共有 66 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7>
1. Relax
- Relax is a free specialized web server log analysis tool for referrer information processing. It answers the question:   "Which search engines, search keywords and referring URLs led visitors to your site?".
专门用于WEB服务器LOG分析的工具。 |
2. OpenSTA
- 用于测试web站点负载能力,可根据测试需求而建立测试条件,跟踪站点,综合分析测试运行情况 |
3. AlterWind LogAnalyzer
- AlterWind LogAnalyzer is powerful Web site traffic analysis software. It quickly generates traditional and some additional reports for your Web site log files. It has a number of additional features, including an easy-to-use interface, and support for different log file formats.
AlterWind LogAnalyzer是一个强大的 Web地址流分析软件。它为你的Web 地址日志文件快速生成传统的和附加的报告。它有很多附加特征,包括一个易用的界面,和对不同日志文件格式的支持。 |
4. AudiStat
- AudiStat is a freeware PHP application for generating and showing statistics for your Web site. It gives you statistics about hit counts, referring page, visitors country, visitors domain name, etc.
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/audistat/?topic_id=245%2C94%2C68%2C152 |
5. ArpMonitor(监控程序)
- SImple program to monitor arp requests and replies in a given network segment.
一个简单的监控给定网络段的arp请求和回复的程序。 |
6. Prysm
- Prysm is simply a log file colorizer implemented in Python. The current incarnation allows you to specify a 'color.rules' file that has the string you want matched, the foreground color and then the background color. To use it you simply pipe a stream。
Prysm 是一个简单的用Python实现的日志文件变色器。当前的版本可以允许你说明一个‘color.rules’文件,其中有你需要匹配的字符串,前景色和背景色。要使用它,你只需向它简单地输入一个文件流。
来源:http://sourceforge.net/projects/prysm/ |
7. Yet Another Advanced Log Analyzer
- "yaala" parses logfiles and generates very detailed statistics in HTML format. It features two different output types with different amount of information: one for webmasters/sysadmins that would like to get some very interesting (but not necessarily useful) information about their audience, and one that is more likely to be presented on a website.
来源:http://freshmeat.net/search/?q=Yet+Another+Advanced+Log+Analyzer§ion=projects&x=15&y=9 |
8. 3cmstats
- 3cmstats retrieves information from your 3com HomeConnect (tailfin) cable modem (that sometimes is password protected in the Web page modem config) such as Downstream, Upstream, and Registration information . Amongst the data are Rx power level, Tx Power Level, and Frequency. It doesn't use SNMP, so it will probably work on 3Com cable modems that have SNMP disabled.
3cmstats从你的 3com HomeConnect (tailfin)cable 调制解调器 (它有时是 Web页调制解调器配置中的被保护口令)中检索信息,例如,Downstream, Upstream,和Registration信息。在这些数据中有 Rx power level, Tx Power Level, 和Frequency。它不用 SNMP,因此它有可能在3Com cable调制解调器上工作,这些3Com cable调制解调器有失效的SNMP。 |
9. Demarc PureSecure
- Demarc PureSecure is a Total Intrusion Detection System (TIDS) that combines all major aspects of network security into one powerful security suite. It integrates Network Intrusion Detection using the Snort IDS engine with host-based System Integrity Verification and a distributed plugin-based Extensible Service Monitoring system, allowing you to take full control of your network's security infrastructure from a comprehensive browser-driven interface.
Demarc PureSecure是一个Total Intrusion Detection System (TIDS) ,它将网络安全中所有主要的方面都组合到一个功能强大的安全套件中。它使用Snort IDS引擎集成了Network Intrusion Detection,支持基于主机的系统完整性校验,以及一个基于分布式插件的可扩展服务监视系统,允许你从一个广泛的浏览器驱动的接口完全控制你的网络的安全性基础结构。 |
10. tinydns-rrd
- inydns-rrd generates realtime graphs from your tinydns logs by using rrdtool. It works well with high traffic DNS servers.
tinydns-rrd 从你的tinydns logs中使用rrdtool生成实时图片,它与高流量的DNS服务器工作时配合得非常好。 |
共有 66 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> |