Filter]
- Operating System: Windows [Filter] , FreeBSD [Filter] , Linux [Filter]
- Programming Language: PHP [Filter] , Perl [Filter] , Python [Filter]
- Topic: BBS [Filter] , WWW/HTTP [Filter] , Software Development (Now Filtering)
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2001-08-15 15:19 |
2. LFC--the Linux c++ library - A simple c++ library for linux programming, include basic function encapsulation, such as Async I/O, signal process, Timer, etc.
| - Development Status: 1 - Planning [Filter]
- Environment: Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience: Developers [Filter]
- License: GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Topic: Software Development (Now Filtering)
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2001-11-20 12:22 |
3. J2EE Application Server - 国内仅有两个应用服务器产品(TongWeb和Apusic),面对Bea Weblogic,Ibm Websphere,SilverStream,JRun,JBoss...等众多国外产品的挤压,显得多么势单力薄.应用服务器的安全问题,复杂程度,商业和研究价值决不亚于操作系统.所以我想通过这个项目,引起更多人士的重视和参与.从而不会� | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-08-11 14:25 |
4. pangolin - Pangolin is a Socks5 over HTTP Gateway written in Java. It supports both TCP and UDP. It can be used by user who is behind the firewall or proxy server aith port limitations or protocol limitations to access Internet resource freely | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-11-04 12:03 |