High-speed ObjectWeb Logger |
简 介:
HOWL is a logger implementation providing features required by the JOTM project. HOWL uses unformatted binary logs to maximize performance and specifies a journalization API with methods necessary to support JOTM recovery operations.
HOWL 实现了一个日志器,提供了JOTM项目需要的功能。HOWL使用非格式化的二进制日志来最大化性能,说明了一个日志API,为支持JOTM恢复操作提供必要的支持。
来源: http://forge.objectweb.org/projects/howl/ |
分 类:
BSD License |
ActiveX Controls |
简 介:
An open project for a number of activex controls for use in the Windows environment. The controls have been sold commerical before by Eurosource (http://www.eurosource.se) but are now free complete with source code.
这个开放的项目提供了许多在Wingdows系统中使用的activex控件。这些控件以前是由Eurosource (http://www.eurosource.se)商业出售的,但现在已经成为免费的开源代码。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/activex/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
phpSched |
简 介:
phpSched is a application for creation and managing shift based schedule for several departments. Current features included: Template creation, Managing multiple departments, Multiple shift types definition (regular shift, Supervisor shift etc).
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpsched/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
phpDude |
简 介:
Un CMS completante basado en PHP-Nuke, Se han traducido la mayor parte de las funciones, modulos, bloques, variables y defines al Espa?ol. Tambien se a adoptado otra ruta en la invocacion de los addons...
phpDude是一人上CMS系统,基于PHP-Nuke, 提供了许多函数、方法、blog队列,变量y定义了一个Espapol。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpdude/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Introspector |
简 介:
The introspector project aims to create a semantic interface into the GNU GCC compiler and other free tools. The data extracted will be useful for other object brokers. Currently hosted on sourceforge, we will be migrating the project to objectweb.
Introspector这个项目旨在为GNU GCC 编译器和其它工具创建一个语义接口。所提取的数据可以用于其它对象代理。目前项目位于sourceforge, 我们将项目移植到objectweb。
来源: http://forge.objectweb.org/projects/introspector/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Solar IRC |
简 介:
Solar IRC is an IRC client. Multiserver, File transfer, Channel for drawing, ICQ, MP3 player, Skins system, Play Chess, Online help, Reader and printer for 'log' files, Bot for IRC-Hispano, Bot for UnionGlobal, Children Restriccion, Proxy.
Solar IRC是一个在线聊天系统客户端,文件传输,画图的频道,ICQ,MP3播放器,皮肤系统,国际象棋,在线帮助,读与打印日志文件,IRC-Hispano的Bot,UnionGlobal,儿童限制,代理服务器。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/solarirc/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
FOG Forum - PHP Board Engine |
简 介:
FOG Forum is as french bulletin board project written in PHP, and using Smarty Templates Engine. It includes all the standard features, and more.
FOG Forum -是一个法语公告牌项目,用PHP编写,使用了Smarty 模板引擎。它包括所有的标准功能,等等。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/fog-forum/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
PACSPulse |
简 介:
A database driven PHP based web site designed to provide a performance analysis tool of DICOM picture archiving traffic. This tool is designed for PACS administrators working in a hospital environment trying to understand their performance bottleneck.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pacspulse/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |
Ishmael |
简 介:
This project is to implement the J2EE Deployment API JSR-88 for JOnAS and to also provide a abstract testsuite for other implementors of this JSR to use.
Ishmael这个项目为JOnAS 实现了J2EE Deployment API JSR-88 ,也为这个JSR的其它实现提供了一个抽象层以供使用。
来源: http://forge.objectweb.org/projects/ishmael/ |
分 类:
GNU Library Public License (LGPL) |