GNU Pong Game |
简 介:
GPong project intend to make a multiplayer and multi-OS pong game. It melt C with SDL library to draw the scene and Java with JNI interface to share data with other players across the net. The java module will also interact with a database to find availa
GPong 这个项目旨在生成一个多人、多操作系统的游戏。它使用C和SDL库来绘制屏幕,用支持JNI接口的Java来和网上的其它玩家共享数据。Java模块也可以和数据库交互来查找可用的数据。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gpong/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Blood Ball |
简 介:
Adaption of the "Blood Bowl" board game. "Blood Bowl" is a registered Trademark of Games Workshap Ltd. and used without permission.
Blood Ball这是一个经过修改的"Blood Bowl" 棋盘游戏。"Blood Bowl" 是 Games Workshap Ltd的注册商标,使用未经许可。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bloodball/ |
分 类:
MIT License |
Junitour |
简 介:
Enhancement/addon to ANT/Maven - JUnit (-reports): It adds a \'yellow state\' or a \'blue state\': It may show you not how much not-fully-implemented tests exist. Use it with JunitDoclet for best effect! This could help you when refactoring old soft
Junitour是对 ANT/Maven - JUnit (-reports)的增强/插件:它增加了一个“黄色状态”或一个“蓝色状态”;它可以为你显示还没有完全实现的测试。它和JunitDoclet 一起使用可以取得最好的效果!它有助于对旧软件的重构。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/junitour/ |
分 类:
MIT License |
Pamda |
简 介:
Pamda is an MDA tool (UML to code generator). It uses UML API to parse XMI and thus, unlike some other MDA tools, is lenient to XMI extensions. Implemented as Ant task and uses Velocity template engine. Tested with XMI produced by Enterprise Architect.
Pamda是一个MDA工具(UML代码生成器)。它使用UML API 来解析XMI,不像其它的MDA工具,它还支持XMI扩展。它实现为Ant任务,使用了Velocity 模板引擎。在Enterprise Architect的XMI上经过测试。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pamda/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
java.sql.ResultSet DOM Wrapper |
简 介:
Java DOM wrapper for java.sql.ResultSet; Allows using XPath / XSLT on a thin DOM document representing the result-set. Document does not contain the actual result-set data, only references to row and column indices.
这是对java.sql.ResultSet 对象提供的DOM 封装器。可以在代表结果集的瘦DOM文档上使用XPath / XSLT。文档不包含实际的结果集数据,只引用行和列的索引。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dom-result-set/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
XBRLComposer |
简 介:
The XBRL Composer is a collection of Java classes that support the XLink processing required to analyse XBRL 2.1 taxonomies (See www.xbrl.org for details on the XBRL standard).
XBRL Composer这套Java类库可以支持分析XBRL 2.1 分类法需要的XLink 处理方法(查看 www.xbrl.org 有关XBRL标准的详细信息)。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xbrlcomposer/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
SupportView |
简 介:
SupportView is a web-based system that provides tools to facilitate Help Desk activities. SupportView uses Java, JSP, MySQL, and Tomcat and provides facilities for managing Support Tickets, Customer, Automated Notifications, and Statistical Reporting.
SupportView是一个基于Web的系统,为Help Desk 活动提供方便。SupportView 使用了Java, JSP, MySQL, 和Tomcat ,提供的功能是管理支持票据、顾客、自动化的通知和统计报表。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/supportview/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
jfli |
简 介:
jfli is a library for Common Lisp that provides comprehensive, safe, dynamic and Lisp-y access to Java and Java libraries as if they were Lisp libraries, for use in Lisp programs, i.e. emphasizing working in Lisp rather than in Java.
jfli是一个为 Common Lisp提供的库,为其提供了一种综合的、安全的、动态的类似 Lisp的方式来访问Java和Java类库,就好像它们是Lisp库一样,在Lisp 程序中使用,强调在Lisp而不是在Java中使用。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jfli/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
DocletAssistant |
简 介:
This project is continued in the JBoss-IDE project (http://sourceforge.net/projects/jboss). The sources are at (/cvsroot/jboss/contrib/jbosside). XDoclet support in the JBoss-IDE is much better then in the docletassistant, I wouldn't use it anymore.
DocletAssistant这个项目延续了 JBoss-IDE项目(http://sourceforge.net/projects/jboss)。源代码在(/cvsroot/jboss/contrib/jbosside)。JBoss-IDE 中对XDoclet 的支持比docletassistant好的多,所以我不怎么用它了。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/docletassistant/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
TymeacME |
简 介:
TymeacME is a full-feature, multi-threading, backend-process manager for Java (J2ME) development. TymeacME provides a queuing facility, professional thread management, recursive processing and a minimal footprint that is easy to use.
TymeacME是为Java (J2ME)开发提供的一个全功能的、多线程的后台处理管理器。TymeacME 提供了一个查询工具,专业线程管理,递归处理和最小的易于使用的footprint 。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tymeacme/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |