源码搜索 |
共有 287 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16> <17> <18> <19> <20> <21> <22> <23> <24> <25> <26> <27> <28> <29>
1. Lefticus' Christian Projects
- This project exists as a place for various projects that I am working on which are GPL'd. Please feel free to join in on this projects and enjoy them.
Lefticus' Christian Projects这个项目是我正在开发的各种项目之一,这些项目遵守GPL协议。请自由加入这个项目。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/christiangame/ |
2. Libnids - NIDS E-component library
- Libnids - NIDS E-component, based on Linux kernel. This library provides IP defragmentation, TCP reassembly and port scan detection.
Libnids - NIDS E-组件,基于Linux内核。这个库提供了IP分段重组,TCP 重新组装,和端口扫描检测。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/libnids/ |
3. after htl hack
- Intended to improve the world with various cool projects.
after htl hack旨在用各种很好的项目改进世界。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ahh/ |
4. Music Player Daemon
- Music Player Daemon (MPD) allows remote access for playing music (MP3, Ogg Vorbis, and Flac) and managing playlists. The design focus is on integrating a computer into a stereo system that provides control for music playback over a local network.
Music Player Daemon(MPD) 支持远程访问来播放音乐 (MP3, Ogg Vorbis, 和Flac) ,以及管理播放列表。设计焦点在于将计算机集成到一个立体音响系统中,通过一个本地网络来控制音乐的播放。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/musicpd/ |
5. jasip
- jasip, or Jeff's Automated Services/Information Provider, is a stand-alone bot for AOL's Instant Messenger (AIM) service. It provides many useful features not currently existing in AOL's Instant Messenger service, as well as just being fun.
jasip,或Jeff的Automated Services/Information Provider,是为AOL's Instant Messenger (AIM)服务提供的一个单独的bot。它提供了许多现在的AOL's Instant Messenger服务没有提供的功能,很有趣。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jasip/ |
6. Open Source Enterprise
- A complete server platform for business:web, database, portal, ecommerce, intranet,Plug-ins: Metadot, Interchange, Bricolage, Zope, Conflux, WebGUI, Typo3, Compiere, OTRS, Plone, JBoss,SQL-Ledger, Cofax, Jetspeed, EZPublish, Struts, CRM, PHPBB,OSCommerce
Open Source Enterprise是一个完整的业务平台,提供了:Web,数据库,门户,电子商务,intrane。插件有: Metadot, Interchange, Bricolage, Zope, Conflux, WebGUI, Typo3, Compiere, OTRS, Plone, JBoss,SQL-Ledger, Cofax, Jetspeed, EZPublish, Struts, CRM, PHPBB,OSCommerce
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/opensourcekit/ |
7. GMonsters
- A Gnome-based game in which you train, raise, and battle virtual monsters.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gmonsters/ |
8. Zoph
- Zoph is a photo management system written with PHP and MySQL. Photos can appear in multiple albums and categories; the people in a photo can be labeled. Features include search, slideshows, lightboxes, email, access privileges and internationalization.
Zoph是一个用PHP 和MySQL编写的图像管理系统。图片可以在多个册和分类中出现;可以标识图片中的人物。功能包括搜索、幻灯片显示、电子邮件、访问特权设置和国际化支持。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zoph/ |
9. DbtuTools
- The DbtuTools project is a framework for working with the Unix/Wintel versions of IBM\'s DB2 UDB database family.
DbtuTools项目是一个框架,用于和IBM的UDB数据库家族的Unix/Wintel 版本一起工作。 |
10. prometeo
- About:
Prometeo is a modular, extensible proxy. It comes with HTTP, FTP (with SSL support), POP3, and SSL modules. Modules can be added or removed at runtime and everything can be configured through a Web interface.
Prometeo是一个模块可扩展的代理服务器。它伴随HTTP, FTP (SSL支持), POP3和SSL模块一起发生。在运行时间,模块可以被增加或者被删除,任何东西都可以通过一个web界面被配置。
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/prometeo/?branch_id=36590&release_id=172526 |
共有 287 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16> <17> <18> <19> <20> <21> <22> <23> <24> <25> <26> <27> <28> <29> |