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  • ffdshow
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  • JGraph
  • PoolMan
  • virtualdub-win
  • Air Traffic Controller
  • CppUnit
  • FCK editor
  • JFreeChart
  • Async Professional
    简 介:
    The Byte Code Engineering Library is intended to give users a convenient possibility to analyze, create, and manipulate (binary) Java class files (those ending with .class). Classes are represented by objects which contain all the symbolic information of the given class: methods, fields and byte code instructions, in particular.

    Such objects can be read from an existing file, be transformed by a program (e.g. a class loader at run-time) and dumped to a file again. An even more interesting application is the creation of classes from scratch at run-time. The Byte Code Engineering Library (BCEL) may be also useful if you want to learn about the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the format of Java .class files.

    BCEL is already being used successfully in several projects such as compilers, optimizers, obsfuscators, code generators and analysis tools.

    BCEL(Byte Code Engineering Library)旨在为用户提供一个方便的方法来分析、创建和处理(二进制)Java类文件(以.class结尾的文件名)。使用对象来代码类,包含了给定类的所有符号信息:方法、字段和字节码指令。
    可以从文件中读取这些对象,使用程序(如运行时的类加载器)进行转换,并可以再次转储为一个文件。更有趣的程序是在运行时重新创建类文件。Byte Code Engineering Library (BCEL)有助于你了解Java虚拟机(JVM)以及 .class的Java格式。BCEL 已经被成功地用于几个项目中,如编译器,优化器,混淆器,代码生成器和分析工具。
    来源: http://jakarta.apache.org/bcel/index.html
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    Robust Mutexes
    简 介:
    Robust Mutexes is an effort that steams out of
                  the OSDL\\\'s               \\\"http://osdl.org/lab_activities/carrier_grade_linux/\\\">Carrier
                  Grade Linux
    working group to provide Linux with full-POSIX compliant locking and synchronization primitives, as well as to provide important features needed by Telecom Equipment Manufactures that other vendors, such as
    Solaris, provide.
    In a nut-shell, this means priority inheritance, priority protection, complex deadlock detection,   real-time support and mutex robustness.

    Robust Mutexes源自于OSDL               \\\"http://osdl.org/lab_activities/carrier_grade_linux/\\\">Carrier
                  Grade Linux
    工作组为Linux提供的完全兼容POSIX的锁定和同步原语,以及Telecom Equipment Manufactures所需要的重要的由其它厂商(如Solaris)提供的功能。在一定程序上,这意味着优先权的继承性,优先权的保护,复杂死锁检测,实时支持和互斥锁定的健壮性。
    来源: http://developer.osdl.org/dev/robustmutexes/
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    简 介:
    An Eclipse plugin that enables Subversion support in the Eclipse IDE.

    Subclipse是一个Eclipse 插件,可以让Eclipse IDE支持Subversion 。
    来源: http://www.collab.net/developers/tools/
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    Beowulf Distributed Process Space (BProc
    简 介:
    The Beowulf Distributed Process Space (BProc) is a set of Linux kernel modifications for easy process management and remote process creation in Beowulf style clusters.

    Beowulf Distributed Process Space (BProc)这是一组对Linux内核的修改,用于在Beowulf 风格的集群中进行方便的进程管理和运程进程创建。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bproc
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    简 介:
    A free Subversion client implemented as pop-up menu items in Windows Explorer.

    TortoiseSVN是一个免费的Subversion 客户端,实现为Windows浏览器上的一个弹出式菜单的条目。
    来源: http://www.collab.net/developers/tools/
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    Release Notes for the Itanium? Architect
    简 介:
    Version 2.0 of the Itanium Architecture Dependency Violation Checking Library made the following improvements to Version 1.0:

    Implemented the new dependence semantic "stop" (DCO 511): a branch predicated with p63 and a subsequent mod-sched-br must be separated by a 'stop' .
    Two bugs were fixed - relevant to abstract mode only! Both are in the API DVLoc_validateAbstrInstr, used to check the correctness of an abstract instruction:
    The first bug incorrectly produced an DVLOC_ERR_WRONG_OPERANDS error on floating point load pair instructions (ldfp...).
    The second bug incorrectly produced an DVLOC_ERR_WRONG_OPERANDS error on the following instructions:
    mov pr = r2,mask17
    mov pr.rot = imm44
    mov r1 = pr
    mov itr.d dtr[r3] = r2

    2.0版本的Itanium Architecture Dependency Violation Checking Library对1.0版本进行了如下改进:
    实现了新的依赖语义"stop" (DCO 511):使用p63 谓词会出现分歧,必须用'stop' 来分离一个mod-sched-br 子序列。
    修复了两个错误-只与抽象模型相关!都是在DVLoc_validateAbstrInstr API中的错误,用于检查抽象指令的正确性:第一个错误是由于浮点运算加载对指令(ldfp...)引起的 DVLOC_ERR_WRONG_OPERANDS 错误。第二个错误是由于使用下列指令而引起的一个DVLOC_ERR_WRONG_OPERANDS错误:mov pr = r2,mask17
    mov pr.rot = imm44
    mov r1 = pr
    mov itr.d dtr[r3] = r2
    来源: http://www.intel.com/software/products/opensource/tools1/dvloc.htm
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    Fred Emmott's Linux kernel patches
    简 介:
    Fred Emmott's Linux kernel patches provide extra features for 2.6 kernels, such as Reiser4 support, grsecurity, and LIDS.

    Fred Emmott's Linux kernel patches为2.6的核心提供额外的功能,如:Reiser4支持,grsecurity和LIDS。

    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    简 介:
    Velocity is a Java-based template engine. It permits web page designers to reference methods defined in Java code. Web designers can work in parallel with Java programmers to develop web sites according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) model, meaning that web page designers can focus solely on creating a well-designed site, and programmers can focus solely on writing top-notch code. Velocity separates Java code from the web pages, making the web site more maintainable over the long run and providing a viable alternative to Java Server Pages (JSPs) or PHP.

    Velocity 是一个基于Java的模板引擎。它让Web页面设计人员可以参考定义在Java 代码中的方法。Web设计人员可以和Java程序员按照Model-View-Controller (MVC) 模型并行开发Web站点,也就是说Web页面设计人员只要将精力集中在创建一个良好设计的站点,程序员只要编写嵌入的代码。Velocity 将Java代码和Web页面相分离,使得Web站点长期具有更好的可维护性,针对Java Server Pages (JSPs) 和PHP提供了一种可行的替换方案。
    来源: http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity/index.html
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    简 介:
    Emerde is a port of Gentoo's portage system that installs, removes, updates, and maintains your system rapidly and easily. On Slackware, it cooperates with the package database and allows you to install .tgz files directly using dependency checking.


    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    Itanium? Architecture Assembly Language
    简 介:
    Software developers will develop applications using high-level programming languages and depend on Itanium compilers for optimization. However, when developers do need to program in assembly language, they should refer to the "Itanium Architecture Assembly Language Reference Guide." This document provides details on syntax and conventions used to write assembly language code conforming to the Itanium instructions.

    软件开发人员将使用高级编程语言来开发应用程序,并使用Itanium 编译器进行优化。然而,如果开发人员不需要用汇编语言进行编程,他们可以参考"Itanium Architecture Assembly Language Reference Guide."这个文档提供了有关编写符合Itanium 指令的汇编语言的语法和规范的细节。
    来源: http://www.intel.com/software/products/opensource/tools1/tol_whte2.htm
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

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