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 Ultra Simple DB Class Interface for ODBC - 项目摘要
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    The ODBC API has a lot of power and flexibility, but sometimes you just want to get the data without all the effort. Hence, these simple class wrappers. In addition, from insulating you from having to bind buffers and or figure out data type widths and conversions, they have a fairly simple interface. They operate on the premise of dealing with everything as ASCII character data. Oversimplification? You be the judge. Let's get into what some sample code and see how easy it is to get to your data.

    简单灵巧的ODBC数据库类接口 (1.1 版)

    ODBC API 灵活且功能强大,但有时只是想获取数据,并不需要全部的功能。因此有了这些简单的类封装器。此外,这些类可以让你不必绑定缓存,以及配置数据类型的宽度和转换,所以它们的接口相当简单。它们运行的前提是将所有的数据都作为ASCII字符数据来处理。有点过度简化吗? 你是裁判。让我们看一下一些代码并看一下它是多么的容易的获取你的数据。
    来源: http://www.codeguru.com/mfc_database/sqlclasses.html
    来源: http://www.codeguru.com/mfc_database/sqlclasses.html
    发布者: cbd002

    软件包 版本号 日期 本地下载
    sqlclasses  1.0  2004-04-18 下载

    原始下载连接(国外) http://www.codeguru.com/code/legacy/mfc_database/sqlclasses_demo.zip

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