Gameserver Interface and Java IRC Bot |
简 介:
"Gameserver Admin" is a Tool to Install / Configure Gameserver on Linux Systems without many manual Work ... "IRCBot" is a Java IRC Bot which has some nice Features ...
"Gameserver Admin"这个工具用于安装/配置Linux系统上的Gameserver,省去了不少手工工作。"IRCBot" 是一个Java IRC Bot,具有漂亮的功能...
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ispinterface/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Replayer |
简 介:
This is a Java GUI application for downloading files from a ReplayTV device. It provides an easy to use, graphical interface, for the retrieval of one or multiple files.
Replayer是一个Java图形用户界面的应用程序,用于从ReplayTV 设备上下载文件。它提供了一个易于使用的图形界面,可以检索一个或多个文件。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/replayer/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Jfred Report Designer for JfreeReport |
简 介:
Report Designer that support JDBC Queries and Fast & Easy Report Design
Jfred Report Designer 是为JfreeReport提供的报表设计器,支持JDBC 查询和快速方便的报表设计。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jfred/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
Jeenius - J2EE Application Framework |
简 介:
Jeenius is a framework to simplify the creation of J2EE applications. It has a strong focus on building web-based applications.
Jeenius - 是一个用于简化J2EE 应用程序开发的框架。它主要集中在建造基于Web的应用程序。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jeenius/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
Java source code cross-reference tool |
简 介:
Javasrc creates a set of hyperlinked HTML pages out of your Java source code.
Javasrc 根据你的Java源代码而创建一套带有超级链接的HTML页面。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/javasrc/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Makumba |
简 介:
Makumba helps you rapidly develop data driven web applications. Provides a custom JSP taglib as a main interface, but leaves API open for advanced access. It is implemented in Java.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/makumba/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
JDynamiTe, Dynamic Template in Java |
简 介:
Simple yet powerful tool used to create dynamic documents from "template" documents. It is based on the same concept as "PHP FastTemplate". Allows a true separation between the presentation (eg: HTML) and content generation code (Java).
JDynamiTe, 这个简单而功能强大的工具用于根据“模板”文档来创建动态文档。它基于与"PHP FastTemplate"相同的概念。支持表示层 (如: HTML)和内容生成代码(Java)的真正的分离。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jdynamite/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
JProf viewer |
简 介:
A viewer to view and analyze the old Java profiler's (java -prof MyApp) output. With the help of this software it is easier to choose the methods to optimize, so you need not optimize all your methods.
JProf 这个查看器可以查看和分析旧的Java profiler(java -prof MyApp)的输出。在这个软件的帮助下,可以容易地选择优化方法,这样你就不必再优化所有的方法了。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jprofviewer/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Data Crow |
简 介:
Manages collections of mp3s (ID tag v1/v2), movies (dvd, avi, divx, xvid, mpg, ..) and software (games & programs). Uses Imdb and Amazon. Pdf, Html & Ascii reports. Administration is fully automated. HSQL database, easy to use & to install, pure Java
Data Crow可以管理一套mp3s (ID tag v1/v2),电影(dvd, avi, divx, xvid, mpg, ..)和软件(游戏和程序)。使用Imdb 和Amazon。支持Pdf, Html & Ascii 报表。管理是完全自动化的。使用HSQL数据库,易于使用了安装,纯Java。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/datacrow/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |