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Natural Language :: English [删除该过滤器]
共有33个项目.每页显示20条.排序方式为:活动名次. <1> <2>
1. 商务信息群发助手 - 项目功能:1:把商务信息在极短时间内群发到全球重要商务论坛及BBS中,并实现邮件群发。
2:让“智能助理”在INTERNET中准确快速地搜索你所需要的情报。 | - Development Status: 4 - Beta [Filter]
- Environment: Win32 (MS Windows) [Filter]
- Intended Audience: End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License: GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language: English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System: Windows 95/98/2000 [Filter]
- Programming Language: C++ [Filter]
- Topic: Email [Filter]
完成百分比: 96.00 活动名次: 2.00 注册日期: 2002-11-17 15:08 |
2. MyICQ - MyICQ是一套公开源代码的即时通讯软件,包括服务器端和客户端,可以用于互联网或局域网中。可以运行在Windows或Linux(KDE/Qt)操作系统上。目前客户端程序的界面完全模仿腾讯的QQ。
总之,如果你崇尚自由,对QQ的越来越多的广告骚扰感到深恶痛绝的话,MyICQ绝对是你� | - Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable [Filter]
- Environment: Win32 (MS Windows) [Filter]
- Intended Audience: End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License: GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language: English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System: Windows [Filter] , Linux [Filter]
- Programming Language: C++ [Filter]
- Topic: Chat [Filter]
完成百分比: 92.00 活动名次: 3.00 注册日期: 2002-05-14 21:23 |
3. iTreeSurf - "小树 冲浪": 基于 "网际畅游 MyIE 3.2",是多窗口网络浏览器,支持多种文字界面。<br>
它是 "iTreeSoft" 开放源代码推广项目的一部分。
"iTreeSurf", based on "MyIE 3.2", is a lovely multi-language multi-window browser.<br>
It is a part of "iTr | |
完成百分比: 20.00 活动名次: 21.00 注册日期: 2002-06-10 13:56 |
4. 星际译霸微调版 - 星际译霸微调版,通过修改马苏安先生提供的源代码,增强星际译霸的可用性和美观。 | - Development Status: 1 - Planning [Filter]
- Environment: X11 Applications [Filter]
- Intended Audience: End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License: GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language: English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System: Linux [Filter]
- Programming Language: C [Filter]
- Topic: Education [Filter]
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-07-16 02:57 |
5. CCBSD1.0/FreeBSD4.4 - CCBSD与FreeBSD 100%兼容。CCBSD支持多进程,是真正的多用户、多任务网络服务器操作系统。CCBSD支持TCP/IP协议,可以承担所有流行的网络应用服务。CCBSD支持动态模块化外设驱动,可以方便地扩展系统可用外设。CCBSD采用先进的虚拟内存管理,可以在8M以上的机器中安装运行。C | - Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable [Filter]
- Intended Audience: Developers [Filter] , End Users/Desktop [Filter] , System Administrators [Filter]
- License: GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language: English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System: FreeBSD [Filter]
- Programming Language: C [Filter]
- Topic: System [Filter]
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-04-19 10:25 |
7. 用PHP实现的小型WEB BBS程序--CeBoard - It is a small web based Bulletin Board System(BBS) written in PHP(http://www.php.net/) and I call it CeBoard.
Now the basic futures have finished. You can see a demo at
http://ciao.d2.cz/bbs/ enjoy it~!
他的特� | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-04-14 22:10 |
8. Fantasy ICQ - This is an ICQ-like project that written by VC++. User can communicate each other by it. The main function including: Message sending & receiving, mail checking, file transferring, etc. | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-04-19 16:38 |
9. 密码防伪查询系统 - 现代加密技术与现代通信技术(TAPI语音电话,SMS手机短信息)结合实现产品密码保护防伪查询。及相关打喷印驱动程序支持。下载请直接到http://ming.3web.cz/ 或本站镜相fangwei.cosoft.org.cn | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2001-11-29 10:15 |
10. linux下中文字体管理器 - 主页地址在sourceforge.net/projects/fontmanager,这里只发布新闻,下载请到主页地址中。linux中文字体添加、删除工具。linux的显示和打印字体是分开的,所以在linux中增加一种字体很麻烦.本项目要简化linux中文字体的添加,只要指定ttf字体和字体名字,就自动安装好显示和打印 | - Development Status: 4 - Beta [Filter]
- Environment: Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience: End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License: GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language: English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System: Linux [Filter]
- Programming Language: C++ [Filter]
- Topic: Desktop Environment [Filter]
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-05-03 17:18 |
11. ServantX - A killer Linux file manager. | - Development Status: 1 - Planning [Filter]
- Environment: X11 Applications [Filter]
- Intended Audience: End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License: GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language: English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System: Linux [Filter]
- Programming Language: C++ [Filter]
- Topic: Filesystems [Filter]
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-05-21 00:51 |
13. Html2Xhtml - Xhtml升华器 | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-07-27 15:57 |
14. PHOME::CMS - PHOME::CMS is a oop content management system written in PHP with a database backend....
HomePage: <a href = http://www.phping.com>PHOME::CMS</a>
OR <a href = phome.cosoft.org.cn>phome.cosoft.org.cn</a> | - Development Status: 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment: Web Environment [Filter]
- Intended Audience: Developers [Filter] , End Users/Desktop [Filter] , System Administrators [Filter]
- License: GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language: English (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language: PHP [Filter]
- Topic: Site Management [Filter]
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-07-30 05:24 |
15. Mobile Dictionary - Mobile dictionary provide the dictionary applications on mobile equipment (mobile phone,PDA) and relative technology based on sourceforge webdict project | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-08-28 11:21 |
16. redftp - Windows下的简单ftp客户端程序,会有几种语言的版本:C++,java,python。主要是面向有以上语言基础和协议基础的已经入门的开发者。 | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-10-22 21:16 |
17. J2EE Application Server - 国内仅有两个应用服务器产品(TongWeb和Apusic),面对Bea Weblogic,Ibm Websphere,SilverStream,JRun,JBoss...等众多国外产品的挤压,显得多么势单力薄.应用服务器的安全问题,复杂程度,商业和研究价值决不亚于操作系统.所以我想通过这个项目,引起更多人士的重视和参与.从而不会� | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-08-11 14:25 |
18. iLog - Blog/Weblog system powered by Java technology. The software package include server-side and client-side.
Keywords: Blog, Blogger, WebLog, Java, J2EE, J2SE, J2ME | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-10-28 21:25 |
19. libnetNT - Libnet是用于构造网络包的API,LibnetNT是在Windows平台上的移植。(Libnet is a collection of routines to help with the construction and handling of network packets. It provides aportable framework for low-level network packet shaping, handling and injection.) | |
完成百分比: 0.00 活动名次: 0.00 注册日期: 2002-08-23 13:17 |
共有33个项目.每页显示20条.排序方式为:活动名次. <1> <2> |