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    共有 35 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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    1. ConferenceRoom - ConferenceRoom is a high-performance conferencing tool with web integration and web-based administration. ConferenceRoom is also compatible with IRC clients like mIRC. It includes sophisticated management features for large events.


    2. chat2irc - chat2irc is a program that allows you to connect and chat with someone on IRC without needing to know or use any IRC commands. This gives users who may have never used IRC, nor who want to take the time to learn it, another way to communicate with IRC users.


    3. BX+XMMS - BX+XMMS is a patch to the BitchX IRC client that allows BitchX to acts like a front end to XMMS. Applying this patch, your BX can change songs and volume, and shows to channels the songs you\'re listening to.
    BX+XMMS 是BitchX IRC客户端软件的一个补丁,它可以使BitchX 像XMMS的前端一样工作。通过这个补丁程序,你的BX能够变换曲目、调节音量,并且显示你正在欣赏的歌曲的播放通道。 

    4. Bocaza - Bocazas lets you connect to any IRC network and use all the IRC commands from a web page. It's intuitive and has funny graphics. It lets you have simultaneous public and private conversations, direct connect and send files between users, and plus supports several languages (Spanish, English, German, Italian, and Catala ).
    Bocazas可以使你登录到任何一个IRC网络,并且只需通过网页就可以使用IRC命令.这个软件是非常”人性化的”,有许多有趣的图片. 通过它,你可以同时和很多人对话,也可以和某个人私聊,并且可以直接和某人建立连接并发送文件,.除此之外, Bocazas还支持多国语言(西班牙语,英语,德语,意大利语,和加泰罗尼亚语. 

    5. AccessWatch - AccessWatch is a Web site traffic analyzer written entirely in Perl. Break down your web traffic by hosts, domains, countries, and view pageviews, hits, and unique hosts using a standard Web browser.



    6. qstat4eggdrop - This Eggdrop script will redirect the output of Qstat to IRC. Functions include listing servers, players and searching for players. Should work with all games that Qstat supports, like Quake, Unreal, Half-Life etc.

    这个Eggdrop脚本能够把Qstat的输出结果送到IRC。它的功能包括服务器列表、参加者和查找参加者。它能够用于所有的Qstat支持的游戏,诸如Quake, Unreal, Half-Life等等。 

    7. PircBot - PircBot is a Java framework for writing IRC bots quickly and easily. Its features include an event-driven architecture to handle common IRC events, flood protection, DCC support, ident support, and more. Its comprehensive logfile format is suitable for use with pisg to generate channel statistics. Full documentation is included, and the Web site contains a 5-minute step-by-step guide to making your first IRC bot.


    8. Pat's IRC bot - Pat's IRC bot is a new bot in early development.

    Pat's IRC是一个新出现的自动服务程序,还处于早期的开发阶段。 

    9. pastebot - Pastebot is an IRC bot that saves channels from large amounts of pasted material. Text is pasted into a Web form, and the bot (optionally) announces an URL where it can be read. Interested people can partake in the joy without the whole channel scrolling to hell.


    10. unace 1.2b - unace is a utility to extract, view, and test the contents of an ACE archive.

    共有 35 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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