共有 35 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4>
2. Linux CitySim
- This is a city simulation engine based on DB/SQL with other components, don't know about the AI part yet, wish for some help about it.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/lcitysim/ |
3. Cervisia
- Cervisia - A graphical frontend to CVS
Cervisia 是CVS图形化前端。 |
4. Hercules IBM System Emulator
- Hercules IBM System Emulator - Hercules is an emulator for the IBM System/360 and 370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture series of mainframe computers that runs on Linux and other Unix-style operating systems and Win32. It can run any software that will run on a real IBM mainframe.
Hercules IBM System Emulator - Hercules 是一个可以运行Linux和其他Unix模式操作系统和Win32的IBM System/360 and 370, ESA/390, 和 z/Architecture 西类主机的模拟器。只要IBM主机可以运行的软件就可以通过他运行。 |
5. RegExplorer
- RegExplorer is a visual regular expression explorer, it allows for writing regular expressions and visually see the matches, thus making regular expression much easier to write and maintain.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/regexplorer/ |
7. Moonshine
- Moonshine
Moonshine is an application development tool for Linux that supports a wide variety of languages. It is designed in a modular fashion so that specific language support is not built directly into the application but into plug-ins or modules.
Moonshine 是一个Linux应用开发工具,它支持很多语言。它被设计成的模型方式使特定的语言支持并没有直接建立在应用软件上而是作为插件或者模型。 |
8. SecurityFocus ARIS Extractor
- SecurityFocus ARIS Extractor - SecurityFocus ARIS Extractor is a sophisticated IDS log analyzer, integrated with the SecurityFocus ARIS Analyzer web service. It parses your IDS logs (Snort, Cisco Secure IDS, Dragon, NetProwler, RealSecure, BlackICE defender, and ICEPac), converts them to a common (xml) format, strips IP addresses and other identifying information (configurable), and uploads it to ARIS Analyzer for detailed analysis.
SecurityFocus ARIS Extractor - SecurityFocus ARIS Extractor 是一个古老的IDS日志文件分析器,完整的包括SecurityFocus ARIS Analyzer 的Web服务器版本。她分析你的 IDS日志 (Snort, Cisco Secure IDS, Dragon, NetProwler, RealSecure, BlackICE defender, and ICEPac),把它们转化成为通用格式(XML),分析IP地址和其他的辨识信息(配置),然后上传到ARIS Analyzer 分析细节。 |
9. XTrader
- XTrader is a technical analysis program for securities. It has also a simple integrated portfolio manager. Xtrader runs both in X.Windows and MS-Windows environments.
XTrader 是一个有价证卷的技术分析程序。它也可以简单的整合到portfolio管理器中。XTrader 可以工作在X窗口环境,也可以工作在微软视窗环境。 |
10. HEVEA 翻译
- HEVEA is a LaTeX to HTML translator. The input language is a fairly complete subset of LaTeX2e, as well as the old LaTeX style and the output language is HTML that is correct with respect to version 4.0.
HEVEA 是一个从 LaTeX到 HTML的翻译器。它的输入语言是一个完全的 LaTeX2e 子集,象老的 LaTeX 类型,输出语言是HTML,那和版本4.0正相符合. |
共有 35 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> |