SQL*More |
简 介:
SQL*More is a CLI tool to execute commands against SQL databases in the same vein as SQL*Plus for Oracle. Key features are database independence, a self-contained networking stack, a terminal friendly CLI implementation, and macro-like commands.
SQL*More是一个CLI工具,用于执行SQL数据库中的命令,类似于Oracle的SQL*Plus 。关键的功能有:数据库无关性,一个自包含的网络堆栈,一个终端友好的CLI实现,以及宏命令。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlmore/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
ZUpload Java Upload Applet |
简 介:
A Java upload applet that uses FTP protocal. Avoids limitations of HTTP upload while providing a web interface. Upload settings are configured in the background, gives the user the appearance of a HTTP uploader.
这是一个Java文件上传的applet ,使用FTP协议。这样可以避免HTTP上传文件的限制,同时也提供了一个Web接口。上传设置在后台进行配置,为用户提供了类似HTTP上传的界面。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zupload/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
j2wap WML Micro-Browser |
简 介:
j2wap is a JAVA based WAP Browser, it is in BETA stages. It supports the WAP 1.2 spec, with the exception of WTLS and WBMP. *** NOTE: You will need the kAWT library to run j2wap on the Palm, it's free and you can get it from www.kawt.de ***
j2wap 是一个基于Java的WAP浏览器,目前处于BETA测试阶段。它支持WAP 1.2规范,除了WTLS 和WBMP。注意:你需要kAWT 库来在Palm上运行j2wap,它是免费的,你可以从www.kawt.de得到它。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/j2wap/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
简 介:
RODS (Real-time Outbreak and Disease Surveillance) is a real-time computer-based public health surveillance system initially developed at the RODS Laboratory, University of Pittsburgh for the early detection of disease outbreaks .
RODS (Real-time Outbreak and Disease Surveillance) 是一个基于计算机的实时公共卫生监督系统,最初由Pittsburgh 大学的RODS Laboratory开发,用于监测疾病的早期爆发。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/openrods/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Rings Ray Tracer |
简 介:
A ray tracer written in 100% Java. The ray tracer package includes java libraries for rendering 3d graphics and a user interface.
Rings Ray Tracer是一个完全用Java写的射线跟踪器,射线跟踪包提供了用于绘制3D图形的Java类库和用户接口。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/j3d/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
简 介:
New Ant optional task to support PVCS V7.5 onwards. (On the CruiseControl site is a mention this works fine with PVCS 6.8) Makes use of alot more PVCS features than the standard Ant supplied optional task. Can be added to existing ANT source.
ANT PVCS 75这是支持PVCS V7.5的一个新的Ant任务。(在CruiseControl 站点上,据说也可以和PVCS 6.8良好地运行)。和Ant提供的标准可选项目相比,它使用了许多PVCS的功能。可以用于增加现存的ANT源码。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ant-pvcs-75/ |
分 类:
Apache Software License |
Better ASN |
简 介:
Better ASN (developed by Thawte Technologies,) is a Java ASN.1 API that achieves near 100% encoding efficiency for typical ASN.1 usage. An ASN.1 to Java compiler is provided, facilitating custom extension of the API for any application.
Better ASN(由Thawte Technologies开发),是一个Java ASN.1 API基本上和传统的ASN.1的编码效率相当。提供了一个ASN.1 到Java的编译器,方便了为任意的应用程序定制API的扩展。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/basn/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
senthilkumar |
简 介:
A project where bots written by programmers compete with each other in a central game simulation engine.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/senthilkumar/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
DataBase Migration Tool |
简 介:
DabaBase Migration Tool (dbmt) is a tool written in Java to migrate data from an DB-Schema to another via JDBC. Configured by an XML file defining source, target and schemas + transformations of the data.
DataBase Migration Tool (dbmt)这个用Java写的工具用于通过JDBC将数据从一个数据库模式移植到另一个中。通过XML文件进行配置,定义数据源、目标、模式和数据的转换。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dbmt/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |