PHP Game Ladder |
简 介:
The PHP Game ladder is a system where players have rungs and they can report the results of games and the system updates everybody\'s position through partially exchanging rung positions (or some other similar forumla).
PHP Game Ladder在这个游戏系统中玩家可以 按铃,再将游戏结果报告给服务器,系统会通过部分地修改位置来更新每个人的位置(或者按其它类似的形式)。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ladderphp/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
GenealogyJ |
简 介:
GenealogyJ (in short GenJ) is a full-featured standalone Java application that can handle all of your genealogic information (GEDCOM compliant). It provides different graphical components for working on your Family Tree.
GenealogyJ(缩写 GenJ)是一个完全独特的java应用程序,它能够处理所用你的家谱信息。在你的家谱图上,它运用的不同的图象控件。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/genj/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
简 介:
UML2EJB was a code generator - it took a Unified Modeling Language (UML) model and generated Enterprise JavaBeans classes. This project has been discontinued and replaced by the new AndroMDA project (see http://www.andromda.org).
UML2EJB是一个代码生成器。它接受一个Unified Modeling Language (UML) 模型,生成相应的Enterprise JavaBeans 类。这个项目已经由新的AndroMDA 项目所取代。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/uml2ejb/ |
分 类:
BSD License |
JiBX - XML Data Binding for Java |
简 介:
JiBX is a framework for XML data binding to Java. It works with existing classes, using a flexible mapping definition file to determine how data objects are translated to and from XML. See the Home Page for details and external bug tracking system links.
JiBX - 是一个为Java提供的XML数据绑定框架。它可以和现存的类一起运行,使用一个灵活的映射定义文件来决定如何将数据对象转换成XML,反之亦然。请在项目的主页上查看细节和外部错误跟踪系统链接。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jibx/ |
分 类:
BSD License |
MXChange Mail-Exchange |
简 介:
MXChange is a free full-featured mail-exchange script written in PHP4 which lets you easily setup a complete mail-promotion service including HTML and email templates, support system for your members, task management and extension management.
MXChange 是一个用PHP4编写的免费的全功能的邮件-交换脚本,可以让你方便地建立一个完整的邮件-通知服务,包括HTML模板和邮件模板,系统支持成员、任务管理和扩展管理。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mxchange/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
ehcache |
简 介:
A simple, fast and thread safe cache for Java. ehcache deliberately has a narrow scope: to provide in-memory and disk overflow cache facilities for the most common caching requirements. ehcache is the default cache for the Hibernate project
ehcache为java提供的简单,快速和线程安全的缓存。它故意地有一个狭窄的范围: 对大多数普通缓存的需要提供的在内存和磁盘上便利的多流的缓存。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ehcache/ |
分 类:
Apache Software License |
Apache/ JSP authentification module |
简 介:
Apache module for authentication using Realms (cookie based) - domain, IP address/ range uid/password and certificate login support Java classes to login user and manage user database using a mySQL table
Apache/ JSP authentification module这是一个使用Realms (基于cookie)进行行身份鉴别的Apache 模块,支持域、IP地址/范围uid/口令和证书登录,使用一个mySQL 表来记录用户并对其进行管理。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/modauthmd5/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
PDFDoclet |
简 介:
This is a javadoc doclet which produces PDF output for a given Java API, using another SourceForge project, "iText". It requires nothing more than some JAR files for creating PDF files. Forget about all the fuss of having to create MIF output first
PDFDoclet这是一个javadoc 工具,用于为给定的Java API生成PDF格式的输出文档。它使用了SourceForge 中的另一个项目,"iText"。它只需要指定的JAR文件来创建PDF文件。这样就可以不必首先创建MIF输出了。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdfdoclet/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
JSSindex: JavaScript Search Engine |
简 介:
JSSindex (The JavaScript Search Engine) provides full-text search for collections of documents in HTML, PS, PDF, and DjVu. The index and query engine are entirely contained in JavaScript/HTML files. Therefore, searching merely requires a Web browser.
JSSindex是一个 JavaScript 搜索引擎,提供了对HTML, PS, PDF, 和 DjVu文档集合的全文本搜索功能。索引和查询引擎完全包含在JavaScript/HTML文件中。因此只需要一个Web浏览器来完成搜索。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jssindex/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Risk |
简 介:
This is java version of the classic RISK board game, with a simple map format, network play, 1 player, hotseat, 5 user interfaces and many more features, it works in all OSs that run java 1.4 or higher.
这是一个java版本的著名风险游戏,简单的地图格式,网络游戏, 1个运动员, hotseat, 5个使用者接口和更多特征。它能在java 1.4 的所有操作系统中或比较高版下工作。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jrisk/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |