Omseek |
简 介:
Xapian is an Open Source Probabilistic Information Retrieval library, released under the GPL. It's written in C++, and bindings are under development to allow use from other languages (Perl, Python, PHP, Java, and TCL are working).
Xapian is designed to be a highly adaptable toolkit to allow developers to easily add advanced indexing and search facilities to their own applications.
Xapian 是一个开源概率论信息检索库,基于GPL发布。它是用C++编写的,提供的绑定可以支持其它语言(支持Perl, Python, PHP, Java, and TCL )的开发。
Xapian 设计为一个高度可适应的工具集,可以让开发人员方便地为他们自己的应用程序增加高级索引和搜索功能。
来源: http://www.xapian.org/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
JaGa |
简 介:
Set of Java packages to apply Genetic Algorithms to any kind of problem. Various genetic operators are implemented and an example shows of how the system could be applied to digital circuit evolution.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jaga/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
wapreview |
简 介:
wapreview is an online WAP browser that lets you look at WML pages from within Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.
wapreview是一个在线WAP浏览器,可以让你在Microsoft Internet Explorer 或Netscape Navigator中查看WML页面。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wapreview/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
WebLucene |
简 介:
WebLucene: Lucene search engine XML interface, provided sax based indexing, indexing sequence based result sorting and xml output with highlight support.The CJKTokenizer support Chinese Japanese and Korean with Westen language simulately.
WebLucene是Lucene 搜索引擎的XML接口,提供了基于SAX的索引、基于索引服务的结果排序和带有突出显示语法的XML输出。CJKTokenizer 除了支持西文外,还支持汉字、日文和韩文。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/weblucene/ |
分 类:
Apache Software License |
AutoUpdater |
简 介:
AutoUpdater is a Java API and a program to automatically install code from a web server to a client. Clients running it will mirror the target directory structure from the server. Supports compressed server files and incremental updates.
AutoUpdater 是一个Java API 和程序,可以将代码自动地从Web服务器安装到客户端上。运行它的客户端将从服务器上映像目标目录结构。它支持压缩服务器文件和增量更新。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/autoupdater/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Java Webserver |
简 介:
This is a Linux/UNIX server written in JAVA. This server should be able to be fast and easy to modify and document. It should also be fully modular with all the components from HTML viewing to CGI running to be Modules written in JAVA.
这是一个用Java编写的Linux/UNIX 服务器。服务器可以快速而方便地进行修改和文档化。它支持完整的模块化组件,从HTML 视图到CGI运行脚本都可以用Java编写的模块来实现。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/webservjava/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Gaudí - DB Visual Editor Gaud |
简 介:
Build around JDBC and XML, this tool allows you to maintain visual repesentations of a database's layout, edit table's data, generate code to bind objects to tables, and export data in XML format to easely export data from one database to another.
基于 JDBC 和XML的Gaudí ,这个工具可以让你维护一个数据库布局的虚拟表示,编辑表的数据,生成绑定到表的对象的代码,按XML格式导出数据,这样简化了数据库之间导出数据的过程。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gaudi/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Struts SSL Switching Extension |
简 介:
Extension to the Apache Jakarta Struts framework that allows developers to configure web applications to automatically switch between the http and https protocols. Configuration is performed within the Struts config xml file.
Struts SSL Switching Extension是对 Apache Jakarta Struts 框架的扩展,可以让开发者配置Web应用程序,使其可以自动在HTTP和HTTPS协议间自动切换。可以在Struts配置xml文件中进行配置。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sslext/ |
分 类:
Apache Software License |
XML database for mobile devices |
简 介:
XML database engine for mobile devices (iPaq, Palm, etc.). The core of the system is Java based, this way it makes it portable and able to run on different systems. It's very lightweight and runs on devices with little memory and storage place.
这是为移动设备 (iPaq, Palm, etc.)提供的XML数据库引擎。系统的核心是基于Java的,这样使其具有可移植性,可以在不同的操作系统上运行。它是非常轻型的,可以在内存和存储空间较小的设备上运行。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/x-icco/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
Php-ZeroNet |
简 介:
Php-ZeroNet is a script comprised of php allowing webmasters to start a online community. Php-ZeroNet features Content Management, News posting, User CP, interactive sytem, etc. Php-ZeroNet uses a wide range of different cases in its script.
Php-ZeroNet是一个由脚本组成的PHP,可以让网管启动一个在线社区。Php-ZeroNet 的功能有内容管理、新闻发布、用户CP、交互式系统等等。Php-ZeroNet 广泛使用了不同的案例在它的脚本中。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpnetzero/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |