Beat It |
简 介:
A virtual synthesizer. Also contains a beat box tool, modulation tool (to make the sound less perfect, more real), stream to disk recording, real-time effects and response. Allows you to associate samples with keys and then tap out a beat.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/beatit/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Kye 3.0 |
简 介:
Kye was a puzzle game designed in 1992 by Coln Garbut. This new version is Win32 and contains new features such as scrolling levels and wrap-around borders.
Kye 3.0是一个猜谜游戏,Coln Garbut设计于1992年。这个新版本适合Win32并且包含了新特色,例如滚动水平,和可以自动换行的边框。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kye/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Biet-O-Matic (Bid-O-Matic) |
简 介:
Yet another sniper tool :-) BOM is a tool to watch and bid on auctions. Many features like mail control, autoconnect/disconnect, integrated ODBC- client, Multi-language-support etc frebayhoodkeywords
Biet-O-Matic (Bid-O-Matic)是一个狙击手工具:-)。BOM这个工具用于在拍卖中查看和竟标。许多功能有邮件控制,自动连接/断线,集成的ODBC客户端,多语言支持,以及frebayhood的关键字。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bom/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
pb.WebMAUI (Mail Account + Domain admin) |
简 介:
This project (pb.WebMAUI) (Web-Mail Administration User Interface) aims at building a web-based administration tool for managing: complex maildomains mail user accounts server based filtering incl. \\\"out-of-office mail replies\\\".
pb.WebMAUI (Mail Account + Domain admin)这个项目的目的是建立一个基于web的管理工具,用于管理复杂的邮件域邮件用户帐户,基于过滤incl。(办公室外的邮件回复)。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pb-webmaui/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Honey Web ( ! HYW ) |
简 介:
Honey Web ( ! HYW ) is a Web Server Honey Pot for prevent and detect attacks in this platforms: Buffer Overflows , DoS attacks , Directory Transversal attacks , SQL Injections , XSS and more.!HYW simulates to be a IIS 6.0 service and its ASP compliant.
Honey Web ( ! HYW )是一个Web服务器Honey Pot ,用于防止和检测平台受到的攻击:缓存区溢出,DoS攻击,目录遍历攻击,SQL注入,XSS,等等! HYW可以模拟一个IIS 6.0 和它的兼容ASP的服务。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/honeyweb/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
简 介:
E-GADS! is a php/MySQL based administrative database system designed to assist volunteer ground search and rescue teams in managing membership, training and search report information.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/e-gads/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
RPG Character generator (Reve de Dragon) |
简 介:
Postnuke module allowing visotors to create role-playing character for 'Reve de Dragon' (french game).
Postnuke 模块可以让访问者为'Reve de Dragon'(一个法国游戏)创建角色扮演游戏。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/persogen/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
PhpDvr GUI (web) |
简 介:
PhpDvr GUI is the Web interface for PhpDvr, a digital video recorder. This web based interface allows the user to have a live preview of the camera, watch already recorded video, configure the recorder and much more ! PhpDvr GUI is written with PHP.
PhpDvr GUI (web)是为 PhpDvr(一个数码摄像机)提供的一个Web界面。这个基于Web的界面可以让用户实时预览摄像机,查看已经录制的视频,配置摄像机,等等!PhpDvr GUI 是用PHP编写的。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpdvrguiweb/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
FuZZY - AUP Infraction Detection (AUPID) |
简 介:
FuZZY is a network analyzer that is designed to act as an Acceptable Use Policy Infraction Detector (AUPID). It is a tool that will allow Network or System Administrators to monitor and manage their user's activies over the network.
FuZZY 是一个网络分析器,设计作为一个Acceptable Use Policy Infraction Detector (AUPID),可以让网络或系统管理员监视或管理他们的用户的网络活动。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/fuzzy/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Findmaan !!(tm) |
简 介:
>> Findmaan!! THE NET FINDER! <<
Findmaan !!网络搜索者
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/findmaan/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |