webmin-fsacls |
简 介:
Webmin module for managing Posix Access Control Lists (ACLs) on files and directories.
webmin-fsacls这个模块可以管理文件或目录上的Posix 访问控制列表(ACLs) 。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/webmin-fsacls/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
C-Cramp |
简 介:
C-Cramp is a set of tools for manipulating a mysql database containing information about the music, dj's, shows, and airplay for non-profit radio stations. The primary focus is tracking & music and generating logs using a php-based frontend.
C-Cramp用来使mysql数据库可以包含有关音乐,dj's,节目,和唱片的信息。 主要的作用在于使用基于PHP的前端来生成关于音轨和音乐的信息。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/c-cramp/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
JSPWidget |
简 介:
JSPWidget is a JSP Framework that provides event-driven,view state retained,server-side GUI controls to make JSP development as intuitive as in traditional client forms or in client-based Web applications.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jspwidget/ |
分 类:
Apache Software License |
Chartster |
简 介:
Java module to create dynamic charts on the fly. Supports Bar, Scatter, Line, and Pie charts.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/chartster/ |
分 类:
Mozilla Public License 1.0 (MPL) |
Javascript Assertion Unit |
简 介:
jsAssertUnit is a unit testing framework based on assertions, helping JavaScript developers to test their code. Failing assertions about the program state are tracked in a Reporter window of a DOM compliant browser : IE5+, Mozilla, Netscape 6+, etc.
jsAssertUnit 是一个基于断言的单元测试框架,帮助JavaScript 开发人员来测试他们的代码。有关程序状态的失败断言可以在一个报表窗口中进行跟踪,窗口是兼容于DOM的浏览器:IE5+, Mozilla, Netscape 6+,等等。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jsassertunit/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
AndroMDA |
简 介:
AndroMDA is a code generation framework that follows the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) paradigm. It takes a UML model from a CASE-tool and generates classes and deployable components (J2EE or other) specific for your application architecture.
AndroMDA 是一个前遵循模型驱动结构(MDA)范例的代码生成框架。它接受从CASE工具中获得的一个UML模型,生成类,为你的应用程序体系结构布署特定的组件(J2EE或其它)。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/andromda/ |
分 类:
BSD License |
NunniMJAX |
简 介:
NunniMJAX is a minimal java library for parsing XML. The API and functioning recall SAX and is sequential and event-driven. The parser strives to verify that the XML is well-formed, but no validation. NunniMJAX's FSM has been generated using NunniFSMGen
NunniMJAX是一个用于分析XML的小型的Java库。对API和SAX的调用是顺序的,基于事件的。分析器试图来证实XML是结构良好的,但没有验证。使用NunniFSMGen来集成了NunniMJAX的FSM 。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/nunnijxmlparser/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
Howdy Communication System |
简 介:
The aim of Howdy is to provide a simple, easy-to-use method of text-based communication over TCP/IP through a simple graphical user interface. Both the server and the client are small and run on all platforms supporting Java.
Howdy Communication System的目的是提供一个简单、易用的基于文本的 TCP/IP 通信方法,使用一个简单的图形用户界面。服务器和客户端都是小型的,可以在任何支持Java的系统上运行。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/howdy/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Javascript Utilities |
简 介:
A comprehensive Javascript library for allowing web application developers. It comprises of functions for validating multiple controls in a form, enhancing existing form elements such as selectbox and other reusable controls.
Javascript Utilities是为Web应用程序开发人员提供的一个全面的Javascript 库。它由校验表意境单中的多个控件的函数,增强现有的表单元素(如选择框,以及其它可重用的控件)的函数。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jsutils/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
The Grinder |
简 介:
The Grinder is a pure Java load-testing framework that was originally developed by Paco Gómez. Philip Aston took ownership of the code and reworked it to create The Grinder 2. The Grinder 3 introduces a Jython scripting engine.
Grinder起初由Paco Gomez开发,是一个纯的java负载测试框架。Philip Aston拥有代码的所有权并重新创建的Grinder2。Grinder 3引进了Jython脚本引擎。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/grinder/ |
分 类:
BSD License |