源码搜索 |
共有 132 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14>
1. PhpUnit
- Provide a testing framework for PHP, similar to JUnit for Java.
PhpUnit为PHP提供了一个测试框架,类似于为Java提供的JUnit 。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpunit/ |
2. htmlArea
- WYSIWYG editor replacement for textarea formfields. Mozilla (any platform) and IE 5.5+ for Windows. Written in Javascript and works with any server-side software.
这是一个用于取代textarea 表单类型的WYSIWYG 编辑器。可以在Mozilla (任意平台)和Windows下的IE 5.5+中运行。用Javascript 编写,可以和服务器端的软件配合使用。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/itools-htmlarea/ |
3. C Cod
- About:
C Cod is an application that allows for a C source file to be "Compiled on Demand" prior to being executed. This allows C to be used like a scripting language. Also included is the CSP library which provides C Cod source files with a CGI scripting interface.
C Cod是一款应用软件,允许C源文件在被执行之前“自动编译”。这使得C可以像脚本语言一样被应用。CSP库也被包括,其提供带有CGI 脚本界面的C Cod源文件。
来源:http://freshmeat.net/projects/ccod/?branch_id=52289&release_id=169539 |
4. FlexMenu.Net
- The component is an dynamic menu building solution. It automatically detects and renders a tailored DHTML menu for Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 - 6, Netscape Navigator 4 – 7, Opera 5,6 and Mozilla/Gecko based browsers run on Windows, Mac and Linux.
FlexMenu.Net是一个动态菜单生成方案。它可以自动检测和读取一个漂亮的DHTML菜单,支持Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 - 6, Netscape Navigator 4 – 7, Opera 5,6 和基于 Mozilla/Gecko 的浏览器,可以在Windows, Mac 和 Linux下运行。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/flexmenunet/ |
5. flashnuke
- Flash-Nuke is a totally new web-portal, embedded inside a Flash movie (.swf). It is different from all other Nukes not only because it is 100% Macromedia Flash, but because it can improve security and cut loading times. It uses a .swf file as front
flashnuke是一个全新的Web门户,被嵌入在一个Flash movie (.swf)中。它不同于其它的Nukes,不仅是因为它是一个纯Macromedia Flash,更是因为它可以提高安全性,减少加载时间。它使用一个 .swf文件作为前台。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/flashnuke/ |
6. Speller Pages
- Speller Pages is a Web interface and JavaScript library for a server-side spell check program. Available in PHP or Perl/CGI versions, Speller Pages allows you to bring the superior spelling suggestion capabilites of GNU Aspell to users of your Web site.
Speller Pages是一个用于服务器端的拼写检查程序的Web接口和JavaScript 库。提供了PHP 或 Perl/CGI版本,Speller Pages 可以在你的Web站点的用户提供更加高级的GNU Aspell 拼写建议。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/spellerpages/ |
7. NMatrix
- In this project, we expect to build supporting libraries to develop applications on top, and as many open standards we can. Use tracker to request libraries and enhancements. Visit our home page at http://nmatrix.com.ar
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dotnetopensrc/ |
8. phptriad
- An installer of Apache, MySQL and PHP for Windows.
一个Windows上的Apache, MySQL 和 PHP的安装程序。
来源:http://sourceforge.net/projects/phptriad/ |
9. SPAuth
- SPAuth aims to be the simplest, yet most powerful web page authing system known to man. It is writen in PHP. FEATURES: * unlimited users & groups * only 1 line of code needed for basic authing. * only 4 lines of code for group access authing.
SPAuth 旨在成为简单而功能强大的Web页面创建系统。它是用PHP编写的。功能有:无限的用户和用户组,只需要一行代码就可以生成基本的功能,只需要4行代码就可以生成分组访问创建功能。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/spauth/ |
10. BigApache for Windows
- BigApache for Windows is a free Enterprise Ready Server. It is suitable for the semiprofessional use or for the program development of Html / PHP / Mysql / Perl / Python / ASP::Apache or Java projects (JBoss with Tomcat).
BigApache 在windows平台下是一个自由的企业级服务器。它适用与半专业人士和从事Html/PHP/Mysql/Perl/Python/ASP:Apache 或 java程序的开发人员(JBoss和Tomcat)。
来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bigapache/ |
共有 132 个源码项目.每页显示10条. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> |