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  • ffdshow
  • jasperreports
  • JGraph
  • PoolMan
  • virtualdub-win
  • Air Traffic Controller
  • CppUnit
  • FCK editor
  • JFreeChart
  • Async Professional
    简 介:
    Praat is a computer program with which phoneticians can analyze, synthesize, and manipulate speech, and create high- quality pictures for articles and theses.


    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    Jakarta Tapestry
    简 介:
    Tapestry is a powerful, open-source, all-Java framework for creating leading edge web applications in Java.

    Tapestry reconceptualizes web application development in terms of objects, methods and properties instead of URLs and query parameters.

    Tapestry is an alternative to scripting environments such as JavaServer Pages or Velocity. Tapestry goes far further, providing a complete framework for creating extremely dynamic applications with minimal amounts of coding.

    Tapestry's approach, using a component object model similar to a traditional GUI, provides the following benefits:

    Very high level of reuse, within and between projects
    Everything in Tapestry is a reusable component
    Frees developers from writing boring, buggy code
    Code in terms of objects, methods and properties, not URLs and query parameters

    Jakarta Tapestry是一个强大的,开源的,完全Java的框架,用于用Java语言来创建领先的Web应用程序。
    Tapestry 按照对象、方法和属性,,而不是URL和查询参数对Web应用程序开发的概念进行了重新定义。
    Tapestry 可以取代脚本环境,如JavaServer Pages 和Velocity。Tapestry 的功能不只如此,它提供了一个完整的框架来以最少量的代码创建现代战争非常动态的应用程序。
    高度的可重用性,项目之中和项目之间的Tapestry 都是一个可重用的组件;

    来源: http://jakarta.apache.org/tapestry/index.html
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    简 介:
    The core of the Struts framework is a flexible control layer based on standard technologies like Java Servlets, JavaBeans, ResourceBundles, and XML, as well as various Jakarta Commons packages. Struts encourages application architectures based on the Model 2 approach, a variation of the classic Model-View-Controller (MVC) design paradigm.

    Struts provides its own Controller component and integrates with other technologies to provide the Model and the View. For the Model, Struts can interact with standard data access technologies, like JDBC and EJB, as well as most any third-party packages, like Hibernate, iBATIS, or Object Relational Bridge. For the View, Struts works well with JavaServer Pages, including JSTL and JSF, as well as Velocity Templates, XSLT, and other presentation systems.

    Struts框架的核心是在标准的技术,如 Java Servlets, JavaBeans, ResourceBundles, 和XML,以及各种Jakarta Commons 包的基础之上的一个灵活的控制层。Struts 鼓励按Model 2(经典的Model-View-Controller (MVC) 设计结构的一个变体)建立应用程序体系结构。
    Struts提供了它自己的控制器组件,和其它技术相集成来提供模型和视图。对于模型层,Struts可以和标准的数据访问技术交互,如 JDBC 和EJB,以及大多数第三方程序包,如Hibernate, iBATIS, 或Object Relational Bridge。对于视图层,Struts可以和JavaServer Pages良好地工作,包括 JSTL 和JSF,以及Velocity Templates, XSLT,还有其它的表示系统。
    来源: http://struts.apache.org/
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    Maverick MVC framework
    简 介:
    The Maverick MVC framework offers the ability to render views using JSP, the Velocity scripting language, or XSLT. Maverick is an MVC-type architecture, but it actually provides a view template mechanism. One neat feature of Maverick is that it can use reflection on JavaBeans in the presentation layer to create a DOM interface, so no XML generation or parsing is required. This allows for a little less clutter and probably better performance when using XSLT to generate the views. You can find more information on the Maverick framework at http://mav.sourceforge.net.

    Maverick MVC 框架提供了使用JSP, Velocity 脚本语言或XSLT来绘制视图。Maverick 是一个MVC类型的体系结构,但它实际上提供了一个视图模板机制。Maverick 的一个整洁的功能是可以在表示层中使用对JavaBeans 的reflection 机制来创建一个DOM接口,这样不需要XML生成或分析这一过程了。这样做不容易引起错误,尤其在使用XSLT来生成视图时可以取得更好的性能。你可以在http://mav.sourceforge.net获取有关Maverick框架的更加详细的信息。
    来源: http://mav.sourceforge.net
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    Jakarta Taglibs
    简 介:
    This project is an open-source repository for JSP custom tag libraries and associated projects, such as TagLibraryValidator classes and extensions to page-creation tools to support tag libraries. For a general description of Tag Libraries, please see JSP(tm) Tag Libraries.

    Jakarta Taglibs also hosts the development tree of the reference implementation (RI) for the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL). This implementation is done under project standard. Currently, no other tag libraries in Jakarta Taglibs represent Java Community Process (JCP) standards.

    Jakarta Taglibs 是为JSP定制标签库和相关的项目提供的一个开源仓库,如 TagLibraryValidator类,和对页面生成工具的扩展来支持标签库。要获取标签库的通用信息,请查看 JSP(tm) Tag Libraries。
    Jakarta Taglibs 也包括了对JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)的参考实现。这个实现基于项目标准。目前,在Jakarta Taglibs 中没有其它标签库代表了Java Community Process (JCP) 标准。
    来源: http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/index.html
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    简 介:
    LumaQQ 是一个独立的 Java QQ 客户端,具有可重用的纯Java核心和基于SWT的仿 QQ 界面。我们遵循GNU General Public License 许可证(简称GPL)发布。该条款的原文可见和 LumaQQ 源代码一同发布的 COPYING 文件。

    需要特别声明的是 LumaQQ 是以研究和学习为目的的,我们并没有违反 QQ 的版权许可的东西。一切的协议分析都是把 QQ 当作黑箱分析,我们所做的一切都遵循中华人民共和国《计算机软件保护条例》。

    来源: http://lumaqq.linuxsir.org/main/index.php
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    Jakarta Slide
    简 介:
    Slide is a content repository which can serve as a basis for a content management system / framework and other purposes. It features:
    Full WebDAV Support
    Basic DeltaV WebDAV Versioning Support
    Support for a variety of backend systems for storing the content including different databases and file system storage
    Transactions and Locking for data integrity
    Flexible control over permissions at a per file level via support for the WebDAV ACL
    DASL support for any backend, extensible for using backends search capabilities for higher scalability and less latency
    Binding support
    Simple installation as .war deployment
    'ready-to-run' binary distribution for Tomcat
    A fully featured WebDAV client library and command line client

    Jakarta Slide是一个内容库,它可以作为一个内容管理系统/框架或其它目的的基础。这的功能有:
    基本的 DeltaV WebDAV 版本化支持
    通过支持 WebDAV ACL 以获取对每个文件的灵活的许可控制
    DASL 支持任意的后台,使用后台搜索功能为更高级的扩展性和更少的响应时间进行扩展
    支持Tomcat 的'ready-to-run'二进制发布
    一个完全功能的WebDAV 客户端库和命令行客户端
    来源: http://jakarta.apache.org/slide/index.html
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    Highly Optimized Mathematical Functions
    简 介:
    Intel Corporation is providing Intel Itanium assembler source code to evaluate certain core mathematical support functions for the C and FORTRAN programming languages. The intent is that these should replace less optimized implementations that would normally be provided by the compiler or OS vendor. The functions work well on the Itanium 2 processor as well as the original Itanium processor.

    Intel公司提供了Intel Itanium 汇编器源代码来评价对C 和FORTRAN 编程语言中核心的数学函数的支持。其目的是它们可以减少由编译器或OS生产商对此进行的优化。这些函数可以在Itanium 2 和原先的Itanium 处理器上良好地运行。
    来源: http://www.intel.com/software/products/opensource/libraries/numnote1.htm
    分 类:
    Intel Open Source License

    简 介:
    Regexp is a 100% Pure Java Regular Expression package that was graciously donated to the Apache Software Foundation by Jonathan Locke. He originally wrote this software back in 1996 and it has stood up quite well to the test of time. It includes complete Javadoc documentation as well as a simple applet for visual debugging and testing suite for compatibility.

    Regexp是一个100% 纯Java规则表达式包,由Jonathan Locke慷慨的捐赠给了Apache Software Foundation 。他最初在1996年写了这个程序,经过相当长时间的测试。它包括了完整的Javadoc 文档,以及用于可视化调试的一个简单的applet 和兼容性测试套件。
    来源: http://jakarta.apache.org/regexp/index.html
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    Intel Itanium Processor Floating-Point S
    简 介:
    This document describes floating-point exceptions in the architecture and also provides specific details of floating-point software assistance exceptions. It is useful for operating system writers and other audiences interested in understanding the details of floating point exception handling in the Intel Itanium architecture.

    这个文档描述了体系结构中的浮点异常,也提供了有关浮点软件助手异常的特定细节信息。它可以帮助操作系统开发人员和其它对理解Intel Itanium 体系中浮点运算异常处理的细节的人员。
    来源: http://developer.intel.com/design/itanium/downloads/245415.htm
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

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