StockManiac |
简 介:
StockManiac is a Web Application to keep track of transactions, dividend yields and charges in a private Stock Portfolio. It is multi user based and allows each user to have more than one Portfolio. Quotes are fetched automatically from the Internet.
StockManiac 这个Web应用程序用于跟踪交易,股息生息率和私人股票投资组合的回报。它基于多用户系统,可以让每个用户具有多个投资组合。通过Internet自动检索报价。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/stockmaniac/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Replex |
简 介:
Replex is an administrative tool for managing email on any Unix-like OS. It can handle multiple domains, users, mailing lists, etc. without requiring creation of Unix user accounts for mailboxes or authentication. Based on Postfix, Cyrus, PHP and MySQL.
Replex是一个在Unix类的操作系统上自动管理邮件的管理工具。它可以处理多个域、用户、邮件列表,等等。邮箱和鉴别功能不需要创建Unix用户帐户。基于Postfix, Cyrus, PHP 和MySQL。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/replex/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
XS PHP Content Management System |
简 介:
XS PHP CMS (Content Management System) is a very flexible dynamic website engine for group of people as well as single person, capable of building sites from several pages to several thousand. It is based on PHP, MySQL and XSPHPLib.
XS PHP CMS(内容管理系统)是一个非常灵活的动态Web站点引擎,供用户群或个人使用,能够创建从几个页面到几千个页面的不同规模的站点。基于PHP, MySQL 和XSPHPLib。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xsphpcms/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Babbsacks babbiges Board |
简 介:
BaBB is a Board written in PHP designed for small websites using no Database, only text files. Everything is in German. It has the most features of commercial boards with a few new ideas.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/babb/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
phpCodeCabinet - Code Reference Library |
简 介:
phpCodeCabinet allows developers to store code snippets from any language. Features include user-defined categories, syntax highlighting, an extensive search engine, a theme-based interface, user authentication, and code/category ownership privileges.
phpCodeCabinet允许开发者存储任何语言的代码片断。主要特点包括用户自定义分类 ,语法突出显示,一个扩展的搜索引擎,一个基于主题的接口,用户鉴别和代码/种类所有权限。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpcodecabinet/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
mille-xterm |
简 介:
Packages, Scripts, documentation and howto deploy an important number of X-Terminals using a cluster of XTerminal servers. Target is 2000 and more terminals with a cluster of XTerm servers
这个项目提供了包,脚本,文档和怎样使用一个XTerminal 服务器集群来部署相当数量的X终端的方法。目标是2000多个终端,提供一个XTerm 服务器集群。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mille-xterm/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
phpCampaignTools |
简 介:
phpCampaignTools was a collection of web campaign tools which have been built using PHP/MySQL. The most active component was a ePetition tool which has now been incorporated into http://www.Back-End.org - another Open Source php/mysql application on sf.
phpCampaignTools是一组Web 工具,用PHP/MYSQL开发。最有用的组件是一个ePetition工具,现在已经被纳入http://www.Back-End.org-另一个sf的开发源码的php/mysql应用程序。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/campaigntoolz/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
Netamp |
简 介:
NetAMP is your personal mp3 server. NetAMP is a set of php3 programs that connect to a MySQL database of all of your mp3s and provide an easy to use web interface that allows users to browse, play, and download your songs.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/netamp/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
简 介:
WP2PDF is a script that converts the content of one or more entries of the Blog-Software WordPress to PDF. It is based on FPDF, a free PDF library and written in PHP. It requires a working WordPress installation and PHP 4.x
WP2PDF是一种脚本,把一个或多个BLOG-SOFTWARE WORDPRESS的条目转换成PDF。它是基于FPDF,一个免费的PDF库,由PHP语言写成。它需要一个有效的WORDPRESS安装程序和PHP4.X
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wp2pdf/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |
StoryStream |
简 介:
StoryStream is a web-base (PHP/MySQL) collaborative hyperfiction creation site. Using an intuitive interface, users from all over the world can work together to create multimedia stories using only their web client.
StoryStream 是一个基于web(PHP/MySQL)的合作式的超级小说创作站点。 使用一个直观的接口,世界各地的用户能只用他们的WEB客户端一起工作来创作多媒体故事。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/storystream/ |
分 类:
此源码项目还没有在软件分类表中分类. |
GNU General Public License (GPL) |