源码搜索 |
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1. PicoLibre
- The aim of the PiCoLibre project is to develop a collaborative platform for developing software within an educational context. As a part of the PeCoVaLL project,. PiCoLibre implements the CoopX protocol, which allows it to interconnect with other software development platforms.
来源: http://freshmeat.net/projects/picolibre/?topic_id=30%2C55%2C71%2C89%2C243 |
2. TiLP - Ti Linking Program
- TiLP (formerly GtkTiLink) can transfer data between Texas Instruments scientific calculators and a computer/workstation. It works with all link cables (parallel, serial, Black/Gray/Silver Link) and it supports all calcs (TI73...92+,V200).
TiLP(以前的GtkTiLink)可以在Texas Instruments科学计算器和计算机/工作站之间转换数据。它可以支持所有类型的电缆(并行,串行,Black/Gray/Silver Link),也支持所有计算器(TI73...92+,V200)。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tilp/ |
3. LC2 ISA Simulator
- This project aims to implement an LC2 assembler and simulator for the Linux and Windows platforms.
LC2 ISA Simulator这个项目旨在为Linux和Windows平台实现一个LC2汇编器和模拟器。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/lc2sim/ |
4. GNOME Compris
- GCompris is a full featured education game for kids between 3 and 8. The game includes many different activities like teaching how to use a mouse and keybord, memory games, vector drawing, basic educational games, reading, algebra exerciser and more.
GCompris是一个适合3至8岁儿童玩的游戏软件,它通过许多活动来教小孩如何使用鼠标,键盘,内存游戏,失量图形,基本的教育游戏,阅读,代数运算等等。 |
5. RCXJavaC
- RCXJavaC A Java like compiler for the Lego Mindstorms Robotics kit.
RCXJavaC是用于Lego Mindstorms Robotics 工具包的一个类Java编译器。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/rcxjavac/ |
6. jMusic - Composition in Java
- As a library of classes for generating and manipulating music and sound, jMusic provides a solid framework for computer assisted composition in Java. jMusic has a music data structure based upon note/sound events and methods for modifying and structuring
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jmusic/ |
7. CODENAME: Monkey-Bots
- CODENAME: Monkey-Bots is an educational and entertaining multiplayer game for the GameBoy Advance.
CODENAME: Monkey-Bots是一个教学和娱乐的多人游戏GameBoy Advance。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cmbgame/ |
8. somLoad
- Runtime module (re)loader and (re)linker ( Educational purposes)
OpenGL based modular non-intrusive gui
Example applications ( an animal species simulator with fuzzy AI is included)
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/somload/ |
9. RCXDownload and RCXDirectMode
- A visual interface for leJOS. RCXDownload automatically sets the JDK-, leJOS- and ClassPaths, compiles the chosen Java-Source, shows the compiler messages and is able to link and load both, the compiled classes and the leJOS-firmware. RCXDirectMode.
RCXDownload and RCXDirectMode是leJOS的一个可视化接口。RCXDownload自动设置JDK-, leJOS-和ClassPath,编译选择的Java源代码,显示编译器消息,能够链接和加载被编译的类和leJOS固件和RCXDirectMode。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/rcxtools/ |
10. Linux Letters and Numbers
- This is a Linux replacement, for the windows game "Larry's Learning Letters and Numbers." It's a fun learning game, helping children learn their letters, numbers, and spelling. In addition, children get comfortable using a computer.
这是Windows游戏 "Larry's Learning Letters and Numbers"的Linux代替版本。它是在一个有趣的学习游戏,帮助孩子们学习字母、数字和拼写。此外,孩子们可以更舒适地使用计算机。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/lln/ |
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