Generic PHP Framework |
简 介:
The Generic PHP Framework is a library of reusable objects for PHP4. The idea is to build a framework that will make it easier to write large, scalable PHP applications.
Generic PHP Framework是一个可重用的PHP4库。目的是建立一个框架,可以让用户更容易地开发大型的,可伸缩的PHP应用程序。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gpfr/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Ycad - Java CAD library |
简 介:
Ycad is a library of CAD functions in Java. Currently only DXF is supported for reading, viewing and writing. The DXF drawing may be rendered to a Graphics object for printing or imaging.
Ycad 是一个在JAVA环境上的CAD函数库。目前只是支持对DXF的读写及浏览。DXF绘图会被交给一个图形对象,并将其印刷或成像。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ycad/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
piFAQ |
简 介:
This is a simple script that will help you to create (and manage) FAQ page on your site. It is based on PHP, MySQL and FastTemplate so it's fast and easy in configuration.
piFAQ这个简单的脚本可以帮你创建和管理站点中的FAQ页面。它基于PHP, MySQL 和FastTemplate ,所以其运行速度快,易于配置。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pifaq/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Communicate with another instance of the |
简 介:
Allows a new instance of the same program to communicate with the old one. This is useful to open a document that was double clicked by the user in the old instance. This avoids having several windows of the same application in the taskbar.
来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=6922 |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Power Database Log Generator for Squid |
简 介:
Power Database Log Generator for Squid is a tool to create a environment between a user and server, generating detailed reports of access to Internet from users and IPs on the network. With interface PHP, this project is mantained from Brazil equip.
Power Database Log Generator for Squid是在用户和服务器之间创建一个环境的工具,生成网络中有关用户和IP访问Internet的详细的报表。通过PHP接口,这个项目在巴西得到维护。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdlgs/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Mobilemaps |
简 介:
Mobilemaps is a Nearby Engine which allows users to find Web pages by location. Extremely fast and capable of scaling to any number of pages, it supports OpenGIS map-servers and uses MySQL, Perl and C.
Mobilemaps是一个允许使用者在本地查找网页的Nearby Engine,对任何网页能够实现非常快且有质量的缩放比例,它支持OpenGIS map-servers和使用MySQL, Perl and C.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mobilemaps/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
CuteFlow |
简 介:
CuteFlow is a webbased document circulation tool. Users are able to define "documents" which are send step by step to every user in a list. It's an electronical way for doing (i.e. internal) document circulations.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cuteflow/ |
分 类:
BSD License |
SafeNote text encryption application |
简 介:
SafeNote is an easy an secure way to encrypt notes. This text-editor encrypts your text using the ULTRA cipher and stores it in usn files with the Crypto Message Format. It has an easy to use clipboard encryption and supports steganography, the hiding of text in images. Want to store some important notitions in a safe way ? Use SafeNote!
SafeNote提供了一种加密节点的安全方式。这个文本编辑器可以使用ULTRA密码来加密你的文本,用Crypto Message Format格式将其保存在usn文件中。它也提供了容易的剪贴板加密功能,支持信息隐藏,可以在图片中隐藏文本。需要用安全的方式来保存一些重要信息吗?用SafeNote吧!
来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=6924 |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
EclipseBB |
简 介:
EclipseBB is a pre-modded phpBB forum. It is usable on any webserver running PHP and MySQL. It is based on the original phpBB forum software offering many modifications to the core of its parent software.
EclipseBB是一个pre-modded phpBB论坛。它能在任何运行在PHP 和MySQL的web服务器上运行。基于最初的phpBB论坛软件,它提供了许多对原始软件核心的修改。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/eclipsebb/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
PostGIS-Arc Connector |
简 介:
This project produces an Extension and VBA module that allows ESRIs ArcMap (v8.x) product to access Open Source Postgresql/PostGIS spatial data tables. Includes importing tables and exporting/updating back to the database. Currently using Postgresql OD
这个项目提供了一个扩展和VBA模块,其允许ESRIs ArcMap (v8.x) 产品能访问开放源码的Postgresql/PostGIS空间数据表。包括导入和导出/更新表并保存在数据库中。当前使用的是Postgresql OD。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pgarc/ |
分 类:
BSD License |