共有 6 个源码项目.
1. Open (Source|System) Monitoring and R
- About:
OpenSMART is a monitoring (and reporting) environment for servers and applications in a network. Its main features are a nice Web front end, monitored servers requiring only a Perl installation, XML configuration, and good documentation. It is easy to write more checks. Supported platforms are Linux, HP/UX, Solaris, *BSD, and Windows (only as a client).
OpenSMART是网络内服务器和应用软件的监控(和报告)环境。其主要特点是:一个非常漂亮的Web前端,仅仅需要Perl安装的监控服务器,XML配置,以及好的文件。它容易写入更多的检查记号,支持平台有Linux, HP/UX, Solaris, *BSD和 Windows (仅作为客户机)。
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/opensmart/?branch_id=53126&release_id=172700 |
2. Network Probe
- Network Probe is a network monitor and protocol analyzer that gives you an instant picture of the traffic situation on your network and enables you to identify and isolate traffic problems. Traffic statistics are graphically displayed in real-time.
Network Probe是一个网络监控器和协议分析器,它能给你一副关于你的网络流量状况的即时画面,使你能识别并分离流量问题。流量统计表以图像的方式实时显示。 |
3. Intel IA32 Microcode Update Utility
- About:
The microcode_ctl utility is a companion to the Linux IA32 microcode driver present in recent kernels (2.2.18+ / 2.4.x). It decodes and sends new microcode to the kernel driver to be uploaded to Intel IA32 family processors.
公用microcode_ctl是Linux IA32微码驱动的伙伴,存在于新近的kernels (2.2.18+ / 2.4.x). 它解码并且发送新的微码到kernel驱动,并被上传到Tntel IA32家族处理器中。
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/intelp6microcodeupdateutility/?branch_id=4457&release_id=172312 |
4. cdpr
- cdpr (Cisco Discovery Protocol Reporter) shows the switch and port that a machine is connected to, provided that the device supports CDP. It can also optionally decode the full CDP packet. cdpr was written to help network/system administrators find out about the equipment that a machine is connected to. This is done by capturing and decoding a Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) packet.
cdpr 展示了与机器连接的交换和接口,假如此器件支持cdp. 她也只能选择性的对整个CDP包进行解码。cdp是用来帮助网络或系统管理员检查 与机器连接的装置。这都是通过捕获和解码cdp包来完成的。 |
5. KBBTray
- About:
KBBTray is a KDE task bar tray applicaton that monitors a Big Brother page and shows its status.
KBBTray是一个KDE任务条码应用软件,其监控Big Brother页并显示其状态。
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/kbbtray/?branch_id=43263&release_id=172592 |
6. RRDBrowse
- RRDBrowse is a poller daemon, templater, and Web interface for rrdtool. It works with small .nfo files which hold router information and connection details, colors, min/max bandwidth settings, etc. It uses a small caching mechanism to store interface names.
RRDBrowse是一个rrdtool的查询端口监督,模板,和Web界面程序。它对小 .nfo文件起作用,这些文件保存发送程序信息和连接细节,颜色,最大或最小带宽设定值,等等。它用一个小的超高速缓存机制来存储界面名称。 |