A php webcam |
简 介:
Php webcam script, it overlys text on the image, such as xmms song, last email, and what ever I can think of, Now includes other php images tools!. Runs on linux.
这是一个PHPWeb摄像机脚本,它在图片上增加了文本,如xmms 歌曲,最新的电子邮件,以及我所能想到的一切,现在包括了其它PHP图片工具所提供的所有功能! 在Linux中运行。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpwebcam/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Ovorp: Worlds Most Powerful 2D Game Eng. |
简 介:
The Ovorp Game Engine is: Client/Server Networking, Object Management, Full Hardware Acceleration, Raytraced Collision Detection, Native C#/.Net Game Objects, Cross-Platform, Scalable from Pong to a MMPOG, MIT Licensed to encourage commercial development
Ovorp 游戏引擎是:客户端/服务器联网,对象管理,完整的硬件加速,光线跟踪碰撞检测,本地C#/.Net 游戏对象,跨平台支持,支持从Pong 到MMPOG, MIT 许可的商业开发。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ovorp/ |
分 类:
MIT License |
SharpVectorGraphics (aka SVG#) |
简 介:
SVG Document Object Model in C# on the .Net framework. Help build the future foundation of SVG on .Net.
SharpVectorGraphics (aka SVG#)是在 .Net 框架中用C#实现的SVG文档对象模型。帮助建造未来基于.Net的SVG 基础结构。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/svgdomcsharp/ |
分 类:
BSD License |
WebCards |
简 介:
Keep visitors returning to your site again and again with a powerful, efficient and easy to use e-card system. Featuring a full administration centre with a simple interface and full banning controls, visitors will enjoy communicating with their friends.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/webcards/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
EulerSharp |
简 介:
EulerSharp is an inference engine supporting logic based proofs. It is a backward-chaining reasoner enhanced with Euler path detection and will tell you whether a given set of facts and rules supports a given conclusion. It is interoperable with W3C Cwm.
EulerSharp是一个支持基于逻辑的证明的接口引擎。它是一个后向链接推理器,支持欧拉路径检测,可以告诉你给定的一套事实和规则是否支持给定的结论。它能和 W3C Cwm相互使用。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/eulersharp/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
PHP Button Generator |
简 介:
PHP Button Generator - A Dynamic Button Engine for Web Site. Using button templates, windows True Type fonts(TTF), small icons to dynamic generate buttons for your web pages. Use it with Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) to let user to choose their web skin.
PHP Button Generator-是一个为Web站点提供的动态按钮引擎。使用按钮模板,windows True Type 字体(TTF),小图标来动态地生成Web页面上使用的按钮。在层叠样式表(CSS)的配合下使用它可以让用户选择他们各自的皮肤界面。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpbutton/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
VSNUnit |
简 介:
An integrated NUnit test runner for Visual Studio .NET that allows for graphical display of test results, and easy navigation from results to source code.
VSNUnit是为Visual Studio .NET 提供的一个集成的NUnit 测试运行器,支持以图形方式显示测试结果,易于在结果和源代码之间导航。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/vsnunit/ |
分 类:
MIT License |
简 介:
RteMulti is a multi-functional WYSIWYG-Editor module for nuked CMS like MDPro and Postnuke. RTE can replace all TEXTAREA-fields in every module. The next generation of RTE runs on: MSIE 5.5 SP1+ (Windows), Mozilla 1.3+/Firefox 0.8+ (Win,Linux,MacOS)
RTE_MULTI是为nuked CMS 类的内容管理系统(如MDPro 和Postnuke)提供的一个多功能WYSIWYG-编辑器模块。RTE可以取代每个模块中的TEXTAREA字段。下一代的RTE可以运行在:MSIE 5.5 SP1+ (Windows), Mozilla 1.3+/Firefox 0.8+ (Win,Linux,MacOS)
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/rtemulti/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
ThreadMessaging.NET |
简 介:
ThreadMessaging.NET is a small library framework for advanced transparent interthread and interprocess (also remote) messaging and communication in the .NET/C# World and provides safe implementations of various messaging and data flow structures.
ThreadMessaging.NET是一个小型框架,用于在.NET/C# 世界中提供高级透明的线程内和线程之间进行(远程)消息和通信,也提供了对各种消息和数据流结构的安全的实现。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/threadmsg/ |
分 类:
BSD License |
简 介:
PHPsFTPd , the graphical interface for administration and management of the SlimFTPd ftp server
PHPsFTPd,为管理SlimFTPd ftp 服务器提供了图形化的界面。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpsftpd/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |