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共有 91 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10>
1. IPDR.org
- The IPDR.org reference libraries encode and decode IPDR usage documents in either XML or the binary format. Libraries are available in C and Java.
IPDR.org参考库可以按XML或二进制格式对IPDR使用文档进行编解码。可以在 C 和Java语言中使用这个库。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ipdr/ |
2. Xop
- Xop
XOP is a widget based interface which drives different programs that calculate x-ray and synchrotron radiation source spectra (x-ray tubes, bending magnets, wigglers and undulators), and the reflection and transmission characteristics of optical elements as: mirrors, filters, flat crystals, bent perfect crystals, compound refractive lenses and multilayers.
Xop 是一个基于不同程序界面的widget,这些程序计算x线和同步加速器放射源光谱 (x-ray tubes, bending magnets, wigglers 和 undulators)。光学元素的反射和传输特性是:镜象,滤光器,平水晶,完全弯曲的水晶,化合物折射镜和多层结构。 |
3. Retroweaver
- A Java bytecode weaver that enables you to take advantage of the new 1.5 language features in your source code, while still retaining compability with 1.4 virtual machines.
Retroweaver是一个Java字节码工具,让你可以在源代码中利用新的1.5版的Java语言的功能,同时仍旧保持同1.4 版虚拟机的功能。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/retroweaver/ |
CoSORT delivers a high performance sorting solution for Unix/Linux data centers. CoSORT provides data manipulation, database management, and mainframe migration tools, and is ideal for accelerating database loads.
CoSORT 用于Unix/Linux 数据中心提供一个高性能的分类解决。CoSORT 提供数据操纵,数据管理和主机移动工具。它对于加快数据库下载是很理想的。 |
5. Easy Struts plugins
- The goal of this project is to provide a bunch of tools, inside popular IDE as Eclipse v2.0, Borland JBuilder 5-6, in order to facilitate the developement of a web project based on Jakarta Struts framework.(keywords: MVC2, Struts, Eclipse, JBuilder, Java
Easy Struts plugins这个项目的目的提供一套工具,为在 Eclipse v2.0, Borland JBuilder 5-6这些流行的IDE中简化开发基于Jakarta Struts 框架的Web应用程序(关键词:MVC2, Struts, Eclipse, JBuilder, Java)。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/easystruts/ |
6. xspace
- xspace
The program, "xspace" is a space physics educational software package. It is designed to introduce students to space physics concepts and to be used as exercises for class homework or assignments.
xspace 这个程序是一个空间物理教学软件包。它是用来把天空物理概念介绍给学生并且作为课堂作业或者课下任务的一个练习。 |
7. Java Application Framework For All
- An Enterprise Focused Java Framework For Rapid Application Development. JAFFA is a Java web application development stack, extending exsiting projects like Tomcat and Struts with MVC based web widgets, built-in persistence and component generators too
Java Application Framework For All是为快速应用程序开发提供的一个企业Java框架。JAFFA 是一个Java Web应用程序开发框架,用基于MVC为基础的Web窗口部件来扩展现存的项目,如 Tomcat 和Struts,也内建了持久性和组件生成器。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jaffa/ |
8. NNFit
- NNFit
NNFit (Neural Network Fitting) is a non-linear regression program based on multilayered neural network models. NNFit allows the userfriendly development and application of neural emprirical relations between input and output variables.
NNFit是一个非线性的衰退程序,它基于多层中枢网络模型。它允许友好用户的发展和中枢输入输出变量关系的运用。 |
9. Open (Source|System) Monitoring and R
- About:
OpenSMART is a monitoring (and reporting) environment for servers and applications in a network. Its main features are a nice Web front end, monitored servers requiring only a Perl installation, XML configuration, and good documentation. It is easy to write more checks. Supported platforms are Linux, HP/UX, Solaris, *BSD, and Windows (only as a client).
OpenSMART是网络内服务器和应用软件的监控(和报告)环境。其主要特点是:一个非常漂亮的Web前端,仅仅需要Perl安装的监控服务器,XML配置,以及好的文件。它容易写入更多的检查记号,支持平台有Linux, HP/UX, Solaris, *BSD和 Windows (仅作为客户机)。
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/opensmart/?branch_id=53126&release_id=172700 |
10. Tioga DataSplash
- Tioga DataSplash
Tioga DataSplash (formerly known as Tioga-2) allows users to interactively create and browse visualizations of database tables. DataSplash combines a sophisticated navigation model with a paint program interface with which users can create custom visualizations.
Tioga DataSplash (以前被认做Tioga-2)允许用户来交互式的创造和浏览数据库表格。它结合了一个复杂的航海模型和一个画图程序界面。这样用户可以创造客户视图化。 |
共有 91 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> |