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  • ffdshow
  • jasperreports
  • JGraph
  • PoolMan
  • virtualdub-win
  • Air Traffic Controller
  • CppUnit
  • FCK editor
  • JFreeChart
  • Async Professional
    Linux InfiniBand Project
    简 介:
    The Linux InfiniBand Project is a collection of sub-projects focused around the common goal of providing the components needed to support an InfiniBand fabric, specifically for the Linux operating system. See Home Page for details.

    Linux InfiniBand Project这个项目是一套子项目集合,涉及了为支持InfiniBand 组织结构提供必要的组件,尤其为Linux操作系统。在主页查看细节信息。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/infiniband
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    简 介:
    StatRelief is a collection of scripts for downloading and displaying SourceForge and freshmeat project statistics. They are ideal if you spend too much time watching and repeatedly refreshing your projects' statistics pages when you have something better to do.


    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    简 介:
    MySites is a package that shows how to create a website with a dynamic navigation structure and templating. The template included in the MySites package is a general purpose text template, by which you can create pages which show articles. An article consists of a couple of paragraphs, links, pages, attachments and images. The user can manage the structure of the website and the template used for each page.

    MySites 这个包可以演示了如何创建一个带有动态导航结构和模板的Web站点。MySites 包中的模板是一个通用目的的文本模板,你可以用它创建显示文章的页面。一篇文章由一组段落、链接、页面、附件和图片组成。用户可以管理Web站点的结构,以及每个页面所使用的模板。
    来源: http://www.mmbase.org/development/packageview/index.jsp?main=bundle&id=MySites
    分 类:
    Mozilla Public License 1.0 (MPL)

    简 介:
    ACPI4Linux aims at integrating ACPI into the Linux kernel. ACPI (short for "Advanced Configuration and Power Interface") is a standard that defines power and configuration management interfaces between an operating system and the BIOS. It is meant to supersede the older APM standard (for power management) and provide a generic interface for recognition and configuration of hardware devices. See the section Documentation for further information.

    The project consists of two main groups, end-user support and development. The former was necessary since many hardware vendors are shipping their devices with bad firmware, which leads to lots of errors when trying to use ACPI on their systems.

    ACPI4Linux这个项目旨在将ACPI 集成到Linux内核中。ACPI 代表 "Advanced Configuration and Power Interface") 这个标准定义了操作系统和BIOS之间的电源和管理接口。它旨在取代旧的APM标准(用于电源管理),为硬件设备的识别和配置提供一个通用的接口。请查看相关文档以获取进一步的信息。
    来源: http://acpi.sourceforge.net/
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    简 介:
    JAutoCombo is an auto-complete combo box for Java applications. The control is easy to use and does not require writing any code. Place it in a container, and it will do the rest automatically.


    分 类:
    Other/Proprietary License

    简 介:
    MyMailform is a package that shows how to create a mailform by using the editwizards. The template included in the MyMailform package is a general purpose mailform, by which you can create pages with questions of different types like: checkboxes, radio buttons, textlines, textareas and dates. The user can group questions into items and can change the layout of the questions.

    MyMailform这个包演示了如何使用编辑向导来创建一个邮件表单。MyMailform 包中提供的模板是一个通用目的的邮件表单,通过它你可以创建不同类型的页面:复选框,单选按钮,文本框和大文本框,以及日期选择框。用户可以将问题分成组,并可以修改问题的布局。
    来源: http://www.mmbase.org/development/packageview/index.jsp?main=bundle&id=MyMailform
    分 类:
    Mozilla Public License 1.0 (MPL)

    Open Research Compiler for ItaniumTM Pro
    简 介:
    The objective of the Open Research Compiler (ORC) project is to provide a leading open source ItaniumTM Processor Family (IA-64) compiler infrastructure to the compiler and architecture research community. This project is a   collaboration between Intel Corp. and Chinese Academy of Sciences. We would like to provide a common infrastructure to encourage and facilitate compiler and architecture research. In the design of ORC, we stress on the following aspects: compatibility to other open source tools, robustness of the entire infrastructure, flexibility and modularity for quick prototyping of novel ideas, and leading performance among ItaniumTM Processor Family open source compilers.

    Open Research Compiler for ItaniumTM Processor Family这个项目的目的是为编译器和体系结构研究社区提供一个领先的开源ItaniumTM 处理器系列(IA-64) 的编译器基础结构。这个项目是一个Intel Corp 中国科学院合作的项目。我们将提供一个通用的基础结构来确保和方便编译器和体系结构的研究。在ORC的设计中上,我们强调了如下方面:兼容于其它的开源工具,基础结构整体的健壮性,灵活性和模块化以提供理想的原型,在ItaniumTM处理器系列的开源编译器中领先的性能。
    来源: http://ipf-orc.sourceforge.net/
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    简 介:
    UML2MMBase is a code generation tool that can be used to convert a UML model of the MMBase cloud into a basic MMBase application. UML2MMBase can greatly speed up development of MMBase applications while enforcing a well documented cloud model

    UML2MMBase 是一个代码生成工具,可以将MMBase 的UML模型转换为一个基本的MMBase 应用程序。UML2MMBase 可以很大地加速MMBase应用程序的开发,现时也增强了模型文档功能。
    来源: http://www.mmbase.org/development/packageview/index.jsp?main=bundle&id=uml2mmbase
    分 类:
    Mozilla Public License 1.0 (MPL)

    Linux Fault Injection Test Harness
    简 介:
    Highly Available (HA) systems respond gracefully to fault conditions and remain operational during unexpected software and hardware failures. Each layer of a the software stack on an HA system should be fault tolerant, producing acceptable output and results when encountering system, software and hardware faults (including faults that theoretically should not occur.)

    高可用性 (HA)系统可以对错误条件做出很好的响应,在遇到意外的软件和硬件错误时仍然可以保持运行。在HA系统上的每一层软件都是容错的,当遇到系统、软件、硬件错误(包括理论上不应该发生的错误)时,它可以生成可接受的输出结果。
    来源: http://fault-injection.sourceforge.net/
    分 类:
    GNU General Public License (GPL)

    简 介:
    MyShop is a package that shows an example of a shoppingcart in MMBase. You can manage products and productgroups with the editwizards. Keywords, discounts and detailed product information, like images and attachments, can be attached to the products. The completed orders are posted to an email account. The MyShop templates include a search page by which you can search products on text, keywords and productgroups.

    MyShop这个包显示了MMBase项目中的购物车的一个例子。你可以用编辑向导来管理产品和产品组。关键字,折扣,详细的产品信息,产品可以附加图片和附件。完整的订单可以发送到一个邮件帐户中。MyShop 模板提供了一个搜索页,你可以按文本、关健字和产品组来搜索产品。
    来源: http://www.mmbase.org/development/packageview/index.jsp?main=bundle&id=MyShop
    分 类:
    Mozilla Public License 1.0 (MPL)

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