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共有 159 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16>
- YAMP stands for Yet Another Multimedia player. It's a multimedia player for the xbox. It can play most of the audio/video formats known.
YAMP是其他多媒体播放器的替代,它是xbox的多媒体播放器。它可以播放激活所有已知的音频/视频格式。 |
2. MotoRobots Software Libraries
- An open source set of embedded software libraries in C, C++ and Assembler for robotics programming, targeting controllers using Motorola 68K/ColdFire & PowerPC micros. The initial target is the 68332-powered Mini RoboMind controller (www.robominds.com)
MotoRobots Software Libraries是一套开源的C, C++ 和汇编语言的嵌入式软件库,用于机器人编程,和使用Motorola 68K/ColdFire & PowerPC微处理器的目标控制器。最初的目标是68332驱动的Mini RoboMind 控制器。 (www.robominds.com)
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/motorobots/ |
3. zzt++
- zzt++ is a game creation system, inspired by Tim Sweeney's 1991 shareware hit zzt. zzt++ is an exact recreation of zzt using C++ in an open source project. zzt++ is supposed to run on DOS and Linux under X using GTK+. Welcome to zzt++.
zzt++是一个游戏创建系统,由Tim Sweeney的1991这个共享软件启发而开发了zzt。zzt++是使用C++精确复制zzt的一个开源项目。zzt++设想为可以在DOS以及X下的Linux使用 GTK+可以运行。欢迎来到zzt++。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zztpp/ |
4. Linux Kernel Module Wrapper
- This project aims to provide a quick way for modularizing Linux kernel functions even if they aren't within a module! It can be used for developing and testing kernel functionalities without needing a reboot.
Linux Kernel Module Wrapper这个项目旨在提供一个快速的方式进行Linux内核函数的模块化,即使它们不在任何一个模块内!它可以用于开发和测试内核函数而不需要重新启动机器。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kmw/ |
5. Open GameBoy Games
- We write cewl games. (At least, we think so...) Right now the games run on Nintendo's Game Boy [Advance], but in the future... who knows?
我们编写这个cewl 游戏,(至少至少,我们认为应该这样做)。现在游戏可以在Nintendo的Game Boy [Advance]上运行,但未来怎么样...谁知道?
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/opengbgames/ |
6. Syllable
- Syllable is a complete Operating System, with its own kernel, filesystem, GUI and applications. Syllable is based on the AtheOS codebase, is largely POSIX.1 compliant, and uses a large number of the GNU utilities and applications.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/syllable/ |
7. WinSTon
- WinSTon is an Atari ST emulator running under Windows. Many programs and games are emulated very well but especially demos still behave strangely. Our goal is the "perfect" emulator.
WinSTon是一个在Windows环境中运行的Atari ST模拟器。可以很好地模拟许多程序和游戏,但是演示仍旧不是很稳定。我们的目标是一个“完美的”模拟器。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/winston/ |
8. VirtualDubMpg2
- VirtualDubMpg2 is based upon three existing programs : Nandub, VirtualDub, and DVD2avi. It basically adds 2 audiostreams and MPEG2 support to VirtualDub 1.4.10.
VirtualDubMpg2是一个基于3个现在的程序Nandub, VirtualDub, 和 DVD2avi。它主要增加了2个音频流和VirtualDub 1.4.10的MPEG2支持。
来源:http://sourceforge.net/projects/virtualdubmpg2/ |
9. Paranormal
- An extremely customizable (pseudo-programmable) audio visualization library
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/paranormal/ |
10. form Handler
- MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. Its purpose is to document the inner workings of those pioneering games of the video arcade era. Remember Pacman, Space Invaders, DigDug, etc, well, they are all documented and what's more fully playable in the MAME project.
MAME is software, written in 'C' and 'ASM', which emulates the hardware of the original machine the games were built with. This enables the original game programs (often called ROM images) to run quite happily on a PC. The other advantage is that these games will be preserved forever, thanks to this project.
MAME is co-ordinated By Nicola Salmoria of Italy, but there are well over 100 people contributing to this project. The code is written in a manner which allows several people to submit 'drivers', and are merged with the current code. MAME currently emulates over 2500 sets, however, some of these are clones, bugfixed and bootleg versions. Still, there are well over 1500 individually different games emulated by MAME.
This site is to be used as a resource for arcade enthusiasts and for owners of the original machines. You see, these arcade machines will not last forever, so the emulator and ROM Images are here to preserve these games.
Remember, MAME is FREE. Please, the first and foremost request here is respect for the programmers who work hard on this project for FREE. From the M.A.M.E. readme.txt file:
M.A.M.E. - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team Please note that many people helped with this project, either directly or by releasing source code that was used to write the drivers. We are not trying to appropriate merit that isn't ours. See the acknowledgments section for a list of contributors, however please note that the list is largely incomplete. See also the CREDITS section in the emulator to see the people who contributed to a specific driver. Again, that list might be incomplete. We apologize in advance for any omission. All trademarks cited in this document are property of their respective owners.
是一个比较著名的游戏模拟器,可以模拟很多街机游戏,通过提供虚拟真实机器环境,加载游戏ROM来在PC机上运行,给玩家提供更多的和灵活的选择。发行版本种类比较多,可以找到针对各种机器的版本。 |
共有 159 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16> |