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共有 27 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3>
1. kcdda2mp3
- It's a really easy-to-use front-end to programs like cdda2wav and bladeenc intended to convert an audio CD to mp3 files. It allows to access to the online CD database (freedb) to get disk's name and songs' names.
kcdda2mp3是一个为类似cdda2wav 和 bladeenc这样的程序提供的一个易于使用的前台,旨在将音频CD转换为mp3文件。它支持访问在线CD数据库(freedb)以取得盘片的名称和歌曲的名称。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kcddda2mp3/ |
2. VBTablet - a WinTab Tablet API wrapper
- VBTablet - a quick and easy way to add graphics tablet and digitiser functionality! Working with any device implementing the WinTab API, the de-facto standard, VBTablet does the hard work for you. Supports all COM-enabled languages: VB, Delphi, C/C++,...
VBTablet - 提供了一种容易的方式来增加图形表和数字处理功能! VBTablet 可以在实现了WinTab API(事实上的标准)的任意的设备上运行,为您完成复杂的工作。支持所有支持COM的语言:VB, Delphi, C/C++,...
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/vbtablet/ |
3. tvtime
- tvtime is a deinterlacer for V4L-supported video capture cards. It outputs a deinterlaced video stream at full 59.94fps for NTSC or 50fps for PAL, for high visual quality and smoothness of motion.
tvtime是一个为支持V4L的视频捕捉卡提供的分解器。它以59.94fps for NTSC或50fps for PAL的速度输出分解后的视频流,提供了高品质的视频和光滑的运动。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tvtime/ |
4. Get Color Sf
- Get Color Sf is a color picker. Include a magnifier control that will allow to magnify any part of the screen (levels of 1x-20x).
Get Color Sf是一个颜色选择器。包括一个放在镜控制器,可以放在屏幕的任意部分(放大1到20倍)。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/getcolorsf/ |
5. DubMan: The VirtualDub Job Manager
- DubMan is a powerful, easy to use script generator for the video processing tool VirtualDub. DubMan giving users much more flexibility in encoding options, file control, and job ordering in an easy to use fashion.
DubMan: 是为 VirtualDub 视频处理工具提供的一个功能强大的,易于使用的脚本生成器。DubMan 可以让用户更加灵活方便地进行编码选择、文件控制,和工作排序。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dubman/ |
6. Transparent Window Class
- About:
The Transparent Window Class is a class used to implement transparent windows in Java using Swing. Simply extend TransFrame class instead of using a JFrame.
Transparent Window Class是一个执行使用Swing的Java构建的透明窗口的类。简单扩展的TransFrame类则代替使用JFrame。
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/twc/?branch_id=34174&release_id=170705 |
7. Public Paint
- Public Paint V0.9.4, painting from with some inspiration from Amiga/PPaint/DPaint, XPM,JPEG,BMP,PCX,BIF2 and Video4Linux, slideshow, It's now a 8/16 bits program
Public Paint V0.9.4,源于Amiga/PPaint/DPaint, XPM,JPEG,BMP,PCX,BIF2 和Video4Linux, 幻灯片等的绘图程序,它现在是一个8/16位的程序。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/publicpaint/ |
8. WebVCR+
- This project is an easy to use web interface to record TV shows to your hard drive. It is an improved version of webvcr which adds xmltv support, nvrec support, favorites, an improved schedule viewer, and much more.
WebVCR+这个项目提供了一个易于使用的Web界面来将电视节目记录在你的硬盘中。它是一个经过改进的webvcr ,增加了xmltv 支持,nvrec 支持,收藏,和一个经过改进的节目表查看器,等等。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/webvcrplus/ |
- POWA intends to be an all-in-one program to operate a Webcam either on a Website or for personal uses. It is in development but supports live video, snapshot taking (with a timer or with a button), and more.
POWA目的是要成为一个紧凑的程序,在网站上或个人用户上运行Webcam。它还在开发中但支持实况视频,快照(用计时器或按钮)等等。 |
10. camorama
- gnome2 webcam application with image filters
具有图形过滤器的gnome2 webcam应用程序 |
共有 27 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> |