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共有 299 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16> <17> <18> <19> <20> <21> <22> <23> <24> <25> <26> <27> <28> <29> <30>
1. Password Demo
- This is a very good example of how to use the registry to save data. It shows how to create, store and save a password to the registry and also encrypts it to keep out prying eyes.
Password Demo是一个非常好的例子,演示了使用注册表来保存数据。它也显示了如何创建、存储一个口令到注册表中,并通过加密以防其它人监视。
来源: http://www.zarr.net/vb/download/codedetail.asp?code=81 |
2. libike
- libike is a cross-platform C library for managing IKE negotiations. The library implements RFC-standard ISAKMP/IKE exchanges and utilizes a callback mechanism to delegate tasks of the actual packet transmission and security policies management to the external code.
libike是一个跨平台的 C库,用于管理 IKE协商。这个库执行标准RFC的ISAKMP/IKE交换,并利用一个回收信号机制来代表实际包传输的任务和对外部码的安全性政策管理的任务。 |
3. SAM - Snort Alert Monitor
- SAM is a Real-Time Snort alert monitor. SAM provides many ways to indicate that you may be experiencing an intrusion attempt on your network including audio/visual warnings, email warnings, etc. SAM is written in Java for maximum portability.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/snortalertmon/ |
4. Perl Advanced TCP Hijacking
- This project is a collection of hijacking tools written in Perl. By now it includes a packetgenerator, a rst deamon, a sniffer, an IDS testing tool and an automatic hijacking daemon. There is a GUI and a terminal version of all tool
这个项目是用Perl编写的一套hijacking工具集。到目前位置,它包括一个数据包生成器,一个rst守护程序,一个嗅探器,一个入侵检测测试工具和一个自动hijacking守护程序。所有的工具都有一个图形界面和一个终端版本。 |
5. Bait and Switch Honeypot System
- The Bait and Switch Honeypot System combines the snort Intrusion Detection System (IDS) with honeypot technology to create a system that reacts to hostile intrusion attempts by marking and then redirecting all "bad" traffic to a honeypot that partially mirrors your production system. Once switched, the would-be hacker is unknowingly attacking your honeypot instead of the real data, while your clients and/or users are still safely accessing the real system. Life goes on, your data is safe, and you get to learn about the bad guy as an added benefit. It works with Snort 1.9.0, 1.9.1, and 2.0.2.
The Bait and Switch Honeypot System结合Snort入侵检测系统的蜜罐技术,通过标志和重定向所有有害数据到一个作为你系统的镜像的蜜罐中,提供一个对有敌意入侵的反应系统。从黑客的角度来所,进攻的黑客并不知道他攻击的是蜜罐而不是实际的系统,而你的用户和客户端则仍可继续安全的访问实际的系统。本软件可以确保你系统的安全,并可以让你了解攻击你系统的黑客的信息,其可以工运行在Snort 1.9.0, 1.9.1, 和2.0.2下。
来源:http://baitnswitch.sourceforge.net/ |
6. Remote Sniffer Detection Lib/Tool
- Sniffdet is an OpenSource implementation of a set of tests for remote sniffers detection in TCP/IP network environments. It's composed of a flexible and easy to use library and an application to run the tests.
sniffdet是一个开放源码的,在TCP/IP网络环境下测试远程嗅探发现的一套方法的实现。它有一个灵活、易用的库和一个应用程序组成来运行测试。 |
7. Mechanical ID - Password Generator
- Password generator. The user can choice the characters, write the results in text file, make pronunceable passwords, choice the number of digits and codes. Visual version made in Java and non-visual version in C. Great performance.
Mechanical ID是一个口令生成器。用户可以选择字符,将结果写在文本文件中,生成可发音的口令,选择数字和编码的位数。可视化版本是用Java开发的,非可视化版本是用C编写的。提供了很多的性能。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mecid/ |
8. Winfingerprint
- Winfingerprint is a Win32 MFC VC++ .NET based security tool that is able to Determine OS, enumerate users, groups, shares, transports, sessions, services, service pack , date and time, disks, and open tcp and udp ports
Winfingerprint 是一个基于MFC VC++.NET的Win32安全工具,它能识别操作系统,列举用户,组,共享资源,传输,会话,服务,服务包,日期和事件,硬盘,打开的tcp和udp端口。 |
- ODESSA - The Open Digital Evidence Search and Seizure Architecture is a cross-platform framework for performing Computer Forensics and Incident Response.
ODESSA- The Open Digital Evidence Search and Seizure Architecture 是一个用于执行计算机辩论和事件响应的跨平台框架。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/odessa/ |
10. Network Packet Capture Facility for Java
- jpcap is a set of Java classes which provide an interface and system for network packet capture. A protocol library and tool for visualizing network traffic is included. jpcap utilizes libpcap, a widely deployed system library for packet capture.
jpcap 是一个Java类集合,它为网络数据包的捕获提供接口和系统。包括一个可视化网络事件的协议库和工具。jpcap利用了libpcap,一个广泛应用的系统抓包库。 |
共有 299 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16> <17> <18> <19> <20> <21> <22> <23> <24> <25> <26> <27> <28> <29> <30> |