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共有 228 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16> <17> <18> <19> <20> <21> <22> <23>
1. Sporum
- Sporum is a Web-based discussion forum. It features several expected elements of forums including user registration, moderating abilities, threaded discussions, a search engine, Web-based administration, and more, as well as some new features including a new interface, four different threaded views (Combined, Flat, Nested, Threaded), multiple forums/categories/boards, e-mail subscription, and a ratings and point system.
Sporum 是一个基于Web的论坛。包括用户注册,线性讨论,查找引擎,基于Web的管理和新用户界面,四种样式(组合,平铺,嵌套,线性),多论坛,种类,留言板,e-mail 订阅和评定积分系统。 |
2. ST@FF - Support Tool and Forum Frameset
- ST@FF is a forum frameset based on topic notesboards. It is designed as support tool for problem tracking, but could also be used as a discussion forum. It supports level-structured access control, keyword definitions, and multiple instances per site.
ST@FF 是一个基于主题布告板的论坛框架,它被设计为问题跟踪系统的支持工具,但可以用来作为一个论坛程序。它支持结构化的访问控制、键盘定义和多实例站点。 |
3. SiteNet BBS
- SiteNet BBS lets you add a full set of professional and attractive forums to your Web site with ease. It features support for unlimited forums, moderation, uploading of user images, user profiles, optional user registration, emoticons, email notification, and many other features. It comes with extensive admin and moderator admin panels to manage all aspects of your forums. A special setup interface ensures easy installation.
SiteNet BBS 允许你方便的在你的Web 上设置专业的论坛。支持多论坛,上传图象,用户信息,用户注册,emoticons,email 提醒和其他特性。允许通过扩展管理或普通管理面板管理论坛。特殊的安装界面使安装过程简单方便。 |
4. Amethyst
- Amethyst started as a port of Infobot to POE, continuing as a generic bot core with the ability to handle multiple connections using different protocols (not necessarily IRC) and soft route the incoming messages through a number of processing centres. One of these processing centres contains much of the original Infobot core.
Amethyst 开始时是作为Infobot移植到POE环境(PowerOpen Enviroment)的一个版本而产生的。随后进一步发展为一个自动服务程序内核,它具有使用不同协议(不一定是IRC)处理多个连接和妥善处理通过众多处理核心接收到的消息的能力。在这些处理核心中,有一个包括了原来的Infobot内核的大部分内容。 |
5. SimpleForum
- SimpleForum is a forum that is designed to work on all HTTP servers which support CGI. It is very easy to configure, and does not require the user to have knowledge of any programming language. It has all the basic functions that a forum should have and a lot more. Additionally, it allows you to change the appearance of the forum (font, font color/size, background color/image, etc.) to your liking. You can also set different languages.
SimpleForum 是一个支持CGI的的可以运行在所有 HTTP 服务器上的论坛。配置简单,不需要任何编程知识,包括所有论坛该有的功能。此外,允许用户改变论坛外观,多语言支持。 |
6. A.C.E. All-purpose Collaboration Engin
- All-purpose Collaboration Engine (A.C.E.) is a Web- based project management and intranet tool written in PHP with a MySQL database. It allows you to create tasks, assign team members, discuss ideas, upload visuals, and share files. A.C.E also is a complete intranet system .
这是一个基于Web的项目管理和intranet工具,用PHP编写,使用MySQL数据库。它可以创建任务,指派团队成员,讨论问题,上传文件,共享文件等。它也是一个完整的intranet系统。 |
7. The Scout Portal Toolkit (SPT)
- The Scout Portal Toolkit (SPT) is a turnkey software package that allows groups or organizations who have collections of knowledge or resources they want to share via the Web to put that collection online without a big investment in technical resources. It includes keyword and fielded search engines, a recommender system, a metadata editor, user agents (push technology to notify users of new resources), forums (bulletin boards), resource quality ratings, resource annotations by users, and support for multiple dynamic user interfaces, selectable on a per-user basis.
The Scout Portal Toolkit (SPT)是一个允许用户将自己收藏的资料通过Web与大家共享又不需要用户大量投资的程序。包括关键字分类,推荐系统,数据编辑器,用户代理,论坛,资料评定,资料注释,支持多动态用户界面,可以根据用户需要自主选择。 |
8. WWW Forum
- WWW Forum is an extremely fast and reliable Web forum that is fully configurable and packed with features. It boasts an elegant user interface and powerful administrative tools.
WWW Forum是一个非常快和可靠的Web论坛,具有各种配置和功能。它有一流的用户界面和强大的管理工具。 |
9. 基于文本的VAXBB
- VAXBB is a fast, text-based CGI bulletin board for the world wide web. It is written in Perl.
VAXBB是一个快速的,在互连网基于文本CGI的电子公告牌。是用Perl语言写的。 |
10. the Karma System
- The Karma System is a distributed, terminal independent, stylistic bbs (bulletin board) scripting environment for unix/linux. It is reminiscent ansi/ascii glory of days past.
The Karma System 是一个分布式的独立终端BBS的unix/linux脚本环境。它让人回想起ansi/ascii的光荣的过去。 |
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