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    This ASP page shows you how to display drives, subdirectories, and files on the host machine in the browser. When you select a file, it is opened as text (if possible) and displayed in the browser. If the file has an extension indicating it is an web file (e.g., .htm, .html, .asp) you have the option of opening it as text or rendering it in the browser. In addition, if the selected file has an .asp or .vbs extension and you choose to open it as text, line numbers are optionally displayed. This feature is particularly useful for debugging purposes.
    这个ASP页面向你展示了在主机的浏览器中如何显示驱动器,子目录和文件。当你选择一个文件时,它作为文本被打开并显示在浏览器中。如果这个文件有一个扩展名标志了它是一个web文件时(例如,.htm, .html, .asp),你须选择是作为文件打开它,还是在浏览器中显示它。另外,如果选择的文件有一个.asp或者 .vbs的扩展名,你要选择将它作为文本,随意显示的行数来打开。这个功能在调试时非常有用。
    来源: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=1139
    发布者: cbd001

    软件包 版本号 日期 本地下载
    AspBrowseDir  1.0  2003-12-05 下载

    原始下载连接(国外) http://www.freevbcode.com/code/AspBrowseDir.zip

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