M.A.D.D.I.S. |
简 介:
M.A.D.D.I.S. stands for Masqueraded, Anonymous, Decentralized, Dynamic Information Sharing. The goal is to create a peer-2-peer system which is more advanced than other implementations. Highlights: Decentral, MD5s, Masqueraded, Chunk-D/Ls [...]
M.A.D.D.I.S是Masqueraded,Anonymous,Decentralized,Dynameic,Information,Sharing的缩写。目标是为了创建一个P2P系统,比其它实现的系统更加高级。突出特点有:分布式,MD5,伪装, Chunk-D/Ls,等等
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/maddis/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Modularized PHP+XHTML Product Catalogue |
简 介:
ProdLer - A multi-language PHP content management system that allows you to make a products catalogue quickly. The data that will be saved on the DB is: brands of the products, categories of the products (n levels), and dealers for the products.
ProdLer - 一个多国语言的PHP内容管理系统,允许你快速做一个产品目录。保存在数据库中的数据是:产品的商标,产品的种类及经销商。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/prodler/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
barcoder |
简 介:
Render barcodes EAN-8, EAN-13 with 2/5 digit Addon, Postscript EPS export
可以绘制条形码 EAN-8, EAN-13 ,提供了2/5的数字附件,Postscript EPS导出。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/barcoder/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
ProMA |
简 介:
ProMA a system for administrating a ProFTPd server with users in a MySQL database. Features include multiple administrators, mail notifiers when new users register and when accounts are approved, closing of accounts temporarily, and a notepad per user.
ProMA这个系统用于管理一个ProFTPd 服务器,用户信息存储在一个MySQL 数据库中。功能包括多个管理员,当新用户注册或帐户被批准、临时关闭时使用邮件来通知,为每个用户提供了一个记事本。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/proma/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
TabDock |
简 介:
TabDock is a freeware docking component for Visual Basic. With it you can create an MDI enviroment similiar to that seen in the Visual Basic IDE.
TabDock是一个免费的帮助Visual Basic减少组件的软件。你可以用它创建多文档界面环境,就像Visual Basic IDE。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tabdock/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
phpDocMaker |
简 介:
This project provides a documentation generator for php script. The documentation is generated using special tags inserted in the code or in separate files. The program also look in the code for php keywords like 'function', 'class'....
这个项目为PHP脚本提供一个文档生成器。这个文件是通过在代码中插入标签或分割文件来产生新的文件。这个程序也可以在代码中查看PHP的关键字,如‘function', 'class'....
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpdocmaker/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Sourceforge Timesheet System |
简 介:
This is an extension of the Alexandria system or Sourceforge system.Which allows people to develop freely in an open source like manner. After deploying sourceforge at work, we found some minor things laking.
这个项目扩展了Alexandria 系统或Sourceforge 系统,可以让人们方便地以开源方式来开发项目。在sourceforge 部署完工作之后,我们发现一些镜像错误。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dts/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
Linux Telephone Answering Device |
简 介:
Linux Telephone Answering Device (lintad) is a fax and voicemail application. Lintad uses a softmodem as a soundcard attached to the phoneline to play greetings and record messages. Messages and faxes are made available to browersers via Apache and PHP.
Linux Telephone Answering Device (lintad) 是一个传真和语音邮件应用程序。Lintad 使用一个软件调制解调器作为连接到电话线上的声卡,可以播放问候语,记录消息。可以通过基于 Apache 和PHP的浏览器应用程序来查看消息和传真。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/lintad/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Advanced MSN |
简 介:
Advanced MSN will create a framework in VB6 onto which you can write your own code or maybe download modules, to create your own MSN bots as you want them.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/msncreations/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Manney |
简 介:
Manney was developed with the intention to provide a minimal resources to manage expenditures and incomes.
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/manney/?branch_id=53426&release_id=173905 |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |