ImageE |
简 介:
ImageE is an open source Delphi image editor based on Graphics32.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/imagee/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
obliquid |
简 介:
Obliquid is a PHP/XML framework for building groupware Web portals. It provides Lego bricks that may be composed to build an Internet application. It has multilingual support and themes. Modules include user management, calendar, news, cms and messaging.
obliquid是一个PHP/XML 框架,用于建造群件Web门户。它提供了Lego 组件,可以用于组合建造一个Internet应用程序。提供了多语言支持和主题。模块包括用户管理,日历,新闻,内容管理系统和消息。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/obliquid/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
SqlDoc |
简 介:
Generate HTML documentation from a SqlServer database.
SqlDoc可以从一个SqlServer 数据库中生成HTML文档。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqldoc/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
dbForm |
简 介:
PHP class that creates a Web Form for a database table and handles all processing of the form including validation of data, inserts, updates and deletes. Very customisable and flexible. Uses ADODB to connect to databases and simple Templates.
dbForm这个PHP类可以为数据库表创建一个Web论坛,处理表单操作,如校验数据、插入、更新和删除。提供了高度的可定制性和灵活性。使用ADODB 来连接数据库,也包含了简单的模板。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dbform/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
简 介:
The Delphi WDosX Project Library (DWPL) is an Open Source cross-platform library (based on FreeCLX) to make the development of 32-bit DOS programs with Delphi (using WDOSX) flawless, and to make the UI created with CLX available to DOS programs.
Delphi WDosX Project Library (DWPL) 是一个开源跨平台库(基于FreeCLX) ,用于在Delphi (using WDOSX) 来开发32位的DOS程序,让用CLX创建的UI也可以在DOS程序中使用。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dwpl/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
kmMail |
简 介:
kmMail is an attractive, easy-to-use and powerful PHP-based webmail client. IMAP/POP3 support is included, and includes search capabilities, profile support for ISPs, and the most comprehensive MIME parsing engine found in any webmail package.
kmMail是一个吸引人的、易于使用的、功能强大的基于PHP的Web邮件客户端。支持IMAP/POP3 ,提供了搜索功能,支持ISP统计信息,在任意的Web邮件中使用非常广泛的MIME解析引擎。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kmmail/ |
分 类:
BSD License |
TriviaBot for DirectConnect |
简 介:
TriviaBot is a C# trivia engine for online chat rooms and is first targeted at Direct Connect.
TriviaBot for DirectConnect是为在线聊天提供的一个C#实现的引擎,是第一个使用直接连接的引擎。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/triviabotdc/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Serendipity PHP Weblog System |
简 介:
PHP blog with all the common features (comments,track/pingbacks,RSS) plus cool extras:Click'n' blog admin,extensible event-driven plugin API,easy styling, multiuser,image management,static pregeneration and a nifty installer: unpack, open in browser!
这个PHP blog提供了常见的功能(评论、跟踪/pingback,RSS),以及很酷的额外功能:点击式blog管理,可扩展的事件驱动的插件API,简单的风格,多用户,图片管理,静态表示和一个方便的安装器:解包,然后在浏览器中打开!
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/php-blog/ |
分 类:
BSD License |
Sharp Builder Tools |
简 介:
Sharp Builder Tools is a set of experts (Helpers) for Borland C# Builder and Delphi for .Net. It's contains a lot of tools integrated directly in the IDE (Ant / NAnt, AStyle, NUnit, Expresso, NDoc, WinMerge) and many coding utilities.
Sharp Builder Tools是为Borland C# Builder和Delphi for .Net提供的一套帮助工具,包含了许多在IDE(Ant / NAnt, AStyle, NUnit, Expresso, NDoc, WinMerge)中集成的工具和编码工具。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sbtools/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Bank Account Validator |
简 介:
BAV is a Bank Account (Konto) Validator written in PHP. It provides classes which can be easily integrated into existing projects to validate german bank accounts. Its database is portable, so you are independend on any DBMS and may use a simple textfile
Bank Account Validator是一个银行帐户 (Konto) 校验程序,用PHP编写。它提供的类可以容易地被集成到现存的项目中来对德国的银行帐户进行校验。它的数据库是可移植的,这样你可以独立于任意的DBMS,也可以使用一个简单的文本文件。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bav/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |