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共有 13 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2>
1. sview
- A program to display text word by word, a technique known as Rapid Serial Visual Presentation - RSVP.
sview是一个按单词来显示文本的程序,采用了“快速串行可视化表示”技术(Rapid Serial Visual Presentation - RSVP) |
2. DokuWiki
- About:
DokuWiki is an easy-to-use Wiki aimed at a small companies' documentation needs. It works on plain text files and thus needs no database. It has a simple but powerful syntax which makes sure the data files remain readable outside the Wiki. It utilizes GNU grep for fast text search.
DokuWiki一个容易使用的wiki,处于一个小公司的文件需要。它以纯文本文件工作,因而不需要数据库。它有一个简单但强有力的语法,使得其能确保在Wiki.之外数据文件保持可读。它利用GNU grep进行文本的快速搜索。
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/dokuwiki/?branch_id=51558&release_id=172566 |
3. JManTools
- The JManTools project is design to provide docbook to manpage conversion for the java community. Although there are existing tools (e.g. docbook2X) for the the generation of man pages from SGML docbook, there are as yet not equivalents for the XML version.
JManTools这个项目设计用来为Java社区提供docbook 到manpage的转换。虽然已经有现存的工具(如,docbook2X)可以从SGML的docbook生成man页,然而还没有XML版的等价程序。
来源:http://sourceforge.net/projects/jmantools/ |
4. VBDOX Visual Basic AddIn
- VBDOXAddin is a little Visual Basic 6.0 tool, integrated in the VB IDE to generate automatic documentation with VBDOX.
VBDOXAddin是一个小型的Visual Basic 6.0工具,可以集成到VB IDE 中,以便用VBDOX来自动生成文档。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/vbdoxaddin/ |
5. LaTeX Fr
- LaTeX Fr is a collection of LaTeX classes and documents which help and enhance the utilization of LaTeX in French. For example, it includes documents about auctex, emacs, and bibtex.
LaTex Fr是一套类和文档,可以帮助和加强法语中LaTex的使用。例如,它包含了有关auctex, emacs, and bibtex的文档。 |
6. Velocidoc
- The Velocidoc project was created to have an easy tool to generate documentation from Velocity VelociMacro files. It works much in the same way as JavaDoc and even allows for custom documentation generation via your own Texen control files and VM files.
Velocidoc这个项目旨在为从Velocity VelociMacro文件中生成文档而提供一个方便的工具。它的运行方式类似于JavaDoc ,支持通过自己的Texen 控制文件和VM文件来自定制文档的生成。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/velocidoc/ |
7. GPLify
- GPLify is a Perl script that adds notice of the GPL to a collection of source files. It can alternatively use a customized template file to put at the top of source files.
GPLify是一个Perl脚本,它把GPL注意事项添加到一个源文件的集合中。它能有选择地用一个已定制的模本文件把源文件放到顶端。 |
8. PDF Meta
- Tool to change the meta-information of PDF-Files stored in the /Info-Dictionary.
PDF Meta这个工具可以/Info目录下修改保存在PDF文件中的元信息。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdfchinfo/ |
9. JDiff - HTML report of API differences
- JDiff is a Javadoc doclet which emits an HTML report of all the packages, classes, methods, and so on, which are different (the "diff" part) when two Java APIs are compared. Great for reporting what has changed between two releases of your product.
JDiff 是一个Javadoc 工具,它可以生成所有的包、类、方法等的HTML报表,当两个Java API不相同时,报表中将会有不同的部分。这在你的产品中两次发行版本有不同时,可以生成很好的报表。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/javadiff/ |
10. GTK2 Text Editor
- GTK2 Text Editor is a simple text editor with Unicode support. It supports multi-level undo and right to left text. |
共有 13 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> |