Free Safe |
简 介:
The purpose of this project is to create a simple password manager (similar to Password Safe on PC) for java enabled mobile phones. A PersonalJava version for the Nokia 9210 device (and other PJava capable devices) is being worked on.
Free Safe这个项目的目的是为支持Java的移动设备创建一个简单的口令管理器(类似于PC上的Password Safe)。正在为Nokia 9210 设备(以及其它的支持 PJava 的设备) 开发一个个人版的程序。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/freesafe/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
anka |
简 介:
Anka is a collaborative whiteboard - allowing you to draw and share your whiteboard over the internet. The future is here!
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/anka/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Open RETS Client |
简 介:
The Open RETS Client (ORC) is a command-line application written entirely in Java, designed to retrieve Multiple Listing Service (MLS) related data from a remote/local Real Estate Transaction Standard (RETS) compatible server.
Open RETS Client (ORC)是一个完全用Java写的命令行应用程序,设计为可以从一个远程/本地Real Estate Transaction Standard (RETS)兼容的服务器上检索Multiple Listing Service (MLS)相关的数据。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/openretsclient/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
JDocHelper |
简 介:
JDocHelper is Java application that helps to add Javadoc comments to your Java source code. JDocHelper parses Java source files to check all class, method and variable definitions and inserts skeleton.
JDocHelper这个Java应用程序可以帮你在Java源代码中增加Javadoc 注释。JDocHelper 解析Java源文件中所有的类、方法和变量定义,并插入框架。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jdochelper/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
IN16 JSP Tag Library |
简 介:
Providing libraries of Open Source JSP Tags for use within any web applications that use Java Server Pages.
IN16 JSP Tag Library这个开源JSP标签库用于在使用JSP的Web应用程序内使用。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jsptags/ |
分 类:
Artistic License |
JPlot -- Graphical plotting software |
简 介:
JPlot is a multi-purpose data plotting program for use as the graphic front-end of (scientific) software. JPlot is also available as a stand-alone application with a complete and easy-to-use graphic user interface (GUI).
JPlot -- 是一个多用途的数据绘制程序,可以用作(科技)软件的图形前台。JPlot 也可以用作一个单独的应用程序,提供了了一个完整的和易于使用的图形用户界面(GUI)。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/graphs/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Luxor Contributions |
简 介:
Luxor Contrib is a collection of example apps, add-ons, plug-ins, tutorials, FAQs, how-tos and other goodies for the Luxor XUL (XML User Interface Language) toolkit.
Luxor Contributions是一套样例应用程序,外挂附件,插件,教程,FAQs, 指导,以及其它的有关Luxor XUL (XML User Interface Language) 工具集的信息。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/luxor-contrib/ |
分 类:
Apache Software License |
Java VM Bridge for Functional Languages |
简 介:
A bridge to the Java virtual machine via JNI for Haskell (and perhaps later other functional lanaguages).
这个项目通过JNI为Haskell 提供了一个连接Java虚拟机的桥梁(或许以后还将提供其它语言的连接)。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jvm-bridge/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
PAW - Pro Active Webfilter |
简 介:
PAW (pro-active webfilter) is an Open-Source filtering HTTP proxy based on the Brazil Framework provided as a Open-Source Project by SUN. Because the Brazil Framework and PAW are written in Java the software is highly portable.
PAW - Pro Active Webfilter是一个基于Brazil 框架的开源HTTP代理过滤,作为SUN主持的开源项目。因为Brazil 框架和PAW是用Java编写的,因此软件具有高度的可移植性。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/paw-project/ |
分 类:
Apache Software License |
Jacqueline FTP |
简 介:
A small Python FTP server. Runs within a specified dir of PC. Has a SITE extension to let files of permitted types be opened on the PC (eg spreadsheets). Useful to send reports to PC from Unix host, or PC to PC.
Jacqueline FTP是一个小型的Python FTP 服务器。在PC上的一个指定的目录中运行FTP。提供一个SITE扩展以便在PC上可以打开允许的文件(如电子表格)。可以用于从Unix主机上发送报表,或PC之间发送。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jftp/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |