hirudo |
简 介:
Hirudo is a Java Swing application for downloading web content. It functions as a screen-scraper, filename generator and download manager. All this and much more in an intuitive cross-platform user interface. Hirudo requires Java 1.4.
hirudo是一个用于下载Web内容的Java Swing应用程序。它可以作为一个屏幕信息提取器,文件名生成器和下载管理器。所有功能都在一个直观的跨平台的用户界面中完成。Hirudo 需要Java 1.4。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/hirudo/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Voting systems toolbox |
简 介:
This toolbox is designed to make implementations of voting systems freely available in Java. It will initially have software for Single Transferrable vote (Meek algorithm), but others may be included.
Voting systems toolbox这个工具设计为轻松地用Java实现投票系统。它将设计为单传递投票试(Meek 算法),但也可以包括其它方法。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/votesystem/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
jcmdline - Java command line processor |
简 介:
Jcmdline is an easy to use Java package for processing command line parameters. Validation of various parameter types - booleans, filenames, numbers, dates, strings, etc; automatic usage formatting; implementation of common options (-help, -version..).
jcmdline - 这个易于使用的Java包用于处理命令行参数。可以校验各种参数类型-布尔型,文件名,数字,日期,字符串等等;自动格式化功能;公用选项的实现(-help, -version..)。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jcmdline/ |
分 类:
Mozilla Public License 1.0 (MPL) |
Open Content M |
简 介:
Open Content M is a framework of Content Management and portal components written in Progress 4GL. It runs on all platforms and databases supported by Progress Webspeed or compatible application server.
Open Content M是用 Progress 4GL编写的一个内容管理和门户管理的框架。它可以在所有的平台和支持Progress Webspeed的数据库或兼容的应用程序服务器上运行。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/contentm/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
iBATIS Breakdown |
简 介:
iBATIS Breakdown is a simple utility that produces simple statistics about your Java code (lines of code, minimums, maximums, averages etc.).
iBATIS Breakdown这个简单的工具用于生成有关你的Java代码的统计信息(如代码行、最小值、最大值和平均值,等等)。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ibatisbreakdown/ |
分 类:
Apache Software License |
iBATIS Secrets |
简 介:
Secrets is a complete, standalone, personal encryption solution that works much like PGP (Pretty Good Privacy). With Secrets you can encrypt information before emailing it to a friend or coworker, or before storing it on a removable disk.
iBATIS Secrets是一个完整的、单独的、个人化的加密解决方案,类似于 PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)。使用Secrets ,你可以对私人信息加密,再使用电子邮件来发送它们到一个朋友或同事,或将其保存到一个可移动的盘上。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ibatissecrets/ |
分 类:
Apache Software License |
Jxtray - Java Database Explorer |
简 介:
Jxtray is a graphical database explorer written in Java. Jxtray can connect to any database with adapted JDBC Drivers. It can give you informations about your databases, execute queries and dump datas in the following formats : CSV, SQL, HTML, XML.
Jxtray - 是一个用Java写的图形化数据库浏览器,可以连接到任何支持JDBC 驱动器的数据库。它为你提供有关数据库、查询执行、转储数据的信息,按照以下格式:CSV, SQL, HTML, XML。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jxtray/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Final Distance |
简 介:
Course-schedule generation and time-conflict management system, primarily targeted for college course selection.
Final Distance这个项目提供课程规划生成和时间冲突的管理系统,主要为大学排课而提供。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/finald/ |
分 类:
BSD License |
简 介:
Out of the box JMX based management for J2EE systems. Comes with basic monitoring and event handling services, dynamic MBean proxy generation, and P2P JMX networking that can be customized and extended.
JMX4ODP源于基于JMX的J2EE系统的管理。提供了基本的监视和事件处理服务,动态MBean 代理生成,可以定制和扩展的P2P JMX网络。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jmx4odp/ |
分 类:
BSD License |
JspDoc: JSP Documentation tool |
简 介:
'JspDoc' targets Administrators and Jsp Developers and allows them to Implement a 'documentation' standard for Jsp, Browse on-line an app server Jsp collection, and Understand and learn their structure.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jspdoc/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |