mille-xterm |
简 介:
Packages, Scripts, documentation and howto deploy an important number of X-Terminals using a cluster of XTerminal servers. Target is 2000 and more terminals with a cluster of XTerm servers
这个项目提供了包,脚本,文档和怎样使用一个XTerminal 服务器集群来部署相当数量的X终端的方法。目标是2000多个终端,提供一个XTerm 服务器集群。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mille-xterm/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
phpCampaignTools |
简 介:
phpCampaignTools was a collection of web campaign tools which have been built using PHP/MySQL. The most active component was a ePetition tool which has now been incorporated into http://www.Back-End.org - another Open Source php/mysql application on sf.
phpCampaignTools是一组Web 工具,用PHP/MYSQL开发。最有用的组件是一个ePetition工具,现在已经被纳入http://www.Back-End.org-另一个sf的开发源码的php/mysql应用程序。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/campaigntoolz/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Netamp |
简 介:
NetAMP is your personal mp3 server. NetAMP is a set of php3 programs that connect to a MySQL database of all of your mp3s and provide an easy to use web interface that allows users to browse, play, and download your songs.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/netamp/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
简 介:
WP2PDF is a script that converts the content of one or more entries of the Blog-Software WordPress to PDF. It is based on FPDF, a free PDF library and written in PHP. It requires a working WordPress installation and PHP 4.x
WP2PDF是一种脚本,把一个或多个BLOG-SOFTWARE WORDPRESS的条目转换成PDF。它是基于FPDF,一个免费的PDF库,由PHP语言写成。它需要一个有效的WORDPRESS安装程序和PHP4.X
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wp2pdf/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
StoryStream |
简 介:
StoryStream is a web-base (PHP/MySQL) collaborative hyperfiction creation site. Using an intuitive interface, users from all over the world can work together to create multimedia stories using only their web client.
StoryStream 是一个基于web(PHP/MySQL)的合作式的超级小说创作站点。 使用一个直观的接口,世界各地的用户能只用他们的WEB客户端一起工作来创作多媒体故事。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/storystream/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Nilsons Blogger |
简 介:
Nilson's Blogger is a program written in PHP allows you to make a weblog ("blog") without the use of a database application. It makes it easy to post to a blog and is very customizable.
Nilsons Blogger是一个由PHP写的程序,使你不使用数据库应用程序就能制作WEBLOG。它简化了在blog上发布信息的过程,非常可定制。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/nilson-blogger/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
PHITE PHP Site Framework |
简 介:
PHITE is a simple yet powerful site framework written in PHP. Features include: No coding necessary, a site can be built from plaintext files if desired; Whole site generated from single HTML template file; Think 'Poor Man's CMS'!
PHITE 是一个由PHP编写的简单但功能强大的站点构架。功能包括:不需要编码,如果喜欢的话,可以从无格式文本文件创建站点。整个站点由单一的HTML模板文件生成;
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phite/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
phpwsScoreboard |
简 介:
phpwsScoreboard is a module for phpWebSite 0.9.3-1 or higher that allows a site admin to run a sports website and post scores for almost any type of sport. Works great for school/community sports websites.
phpwsScoreboard是phpWebSite 0.9.3-1或更高版本的一个模块,允许站点管理员运行体育站点,对任何类型的运动都可以发布分数和动态种类。对学校和社团的体育站点很有用。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpwsscoreboard/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Xprotector |
简 介:
Xprotector est un programme (addon) en php pour créer et gérer des rubriques restreintes SPIP ( www.uzine.net ) pour les visiteurs web.
Xprotector是一个程序插件,使用PHP来开发一个饭店管理系统,请访问SPIP ( www.uzine.net )查看演示。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xprotector/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
phpEasyAdmin |
简 介:
phpEasyAdmin is designed to make setting up and running Proftp with MySQL or PgSQL support much easer. Administrators will have a web-based admin utility written in php and compiled distributions of the proftp with MySQL or PGSQL in RPM format.
phpEasyAdmin被设计为使用MYSQL创建和运行Proftp,并且使得支持 PgSQL 更加容易。管理者将拥有一个由PHP编写的基于WEB的管理权限,并且用MYSQL以RPM格式编译分发。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/easyadmin/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |