Web File Browser |
简 介:
PHP File Browser is a light (1 PHP file) tool that allow to browse directories, download, upload, create, edit, delete files. It may be used to manage a website or to simply allow users to browse directories. Whole thing in 1 single PHP script.
Web File Browser是一个轻型(只有一个PHP文件)工具,可以用于浏览目录、下载、上传、创建、编辑和删除文件。可以用它来管理一个Web站点或只是简单地让用户浏览目录。所有功能在一个PHP脚本中实现。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/webfilebrowser/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
absolutemeeting.com match/dating engine |
简 介:
AbsoluteMeeting.com php+Postgresql scripts.There scripts powers AbsoluteMeeting.com people match and dating engine.People register, with their photos then search for friends/partners. PayPal interface included. Absolutemeeting is modeled on HotorNot.com.
absolutemeeting.com match/dating engine这些脚本增强了AbsoluteMeeting.com 用户的匹配和日期引擎的功能。人们可以注册,使用他们的图片,然后可以搜索朋友或同伴。包括了PayPal 界面。根据HotorNot.com对Absolutemeeting 进行了建模。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/absolutemeeting/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
phpMyForum |
简 介:
phpMyForum is an very powerful freeware forum, Some features: -Design individually adaptable -board code as HTML replacement -email notification with new contributions -private messages -...
phpMyForum是一个非常强大的免费论坛,一些功能有:- 单独设计的可修改的版面代码,取代HTML   - 邮件通知,要以提供新的投稿 - 私人消息 - 等等
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kg2kphpforum/ |
分 类:
Qt Public License (QPL) |
Scott Pickford Wireline Resampler |
简 介:
Linear resampler for Wireline Logs
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wirelineresamp/ |
分 类:
Public Domain |
QuiXplorer - Quick (PHP) Explorer |
简 介:
QuiXplorer is a simple, but fully functional, file manager for websites. (written in PHP)
QuiXplorer - 是一个为Web站点提供的简单,但功能完整的文件管理器,用PHP进行编码。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/quixplorer/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Wiki! |
简 介:
A very compact flat-file PHP wiki system, supporting full templating, user logins and revision history.
Wiki!是一个非常精简的使用普通文件的PHP wiki系统,支持完整的模板、用户登录和历史修订。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wiki/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
MP3 Renamer |
简 介:
The MP3 renamer is a win32-tool, used to rename a lot of messed up filenames at once, mainly music-files. For making things organised. Some functions include: removing and adding characters at the beginning and the end of the filename, convert underscor
MP3 Renameer是一个Win32工具,用来为许多杂乱的文件重命名,主要是音乐文件。使文件更有组织,一些功能包括,删除或者加入字母到文件名的开头或者尾部,下划线转换。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mp3renamer/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
PHP Class Generator |
简 介:
The PHP Class Generator generates Entity classes for OO Design in PHP/MySQL.It installs ADODB and generates a useful DatabaseManager Class that will automatically connect to the MySQL using the provided connection parameters.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmyentitygen/ |
分 类:
Public Domain |
Seagull PHP Application Framework |
简 介:
Seagull is an OO PHP application framework that has the following design goals: a) independence of data, logic & presentation layers b) extensible component architecture c) comprehensive error handling; d) integration with PEAR e) coding standards
Seagull 是一个面向对象的应用程序框架,设计目标如下:a)独立的数据、逻辑和表示层 b)可扩展的组件体系结构 c)综合的错误处理 d)和PEAR集成 e)符合编码标准。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/seagull/ |
分 类:
BSD License |
TemplateThis |
简 介:
TemplateThis is a PHP templating system used to separate HTML from code, easing the process of creating any type of web application. The main features of TemplateThis are its speed, flexibility, and ease of use.
TemplateThis是一个PHP模板引擎,用于将代码和HTML代码相分离,简化创建任何种类的Web应用程序的过程。TemplateThis 的主要功能是它的速度、灵活性和易用性。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ttc/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |