phpWebAlbum |
简 介:
phpWebalbum generates a photo album on the web just by dropping some images onto your webserver. Features like automatic thumbnail generation and a sneak slideshow enhance the script.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpwebalbum/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Gbook MX Project |
简 介:
Gbook MX v1.0 Powerful GuestBook with that your visitors will be able to write messages on your own webpage, with a lot of extra-functions for the admin, easy to use and configure. Includes an installator for the required SQL Tables and Data. Execute, en
Gbook MX v1.0 是一个功能强大的客人簿应用程序,让你的来访者可以在Web页面上编写消息,为管理提供的许多扩展功能,易于使用和配置。包括了一个用于安装需要的SQL 表和数据的安装程序,可执行,英文环境。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gbookmx/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Online Airline Booking System |
简 介:
OABS is a complete Online Airline Booking System secure and free in PHP and MySQL
Online Airline Booking System是一个完整的在线航班预订系统,安全而免费,用PHP 和MySQL开发。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/oabs/ |
分 类:
Public Domain |
Scott Pickford Log Calculator |
简 介:
A Visual Basic Excel/Access/Grapher/Activex Wireline Log Calculation & XPLOT tool written by Anthony Miller for Scott Pickford ECL 2004. Also performs VSVP calculations.
一个可视化的应用于Excel/AAccess/Grapher/Activex/Wireline日记计算器并且是一个XPLOT工具。由Anthony Miller为 Scott Pickford ECL 2004开发。也可用执行VSVP计算。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/logcalculator/ |
分 类:
Public Domain |
PHPFormMail |
简 介:
A web based form to e-mail gateway. Made as a PHP replacement for it's PERL sister.
PHPFormMail是一个基于Web的表单到电子邮件的网关。用PHP实现,用于取代它的同类产品PERL 。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpformmail/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
WebFTP |
简 介:
WebFTP is ftp application for the web, allowing users to connect to a remote host and upload, delete, edit, and create files. WebFTP has a simple directory browser that allows users to view detailed file information. WebFTP is built on the PHP language.
WebFTP是为Web提供的一个FTP应用程序,可以让用户连接到一个远程主机,完成上传、删除、编辑和创建文件的操作。WebFTP 提供了一个简单的目录浏览器,可以让用户查看详细的文件信息。它基于PHP语言而建造。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wbftp/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
VAGRANT - VA Graphing/Analysis Toolkit |
简 介:
A simple interface to a powerful graphing library. Check out screenshots at http://vagrant.sourceforge.net for examples of line graphs and pie charts.
这是为一个功能强大的图形库提供的一个简单的界面。可以在 http://vagrant.sourceforge.net 查看屏幕快照,如线条图和饼图。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/vagrant/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Stillinger's Dosage Calculator |
简 介:
Stillinger's Dosage Calculator. A simple calculator designed to solve the most common dosage measurements used in Veterinary medicine. May be used to calculate almost every drug. Please note, Gambas is required to build this project.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sdc-devel/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Web File Browser |
简 介:
PHP File Browser is a light (1 PHP file) tool that allow to browse directories, download, upload, create, edit, delete files. It may be used to manage a website or to simply allow users to browse directories. Whole thing in 1 single PHP script.
Web File Browser是一个轻型(只有一个PHP文件)工具,可以用于浏览目录、下载、上传、创建、编辑和删除文件。可以用它来管理一个Web站点或只是简单地让用户浏览目录。所有功能在一个PHP脚本中实现。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/webfilebrowser/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
absolutemeeting.com match/dating engine |
简 介:
AbsoluteMeeting.com php+Postgresql scripts.There scripts powers AbsoluteMeeting.com people match and dating engine.People register, with their photos then search for friends/partners. PayPal interface included. Absolutemeeting is modeled on HotorNot.com.
absolutemeeting.com match/dating engine这些脚本增强了AbsoluteMeeting.com 用户的匹配和日期引擎的功能。人们可以注册,使用他们的图片,然后可以搜索朋友或同伴。包括了PayPal 界面。根据HotorNot.com对Absolutemeeting 进行了建模。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/absolutemeeting/ |
分 类:
GNU General Public License (GPL) |