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共有 77 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8>
1. MAD (MPEG Audio Decoder):
- MAD is a high-quality fixed-point MPEG audio decoder with 24-bit output. The implementation is entirely new, based on the ISO/IEC standards, and performs especially well on systems without native floating-point support.
MAD是一个高品质的fixed-point的 24-bit 输出的MPEG音频解码器。基于ISO/IEC标准实现,良好的兼容没有floating-point支持的环境。
来源:http://sourceforge.net/projects/mad/ |
2. stringulator
- Stringulator is a Winamp visualization plugin. It uses a physical model of strings, masses and elasticity to model objects made of strings/wires (like www.sodaplay.com). The music modulates object behavior.
stringulator是一个Winamp可视化插件。它将一个金属线,材质和弹力的物理模型用于金属线生成的对象(如 www.sodaplay.com)。用音乐来调整对象的行为。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/stringulator/ |
3. p(y)layer
- p(y)layer is a jukebox style front end for mpg321 (or mpg123). Its main feature is the ability to search for songs and queue them up for play. If there are no songs queued, it will play a random song.
p(y)layer是为mpg321 (或mpg123)提供的一个点唱机风格的前端。它的主要功能是能够搜索歌曲,并将它们排队播放。如果没有歌曲队列,它就随机地播放歌曲。
来源: http://freshmeat.net/projects/pylayer/?topic_id=123 |
4. mousikos
- mousikos is a portable music player manager for GNOME. It supports on-the-fly bit-rate peeling (Ogg to Ogg), re-encoding of MP3s and Oggs, and is based on playlists. It is designed to be able to support various types of portable music players.
mousikos是一个用于 GNOME的轻便的音乐播放机管理器。它支持on-the-fly 位速率peeling (Ogg 对 Ogg),MP3和 Ogg的重编码,它还基于播放清单。设计它来是能够支持各种类型的轻便的音乐播放机。 |
5. Music Manager
- Musicman helps in the management of large collections of music files (mp3, ogg, wav), providing advanced techniques for renaming, ID3 tagging, MP3 CD creation with templatable cover, etc. It is also easy to use because it is a Konqueror plug-in.
Music Manager可以帮你管理收集的大量的音乐文件 (mp3, ogg, wav),提供的高级技术有重命名,ID3标签,带有封面的MP3 CD 创建,等等。由于它是一个Konqueror插件,所以易于使用。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/musicman/ |
6. VDR MP3/MPlayer Extensions
- The VDR MP3/MPlayer Extensions let you play MP3s with Video Disk Recorder and provide a frontend for MPlayer so you can use a DVB card to play files in formats like AVI, ASF, QT, MOV, VIVO, FLI, and FLC.
VDR MP3/MPlayer Extensions让你用Video Disk Recorder 播放MP3并为MPlayer提供了一个前端,因此你能在格式(如AVI, ASF, QT, MOV, VIVO, FLI, 和FLC)中用一个DVB卡播放文件。 |
7. jtunes4 (daap-client)
- itunes clone written in java. it uses several other projects as library. rendezvous:http://www.strangeberry.com/java_rendevous.htm mp3-player:http://www.javazoom.net daap:ileech.sourceforge.net, http://www.cdavies.org/permalink/applerecordsrele
Itunes clone用java编写。它使用了很多其他的工程类。 地址:http://www.strangeberry.com/java_rendevous.htm mp3-play:http://www.javazoom.net daap:ileech.sourceforge.net,http://www.cdavies.org/permalink/applerecordsrele
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jtunes4/ |
8. BSoftPlayer Win32 SQL Based Media Player
- BSoftPlayer is a MySQL based MP3 player that handles 10,000+ audio files without trouble. It is coded in Visual Basic but uses MySQL to store the database. It supports ID3v1 and v2 tags as well as WMA files and Ogg Vorbis files with the proper DirectShow
BSoftPlayer 是一个基于MySQL的MP3播放器,它可以处理超过10,000首的音频文件。它是用in Visual Basic编写的,但使用MySQL存储数据。它支持ID3v1 和v2标签,以及WMA文件和Ogg Vorbis文件,并提供了很好的DirectShow
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bsoftplayer/ |
9. albumlist
- Album List is a WinAMP general plugin that takes a directory tree and turns it into a list of albums. This allows easy navigation among albums stored in different directories, especially those stored on CDs.
Album List是一个生成歌曲目录的WinAMP插件。方便的导航功能可以存储不同目录的歌曲,特别是存放在CD上的。
来源:http://sourceforge.net/projects/albumlist/ |
10. MusicViz Tools for Windows
- Tools for music visualization interoperability; a stand-alone application and .NET components which run plugins based on any input. Supports (most) Winamp and (some) Windows Media Player plugins.
MusicViz Tools for Windows是一个音乐可视化互操作工具;它是一个单独的应用程序和.NET组件,可以运行基于任何输入的插件。支持(大多数)Winamp和(一些)Windows Media Player插件。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/musicviz/ |
共有 77 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> |