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1. Resilient systems for financial industry
- Forasystems compound financial expertise into Java Business components. These components put together the financial requirements which are shared by most of financial companies and allow to build resilient applications.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/forasystems/ |
2. wordnet2sql
- If you are looking for a way to get WordNet 's data into your relational DBMS, wordnet2sql is what you need!
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wordnet2sql/ |
3. Weapon identifying expers systems
- Weapon-classifying expert systems for melee weapons and firearms.
Weapon 分类专家系统用于分类格斗武器和轻武器。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/weaponclass/ |
4. q IRC agent
- q is an IRC agent for the purpose of collecting and storing data for future reference. q was originally developed as a replacement for an existing quote-bot but has been adapted to serve other data needs as well. The most common use of q is looking up stored user data like quotes or dictionary entries. q is written in TCL and requires MySQL for default functions.
q是一个IRC代理程序,目的是搜集和存储相关数据,以备日后参考。q最早是作为一个已存的报价自动服务程序的替代品而开发的,但现在已能够满足其他数据需要了。它的最主要用途使查阅储存的诸如报价和字典解释之类的用户数据。q用TCL编写,要使用基本的功能需要MySQL数据库的支持。 |
5. Josh's Extended AliceBot (J.E.A.B.)
- JEAB (Josh's Extended AliceBot) is a project to create an extended implementation of the ALICE chatbot engine, as originally created by Dr Richard Wallace.
Josh's Extended AliceBot (J.E.A.B.)旨在创建ALICE聊天bot引擎的一个扩展实现,ALICE chatbot引擎最初由Dr Richard Wallace创建。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jeab/ |
6. SensorNet X (SNX)
- The purpose of SNX is to have a modular series of components that report back to a central repository and 'AI' for pattern recognition and anomoly detection. This is to help with IDS systems, and to move to the next generation of security.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sensornet/ |
7. form Handler
- Our current automated deduction system Otter is designed to prove theorems stated in first-order logic with equality. Otter's inference rules are based on resolution and paramodulation, and it includes facilities for term rewriting, term orderings, Knuth-Bendix completion, weighting, and strategies for directing and restricting searches for proofs. Otter can also be used as a symbolic calculator and has an embedded equational programming system. Otter is a fourth-generation Argonne National Laboratory deduction system whose ancestors (dating from the early 1960s) include the TP series, NIUTP, AURA, and ITP.
本软件用于抽象代数,符号演算,形式逻辑研究方面的专业软件。 |
8. PMDGP - Distributed Genetic Programming
- PMDGP is an object oriented framework written in C++ for implementing genetic programming problems. Once a GP problem has been implemented using the framework, a GUI client and Server can be used do distribute the fitness evaluation.
PMDGP 是一个用C++编写的面向对象的框架,实现了遗传编程问题。一旦用框架实现了一个GP问题,就可以用一个GUI客户端和服务器进行适应度平价函数的发布。
来源:http://sourceforge.net/projects/pmdgp/ |
9. Java rapid genetic programming
- jrgp is a Genetic Programming system, which features a graphical interface (gool) to setup and run GP-problems and a tool (fs-d) that simplifies the definition of a GP-problem.
Java rapid genetic programming是一个基因程序系统,它提供了一个图形化的界面来安装和运行GP问题,以及一个可以简化GP问题定义的工具(fs-d)。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jrgp/ |
10. jACT-R
- jACT-R is a open source java implementation of John Anderson and Christian Lebiere's ACT-R cognitive architecture/theory. - see The Atomic Components of Thought (Anderson & Lebiere, 1998) Latest release http://simon.lrdc.pitt.edu/~harrison/jactr/
jACT-R是John Anderson 和Christian Lebiere的ACT-R认知体系结构/理论的一个开源Java实现。请查看最新发行的Atomic Components of Thought (Anderson & Lebiere, 1998)
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jactr/ |
共有 320 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16> <17> <18> <19> <20> <21> <22> <23> <24> <25> <26> <27> <28> <29> <30> <31> <32> |