Build it Fast |
简 介:
Build it Fast (BIF) is a PHP framework. It contains several classes that help you develop complex Web applications in a short amount of time. It brings the concept of the 'widget' to Web development. It features Cascade Skins, transparent session management, and an i18n subsystem.
Build it Fast是一个PHP框架,包含一些类,能够帮助你在较短的时间内开发出一个复杂的Web应用软件。它为Web的开发带来了'widget'(窗口小部件)的概念。其特点有Cascade皮肤,透明会话管理以及i18n子系统。
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/bif/?branch_id=41596&release_id=174314 |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
netxmms |
简 介:
netxmms is a Web-based XMMS frontend, aimed at users with larger MP3 collections.
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/netxmms/?branch_id=53299&release_id=174366 |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
slack-get |
简 介:
slack-get is a toolbox like apt-get for Slackware Linux. It will support an indexing system for use on non-standard packages.
slack-get是一个类似与Slackware Linux系统apt-get的工具。它支持用于非标准包的指标系统。
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/ipslackget/?branch_id=49347&release_id=174324 |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
lwm |
简 介:
lwm (Lightweight Window Manager) is a window manager for X that tries to keep out of your face. There are no icons, no button bars, no icon docks, no root menus, no nothing. If you want all that, other programs can provide it.
Lightweight Window Manager是一个X window管理器,没有图标、控制条、图表编辑器、根菜单,什么都没有。如果你需要所有,那么其他的程序可以提供。
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/lwm/?branch_id=6047&release_id=174371 |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
hellbot |
简 介:
Hellbot is an IRC bot written in plain C and supporting many features: built-in SSL, HTTP proxy, multi-bot and multi-server with a single process, telnet administration, MD5 passwords, Blowfish encrypted configuration, and much more.
Hellbot是一个用纯C语言编写的IRC bot,支持许多功能:内置的SSL,HTTP代理服务器,单一进程的多bot和多服务器,远程登录管理,MD5口令,Blowfish加密配置以及更多。
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/hellbot/?branch_id=51815&release_id=174300 |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
OpenSSI Clusters for Linux |
简 介:
OpenSSI Clusters for Linux uses HP's NonStop Clusters for Unixware and various open source technologies to provide a full, highly-available SSI (Single System Image) clustering environment for Linux. Goals include availability, scalability, and manageability from commodity servers.
OpenSSI Clusters for Linux对Unixware和各种开放源码技术使用永不停顿集群系统以提供一个完整、高度可用的Linux的SSI(单一系统映象)集群环境。
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/ssic-linux/?branch_id=53529&release_id=174332 |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
links2world Firewall |
简 介:
links2world Firewall generates iptables rules for Linux 2.4.x and newer kernels. It is very easy to configure and designed to run on hosts with one or more network interfaces.
links2world Firewall为Linux 2.4.x和新的内核生成iptables规则。它非常容易配置和被设计在带有一个或多个网络界面的主机上运行。
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/links2world/?branch_id=53506&release_id=174240 |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Argyle |
简 介:
Argyle is a Swing/SWT rich client for interfacing to numerous server-side applications. It uses the Eclipse Visual Editor plugin for designing the GUI and runs on DualRpcServer and BeanShell.
Argyle是一个Swing/SWT的富客户端,用于和众多服务器端应用软件的界面连接。它使用Eclipse Visual Editor插件来设计GUI,在DualRpcServer和BeanShell平台运行。
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/argyle/?branch_id=52904&release_id=174336 |
分 类:
BSD License |
Praat |
简 介:
Praat is a computer program with which phoneticians can analyze, synthesize, and manipulate speech, and create high- quality pictures for articles and theses.
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/praat/?branch_id=47980&release_id=174333 |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Jakarta Tapestry |
简 介:
Tapestry is a powerful, open-source, all-Java framework for creating leading edge web applications in Java.
Tapestry reconceptualizes web application development in terms of objects, methods and properties instead of URLs and query parameters.
Tapestry is an alternative to scripting environments such as JavaServer Pages or Velocity. Tapestry goes far further, providing a complete framework for creating extremely dynamic applications with minimal amounts of coding.
Tapestry's approach, using a component object model similar to a traditional GUI, provides the following benefits:
Very high level of reuse, within and between projects
Everything in Tapestry is a reusable component
Frees developers from writing boring, buggy code
Code in terms of objects, methods and properties, not URLs and query parameters
Jakarta Tapestry是一个强大的,开源的,完全Java的框架,用于用Java语言来创建领先的Web应用程序。
Tapestry 按照对象、方法和属性,,而不是URL和查询参数对Web应用程序开发的概念进行了重新定义。
Tapestry 可以取代脚本环境,如JavaServer Pages 和Velocity。Tapestry 的功能不只如此,它提供了一个完整的框架来以最少量的代码创建现代战争非常动态的应用程序。
高度的可重用性,项目之中和项目之间的Tapestry 都是一个可重用的组件;
来源: http://jakarta.apache.org/tapestry/index.html |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |