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共有 130 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13>
1. Berkeley DB
- Berkeley DB is a high-performance, highly reliable embedded database library. It supports transactions, recovery from system or application failures, concurrent access by thousands of users, and databases up to 256 TB.
Berkeley DB 是一款高性能,高可靠性的嵌入式数据库。支持处理,恢复系统和应用程序错误。同时支持上千用户,数据容量直到256TB. |
2. Delphi Direct ORACLE Access Components
- Delphi Components for direct (without BDE) access to ORACLE 7.3/8/8i Server from Delphi 4,5,6,7. Full implementation of ORACLE BLOB and CLOB fields. Possibility to execute stored procedures and parts of PL/SQL code. Fast and powerful tables in memory.
Delphi Direct ORACLE Access Components是一个Delphi组件,用于从Delphi 4,5,6,7直接(不用BDE)访问ORACLE 7.3/8/8i服务器。完全实现ORACLE BLOB 和CLOB字段。可能用来执行存储过程和一部分PL/SQL代码。提供了快速而强大的内存表。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/delphioci/ |
3. DBObject
- DBObject
by ixo111 - Friday, December 14th 2001 22:09 EST  
ixO-DBObject is a Perl DBI abstraction layer which attempts to provide an interface geared towards the way SQL is commonly used. It is a generalized interface and should be compatible with any DBD module (features that may not be common for all databases, such as placeholders, are not used).
DBObject 是一个Perl DBI抽象层,它试图提供一个接口适合于SQL通常的使用。它是一个通用接口应该能够与任何DBD模块相兼容。(特性可能并不对所有的数据库通用,象 placeholders, 不能使用). |
4. Kowari
- Kowari is a Java based, non-SQL database for the storage of RDF providing a lightweight, scalable, transaction safe environment.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kowari/ |
5. 4Suite Server
- 4Suite is a platform for XML processing and knowledge-management. It allows users to take advantage of standard XML technologies rapidly and to develop and integrate Web-based applications.
4Suite是一个XML处理器和知识管理平台,它允许用户利用标准XML技术快速的开发和集成基于Web的应用。 |
6. JOracleDump
- OracleDump is a Java console tool that reverse- engineers a SQL script that will recreate an Oracle database, similar to what mysqldump does for MySQL. It handles number, character, clob, and date types correctly, but results for other datatypes are undefined.
JOracleDump是一个Java控制台工具,用于一个SQL脚本的反向处理,可以重构一个Oracle数据库,类似于mysqldump为MySQL提供的功能。它可以正确处理数字,字符,clob, 和日期数据类型,但其它的数据类型还没有定义。
来源: http://freshmeat.net/projects/joracledump/?topic_id=67 |
7. LifeLines
- LifeLines is a genealogy program to help with your family history research. Its primarily strengths are its powerful scripting language and the ability easily import and export information in the GEDCOM format.
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/lifelines/ |
8. InterBase / Firebird UDF''s in Delphi
- UDF Library for InterBase / Firebird SQL servers, written in Borland Delphi v7 to run on Win32 and Unix platforms
这是为 InterBase / Firebird SQL服务器提供的UDF库,用Borland Delphi v7开发,可以在Win32 和Unix 平台上运行。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/fireudflib/ |
9. My Movies Database
- My Movies Database is a movie DB management tool that allows the management of movies, actors, directors, physical supports, and languages. It also connects to the IMDB to retrieve movies data and avoid typing. Finally, it supports sending email messages to friends that do not return items.
My Movies Database是一个电影DB管理工具,可以管理电影、演员、导演、物理支持和语言。它也可以连接到IMDB以检索电影数据并避免输入。最后,它支持给朋友发送电子邮件,收到信的朋友不用返回信息。 |
10. tDBF component for Delphi and BCB
- TDBF is a freeware native data access component for Borland Delphi and C++Builder. It allows you to create very compact database programs which don't need any special installer programs. The DB engine code is compiled right into your executable.
tDBF component for Delphi and BCB是一个为Borland Delphi 和C++Builder提供的免费软件本地数据访问组件。它允许你创建一个非常精简的数据库程序,这一程序不需要专门的安装程序。DB引擎代码可以按你的需要编译成可执行文件。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tdbf/ |
共有 130 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> |