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1. bcnu
- bcnu is a Web-based system management tool which delivers information on the status of networked systems in a simple and easy-to-use manner. It uses a web browser to display information about hosts in a tabular form. Historical information can be held indefinitely, and there is a powerful query tool available to interrogate it. Client systems can run an agent which logs information back to a central system. An agent scheduler is integrated to allow agents to be run at different intervals. Standard agents include ftp, http, disk space, logfiles, processes, and more.
来源:http://bcnu.sourceforge.net/ |
3. BigBen
- BigBen is a client/server application built to monitor the status of several systems from a central point. It monitors processes, disk space, and system load in a configurable way. It works on POSIX and WIN32 environments.
来源:http://bigben.sourceforge.net/ |
5. Big Brother
- Big Brother is a combination of monitoring methods. Unlike SNMP where information is just collected and devices polled, Big Brother is designed in such a way that each local system broadcasts its own information to a central location. Simultaneously, Big Brother also polls all networked systems from a central location. This creates a highly efficient and redundant method for proactive network monitoring.
Big Brother是监控方法的组合工具。不像SNMP一样仅仅由设备收集信息并采用轮询方式。Big Brother设计成由单个系统广播其信息到一个本地中心。同时,Big Brother也可以由中心来轮询所有网络系统。这样,Big Brother保证了高效、冗余的方法来监控网络。
来源:http://bb4.com/ |
6. Magi OutlookConnector
- Export Microsoft Outlook data using the Outlook COM Object Library and Microsoft .NET XML DataSets in C#.
Magi OutlookConnector可以在C#中使用Outlook COM 对象库和Microsoft .NET XML DataSets 导出Microsoft Outlook 数据。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/magimsocon/ |
7. Puzzle Game
- Simple Puzzle Game 4 Kidz
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/vpuzzle/ |
8. iCalendar .NET Parser
- C# iCalendar (RFC 2445) parser. Primarily used to covert iCalendar files into RDF, but can be easily modified to convert iCalendar files into any format.
iCalendar .NET Parser是一个用C#编写的iCalendar (RFC 2445)解析器。主要用于将iCalendar 文件转换为RDF,但可以容易地对其修改,将iCalendar 文件转换为其它任意的格式。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/icalparser/ |
9. Transana
- Transana is a cross-platform tool for the transcription and qualitative analysis of audio/visual data. It also provides the ability to identify and organize analytically interesting portions of videos, as well as attach keywords to those video clips.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/transana/ |
10. snipe gallery
- Snipe Gallery is a PHP/mySQL image management system featuring (but never limited to!): automatic watermarking, dynamic thumbnailing, online cropping/custom thumbnail tool, image dropshadows, custom "picture frames" and more!
snipe gallery是一个PHP/mySQL 图像管理系统,提供了以下功能(但不限于!):自动水印,动态索引图片,在线剪切/定制索引图片的工具,图像阴影,定制的“图片边框”,等等!
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/snipegallery/ |
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