steveperkins.net |
简 介:
www.steveperkins.net is a site promoting various open-source resources and projects... particularly in the areas of Java development, native Java compilation, and Java integration with C/C++ native libraries (SWT, wxWindows, etc).
www.steveperkins.net组合了各种开源资源和项目...尤其是在Java开发、本地Java编译和将Java同C/C++ 本地库 (SWT, wxWindows, etc)相结合的各领域。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/steveperkins/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Open Learning Management System |
简 介:
Open Learning Management System (OLMS). An online Course Management System (CMS, LMS). Tools for online teaching including course builder, syllabus, discussion forum, announcements, file uploader, grade book, calendar, secure login, email list.
这是一个开放学习管理系统 (OLMS),在线课程管理系统(CMS, LMS)。为在线教学提供的功能有:课程建造器,课程提纲,论坛,通知,文件上传,年级册,日历,安全登录,邮件列表。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/openlearningms/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
FormattedDataSet API |
简 介:
The FormattedDataSet Java API is the easiest way to generate dynamic text (HTML, XML, WML, JavaScript,...). The dynamic text is generated by using tabular data as input (SQL statements, ResultSets, 2 dimensional arrays,...).
FormattedDataSet API提供了一种容易的方法来生成动态文本 (HTML, XML, WML, JavaScript,...)。使用表列数据作为输入(SQL语句、ResultSets, 二维数组)来来生成动态文本。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/fdsapi/ |
分 类:
BSD License |
JAXB Eclipse Plug-In |
简 介:
JAXBBuilder is an eclipse plugin for generating Java classes directly from XML schema, the generated classes can then marshall to/from XML via Castor API. The plug-in includes a JAXB project wizard, JAXB builder and property pages for JAXB configuration.
JAXBBuilder 是一个Eclipse 插件,用于直接从XML schema中直接生成Java类,所生成类可以通过 Castor API与XML文件进行marshall 。这个插件包括一个JAXB 项目向导,JAXB 建造器和 JAXB 配置使用的属性页。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jaxb-builder/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Java and SDL |
简 介:
JSDL is a binding for java that allows you to use SDL in Java.
Java and SDL是一个Java绑定,可以让你在Java中使用SDL。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jsdl/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
XLaunch-O-Matic |
简 介:
Ever wanted to be able to open a document in an X11 application by simply double-clicking it from the Finder? By default XLaunch-O-Matic is able to open documents with gv (.ps files) gimp (.xpm files) texmacs (.tex files) and more
曾经想过在浏览器中通过双击一个文档来打开一个X11应用程序吗?在缺省情况下,XLaunch-O-Matic 可以通过双击来用gv (.ps files) gimp (.xpm files) texmacs (.tex files) 等打开文件。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xlaunch/ |
分 类:
MIT License |
JMX4Ant |
简 介:
JMX4Ant provides the ability to interact with JMX MBeans from Ant. Supports several popular JMX implementations and J2EE servers including JBoss and BEA WebLogic Server.
JMX4Ant支持从Ant中与JMX MBeans 进行交互。支持几个流行的JMX 实现和J2EE服务器,包括JBoss 和BEA WebLogic Server。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jmx4ant/ |
分 类:
Apache Software License |
Bistro |
简 介:
Bistro is a new programming language that integrates the best features of Smalltalk and Java?. Bistro is a variation of Smalltalk that runs on top of any Java virtual machine (VM) that conforms to Sun's Java specifications.
Bistro是一种新的编程语言,它集成了Smalltalk 和Java中的最好的功能。Bistro 是Smalltalk 的一个变种,可以在任何遵守Sun的Java 规范Java虚拟机(VM)上运行。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bistro/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
HomerMX - the wireless Message eXchange |
简 介:
HomerMX is a message exchange service for wireless message formats such as SMS and MMS. HomerMX is a Web Services-based (SOAP/WSDL) gateway that is implemented in J2EE and runs under JBoss. It currently supports SMPP and Nokia's MMS.
HomerMX - 是为无线消息格式,如 SMS 和MMS,提供的一个消息交换服务。HomerMX 是一个基于Web Services(SOAP/WSDL) 的网关,用运行于JBoss上的J2EE程序来实现。它目前支持SMPP 和Nokia和 MMS。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/homermx/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Simteec - Simple Templates for Eclipse |
简 介:
Simteec is a small plugin for the Eclipse IDE for easy code generation. It it based upon the velocity template engine. Code is generated by specifying a template- and a properties-file, which is needed to define the variables for the template .
Simteec - 是为Eclipse IDE提供的一个简单的插件,用以简化代码生成。它基于velocity 模板引擎。通过说明一个模板和一个属性文件来生成代码,在属性文件中定义模板的变量。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/simteec/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |