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共有 36 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4>
1. Extreme Gaming 4 Linux
- Extreme Gaming 4 Linux is a project that aims to provide simple scripts and utilities to run Windows-based games sucessfully under Linux.
Extreme Gaming 4 Linux是一个旨在提供简单的脚本和工具来在Linux下运行基于Windows的游戏。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/eg4l/ |
2. FastGEO
- Is a library that contains a wide range of very highly optimized and fast vector based geometrical algorithms and routines for many different types of geometrical primitives such as segment intersections, collision detection, hull construction, triangulation.
来源: http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone2/cat265/16987.htm |
3. base64 file encoder/decoder
- Very small utilities that encode/decodes files into/from base64 respectively. Completely written in Pure Pascal (from version 2) they should compile in every Pascal compiler known to man.
分别把文件编码为基64或从基64解码是很少用。它是完全用Pascal编写的,它可以用已知的Pascal编译器编译。 |
4. Dark Lands
- Dark Lands is a multiplayer RPG made fully with ANSI graphics. The source code is in Pascal. Currently, this game has probably no point except exploring the areas and killing monsters. It can be used as a BBS door game.
Dark Lands 完全是用ANSI图形制作的多人RPG游戏。源码是用Pascal写的,游戏目的为探索未知领域和杀死怪兽。 |
5. tDBF component for Delphi and BCB
- TDBF is a freeware native data access component for Borland Delphi and C++Builder. It allows you to create very compact database programs which don't need any special installer programs. The DB engine code is compiled right into your executable.
tDBF component for Delphi and BCB是一个为Borland Delphi 和C++Builder提供的免费软件本地数据访问组件。它允许你创建一个非常精简的数据库程序,这一程序不需要专门的安装程序。DB引擎代码可以按你的需要编译成可执行文件。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tdbf/ |
6. TV Tycoon
- TVTycoon is a Free remake of an old game, called Mad TV. It's written on FreePascal / Delphi + SDL. Still on alpha stage.
TV Tycoon是一个称为Mad TV的老游戏的免费重构。它是用FreePascal / Delphi + SDL编写的,仍处于alpha阶段。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tvtycoon/ |
7. Sauron
- Sauron is a free DNS/DHCP management system with Web and command line interfaces. It is able to manage multiple DNS/DHCP servers. Complete dhcpd and named configurations are generated from a central SQL database.
Sauron是一个免费DNS/DHCP管理系统,它有Web和命令行接口。它能管理多个DNS/DHCP服务器。从一个中心 SQL数据库中产生完整的 dhcpd和已命名的配置。 |
8. Garden Points Oberon Compiler
- The Garden Points Oberon Compiler complies with the Oberon-2 specifications of Oberon Microsystems of Switzerland. It provides comprehensive compile-time diagnostics with explicit error messages and optional warnings for obsolete syntax or dubious program constructs.
Garden Points Oberon Compiler遵守瑞士的Oberon Microsystems 的 Oberon-2规范,它提供的编译时间的全面的诊断信息,如明确的错误信息,对过时语法或可颖的程序结构的可选的警告。
来源: http://freshmeat.net/projects/gpoc/?topic_id=48 |
9. Programmer Utilities Distribution
- The Programmer Utilities Distribution is a bunch of programs to save the time of developers. The main toolset is a collection of programs which create a source code "skeleton" for new source code files. This is based on personal templates and styles, and also your config file.
Programmer Utilities Distribution是一个保存开发者时间的程序簇。主要的工具箱是一个程序的集合,这些程序为新源代码文件创建了一个源代码"skeleton".这是基于个人模板和风格,还基于你的配置文件。 |
10. Draak Compiler
- Draak is a multi-language, macro compiler, meaning all syntax and code generation is defined in a single file. Draak is a single binary that is able to compile any context free language (like C, Pascal, Java) for any platform with only 1 file.
Draak Compiler是一个多语言,宏编译器,可以在一个单独的文件中定义所有的语法和代码生成。Draak 是一个单独的二进制文件,可以在任意平台上只使用一个文件来编译任何上下文无关的语言(类似 C, Pascal, Java)。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/draak/ |
共有 36 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> |