共有 52 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6>
1. Another Pascal to Html Converter
- Convert a pascal (.pas) source to a colored Html page.
这个程序可以将pascal (.pas)源文件转换为一个彩色的HTML页面。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/apashtm/ |
2. DUnit: Xtreme Unit Testing for Delphi
- DUnit automates unit testing of Delphi code. The target audience for DUnit is developers who are both writing the code to be tested and the unit tests for that code, an approach advocated by Extreme Programming. Dunit is based on the product JUnit.
DUnit对Delphi的代码进行自动的单元测试。DUnit的目标是那些既要编写被测试的代码,又要为这些代码编写测试的开发人员,DUnit为他们提供了一个由Extreme Programming所倡导的方法。Dunit基于JUnit项目。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dunit/ |
3. NetTime
- NetTime is a simple, free time synchronization client for Win32, providing a client and server for SNTP and RFC868. Its main claim to fame is that it is small, simple and unobtrusive.
NetTime是一个简单、免费的Win32平台的的时间同步客户端,为SNTP 和RFC868提供了一个客户端和服务器。它主要的特点是体积小,简单,功能不冗余。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/nettime/ |
4. Dianti Anime Database
- Dianti is a software manager for anime video files. You can easily add records with multiples features. You can browse quickly with a command search and generate html or text files for trades.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dianti/ |
5. Visual Synapse
- Visual Synapse are component wrappers around the Synapse tcp/ip libraries. It wraps a few common internet protocols, like HTTP, UDP, DNS, ICMP, TCP and SMTP to multi-threaded components that can be used with Delphi, Kylix, Freepascal and C++ Builder.
Visual Synapse是Synapse tcp/ip 库的组件封装器。它封装了一些Internet协议,例如HTTP, UDP, DNS, ICMP, TCP 和SMTP ,供Delphi, Kylix, Freepascal 和C++ Builder中的多线程组件使用。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/visualsynapse/ |
6. TurboPower LockBox
- LockBox is a cross-platform toolkit for data encryption. It contains routines & components for use with Borland Delphi, C++Builder, & Kylix. It provides support for Blowfish, RSA, MD5, SHA-1, DES, triple- DES, Rijndael, & digital signing of messages.
TurboPower LockBox是一个跨平台的数据加密工具集。它包含可以在Borland Delphi, C++Builder, 和 Kylix上运行的例程和组件。它支持Blowfish, RSA, MD5, SHA-1, DES, triple- DES, Rijndael和消息的数字签名。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tplockbox/ |
7. pgettext
- pgettext is a gettext package for Freepascal. It consists of a unit which provides C-like gettext support (via procedures) and some useful utilities, such as searching for MSGIDs in Pascal sources and spell checking of .po files.
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/pgettext/?topic_id=1001%2C45 |
8. libsql sqlite and mysql for pascal
- pascal library for sqlite and mysql - allowing quick and easy data access. wraps sqlite 2.8x, 3 (sqlite(3).dll/so), mysql 3.2x, 4.0 (libmysql.dll/libmysqlclient.so), embedded mysql 4.0 (libmysqld.dll). compatible with delphi, kylix and freepascal.
这是为sqlite 和 mysql提供的pascal 库-支持快速和方便地访问数据库。封装了sqlite 2.8x, 3 (sqlite(3).dll/so), mysql 3.2x, 4.0 (libmysql.dll/libmysqlclient.so),嵌入式mysql 4.0 (libmysqld.dll)。兼容于delphi, kylix 和freepascal。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/libsql/ |
9. Geoblock
- Geoblock is a program for 3D modeling, database management and visualization of geoscience datasets. It is designed for mineral deposit exploration, ore reserve estimation, mine planning and simulation of processes in mine sites.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/geoblock/ |
10. IBAccess
- IBAccess is a Interbase client application to allow users and administrators to perform common tasks with their Interbase databases in a user friendly interface.
IBAccess是一个Interbase 客户端应用程序,可以让用户和管理员在一个用户友好的界面中执行他们的Interbase 数据库操作。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ibaccess/ |
共有 52 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> |